Chapter Sixteen

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"Okay... Kacchan and I have known each other since forever, I'm an über kinky bottom, and All Might once said he'd adopt me," Midoriya said once we were all in the circle. Well, I was still on the couch. Don't give it away, don't give it away, don't give it away—

"Midoriya's dad is already All Might, he doesn't need to adopt," said Todoroki.

"Yeah, no matter how much they get along, I really doubt he'd ever actually adopt Midoriya," Ojiro agreed.

"'Since forever' is not an accurate portrayal of time. Therefore the first one is the lie," Iida reasoned. I snorted. I mean, he wasn't wrong...?

"I feel like Deku's too innocent to be that freaky of a bottom," Jiro added.

"I think Jiro's right," I said. "Second one's the lie."

"What about you, Bakugo, what's your vote? You'd definitely know the answer to that," Uraraka pointed out.

"Yeah, two of them have to do with you."

"Then he'll give it away, though, that defeats the whole purpose," Mido pointed out.

So everyone voted on Midoriya's choices. All the while, Bakugo was doing a surprisingly good job of not giving away the answer.

"So the second one was the lie," Midoriya nodded. Bakugo sighed, and the people who'd gotten it right cheered. "...because I'm an über kinky top."

"Wait—" Uraraka choked on her spit.

"That soft lil' floof is literally meaner than I am," Bakugo grumbled.

Deku giggled and then leveled a straight-up glare at Bakugo, who blushed a little. "Don't push it, Kacchan." Then he said, "Let's play truth or dare!"

"But we just started this game..." Hagakure sighed. After all, she had suggested two truths and a lie.

"Yeah, but I'm low-key curious as to where this is going," Shoji muttered to Tokoyami, who nodded.

"I agree. It would be rather entertaining to see what happens," the raven agreed.

"Guys no..." Bakugo started, but gave up on that soon enough.

Just as we were about to start the new game called "embarrass Bakugo" we heard the door open.

In came Mirio, Amajiki, and Nejire. "Hey, guys!" the ever-bubbly Nejire started. "Heard there was a party going on here."

"Your teacher told us to tell you not to corrupt Shinso," Amajiki explained quietly.

"But see, what if we want to?" Uraraka pointed out.

"Especially not," Mirio said, a grin growing on his face. "Unless... we get to play!"

"What? No—" Amajiki started to refuse, but was pulled into by the circle by the blonde and into his lap.

"What're we doing?" Mirio asked innocently.

"Embarrassing Bakugo," I explained.

"That's mean," Amajiki mumbled.

"That's one vote in my favor," the normally explosive teen sighed.

"You seem different," the ravenette pointed out.

"He's just nervous," Midoriya shrugged.

"Why? I've never met him, because I think he was on house arrest, but didn't Aizawa-sensei say he's the scary one?" Amajiki pointed out.

"I am the scary one," he grumbled, but Deku giggled, licking his lips a little.

"You wish. So, we're playing truth or dare."

I almost felt bad for my bro. But then I realized that he hadn't actually gotten mad about anything. Was he...

There's no way he's enjoying this.

"Okay!" I spoke up. "Who wants to go first?"

"Kacchan should—" Deku started to say, but Mina popped in.

"How 'bout Shinso goes first? Truth or dare?"

"Uh... dare?" he said uncertainly.

"Okay... I dare you... to prank call Monoma and ask him for a roll of duct tape," she decided.

"M'kay." He pulled out his phone and called his fuck buddy's phone number (it was hardly a secret). A moment later, he picked up. "Oh, hey, Neito," Shinso started. "Do you have a roll of duct tape?...Don't worry about it...No, I didn't kidnap anyone...Yes, I'm at the 1-A dorm, where else would I be?...No, no one's laughing (we were trying not to die)...You'll find out later then. Only if you're good." Then he hung up, and smiled a little when he saw how hard most of us were laughing. "Okay, I guess I gotta ask someone else now. Hmm... Kaminari, truth or dare?"

"Dare, bro," Denki sat up excitedly.

"Uh..." Shinso looked around the room. "Lick the outlet."

"Been there, done that," he shrugged, getting up.

"Why?" I asked.

"Dunno. Got bored." He got into all fours and stuck his tongue right into the outlet. While I probably would've died, he just sorta sat there. "Hah ong?" (How long?)

"Guess that's fine," Shinso shrugged. Denki got back up and plopped down on the floor at my feet. He looked straight up at me. "Ei, truth or dare?"

"Er... truth? No one's done that yet," I thought aloud.

"A'ight, bro. What's your favorite mystery of the universe?"

"Uh... you mean like, those thoughts that keep you up at night? I've got a ton of those! Hmm... spoons are tiny bowls on sticks. And putting a hole in a net creates fewer holes in the net. And what would happen if you put your hand in Hagakure's mouth, hypothetically? Like, what would you see?"

"Anyone wanna find out?" she asked all of a sudden.

"You're surprisingly willing," Momo observed, smiling a little.

"I'll do it," M*neta said immediately.

"Anyone who's only doing it for the sake of science?"

"I'm doing it for the sake of biology," the grape smiled derpily, and Mirio spoke up.

"Now I think I know who exactly we're here to restrain," he sighed.

"Ooh! Can Nejire do it?"

"Ew, gross. No. Mirio!" She poked his arm.

"Yeah, yeah. You guys carry on, I'll be back in a sec."

"But separation anxiety," Amajiki mumbled.

"Then come with me," Mirio laughed.

"But grape."

"Fair enough. Just give me a moment."

So while M*neta was being taken care of, Amajiki sat down next to me because he was apparently also comfortable with me. Must protecc. That was nice.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now