Chapter Sixty-Two

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I got back to the dorms and changed pretty much immediately into a large hoodie and the jeans I had gotten the day before, then found my boyfriends in Denki's room, playing Mariokart.

I flopped across both of their laps as they paused the game to say hi. "Hey, you're back," Eiji said cheerfully, then noticed that I was in a shitty mood. "You okay?" I shook my head, hugging his waist.

"He couldn't find the costume with the long sleeves," Denki explained. "Did something happen?"

"Mall Bitch," I sighed.

"Seriously? That's so unlucky, how did that even happen?" Eiji asked, starting to play with my hair.

"I dunno. She just sorta showed up while we were on patrol. Then she asked if Halfie was another boyfriend—which I made clear very quickly that he wasn't—and asked if I was totally shameless for showing off my scars like that and being all bitchy about shit," I explained. "For once in my life, I'm glad that Endeavor was there the whole time, because I would've committed murder if he hadn't scared her off."

"Mall Bitch reminds me of my egg donor," Denki grumbled, suddenly uncharacteristically blue. "I wish I could yell at her some more."

"Which one?" Eiji asked him.

"Mall Bitch. My mom probably wouldn't have noticed if I tried to yell at her," Denki shrugged. "But you didn't let her get to you, right? Mall Bitch, I mean."

"Tried not to," I said.

"You didn't blow her up."

"I didn't." Despite the fact that I was freshly insecure about pretty much everything, I couldn't help but at least feel a little proud that I actually hadn't yelled at her, or snapped, or anything.

Still, my brain refused to let me feel any sort of triumph. "I know you said I was still scary the first time with Rape Grape, but did I really lose all that?" I asked.

"I wouldn't say so. That woman is just a psychopath looking for a fight," Eiji said. "Besides, she knew you couldn't hurt her, and that probably inflated her ego like, ten times as big as it should've been."

"And besides—" Denki started, but I interrupted him.

"Don't just say that I still scare you to make me feel better, it's never really funny the second time," I mumbled.

"Well, actually, I was going to suggest that if there's a next time, it probably wouldn't hurt to at least do the little crackleys that you do sometimes," he replied, flicking my arm.

"Oh. I mean, I guess. But then she probably would've said something like, 'heroes shouldn't be trying to scare the people they're supposed to be protecting,' yadda yadda, 'I'm better than you,' yadda yadda.

"Well, fuck, Kat, I'm trying here," Denki pouted, and I laughed.

"Sorry. It's just frustrating and I need a distraction," I admitted.

"Wanna play with us?" Eiji asked, pointing at the Wii, recalling the game he and Denki had been in the middle of.

"That sounds perfect," I said, sitting up so that Denki could get up and grab me a remote, then realized that I didn't actually know how to play Mariokart. "Could one of you guys tell me how to actually..."

"You mean to tell me you're a total amateur? Shameful," the electric boy shook his head, tsking at how uncultured I was.

"Shut up, do I look like the type of person who usually wastes time with video games?" I pointed out, and they shrugged.

"Valid excuse. While we were playing video games, you were busy getting jacked as fuck," Denki agreed.

"I—well, yeah," I admitted. "I worked out a lot, I guess. I didn't have a backup plan in case I didn't get into U.A. so I figured I had to get into U.A. You know?"

"Makes sense. I'm amazed I got in at all, I'm an idiot," Denks laughed, plopping down next to me.

"Eh, academically. But there's more to being smart than that," Eiji pointed out. "There's no reason why you shouldn't be here."

Yeah, you keep saving me. "So how does the remote work?"

"I said not to go easy on me," I complained, somehow having won three whole games in a row.

"We aren't," Eiji replied, dying in a fit of giggles.

"Oh, come on. You guys are both masters at this game. I've never touched a controller in my life. I know I'm the best, but this is just plain unrealistic," I huffed.

"Fine, fine. One more game?" Denki asked.

"Maybe after we eat something. Are you guys hungry?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Not really," Eiji shrugged.

"Me neither. Oh, hey, didn't you wanna look for your winter costume?" Denki answered. I thought for a second.

"Oh, yeah," I recalled our conversation earlier.

"It's not in your room?" Eiji asked, and I shrugged.

"I couldn't find it. Let's check it again anyway, I might've missed something."


Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now