Chapter Nine

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No more than ten minutes later, we were all walking down the hallway together to Mina's room.

"What'd you wanna play?" she asked, practically bouncing up and down.

"Excited, huh?" Sero laughed.

"I guess. We haven't gotten to hang out with Bakugo recently at all!" she pointed out, and Bakugo scratched the back of his neck.

"What, not gonna answer?" Denki teased him.

Bakugo just muttered, "Sore throat."

I was sure the rest of us boys knew exactly what he meant, though, since he'd literally come to us last night to escape Midoriya's wrath. And it hadn't even worked.

They just shrugged it off, though, so I think either they didn't remember much of last night or just didn't care.

"So what are we gonna do? Spin the bottle? Seven minutes?" Denki, Bakugo and I all looked at her like, no.

"Mina, you're well aware that I'm not about to kiss anyone right now," I scratched the back of my neck.

"Deku will destroy me if I kiss anyone else," Bakugo said hoarsely.

"What's the worst he could do?" Mina shrugged as Bakugo looked at her like she just crawled out of Area 51. "C'mon, you guys are no fun."

"I'll do it?" Sero said uncertainly. She grinned.

"Traitor," Bakugo whispered.

"Still pretty sure we're out-voting you, Mina," Denki looked at us.

"Ugh. Fine. Guess I'll have to make my own fun," she sighed melodramatically, a smirk growing on her face.

I think I only realized what was going on after there was a dagger lodged between my ribs.



I stumbled backwards, looking back up at Mina, whose face, I realized, wasn't her own. "It's Toga," I grunted, coughing into my elbow. When I opened my eyes, there was blood on my skin. "Nghh, fuck," I groaned.

"Not very manly of you," the blonde bitch giggled as I coughed again, doubling over. She was still wearing my friend's body.

"Where's Mina?" Sero growled as Denki rushed over to me, pulling me back up.

"Six feet under, six feet under," she sang, twirling a second knife on her finger. "It's a good thing that one can hardly move," she pointed the blade haphazardly at Bakugo, whose breath caught. A second later, an explosion sent her flying back. Denki held me up and muttered, "Let's go now, before she gets up. You're gonna lose too much blood to fight, and we should tell the teachers that she's here."

"She did something to Mina, I can't let her hurt anyone else—" I started to say, but I was already coughing harder and harder and hardly managed to finish the sentence. He just met my eyes and I could tell that he wasn't about to let me go back at her. "If she could get in, that means the rest of the League could, too. We need to tell the teachers now, before the villains can get a jump on them."

I sighed, knowing he was right anyway. He was helping me walk away just as the rest of our classmates rushed over. They must've heard the explosion.

"What's going on?" Midoriya skidded next to us.

"The League's here," I choked out.

"We're going to warn the teachers now. You guys take on Toga—" Denki gasped in pain, freezing for a moment.

"What—" I started to ask. I couldn't see all of him.

Denki ignored the question and instead glared back at the rest of the class, who I also couldn't see. "Nothing, it's fine," he answered, smiling back at me.

"Kaminari—" Midoriya started to say, but Denki just gave him a look (which I still couldn't see) and Midoriya steeled himself. "Fine. Get down there fast." Then he turned to the rest of the class. "You heard him. We can take her."

We walked away as the fight seemed to resume.

We got out of the door moments later, making our way out of the dorms soon enough. He paused again outside of the front door, breathing heavily.

"Denks?" I asked.

"It's fine," he just shook his head and continued to carry me down the path. "We're almost to the school," he said.


We were just at the front door of school when Denki had to stop again. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he growled at himself. "Move, dammit," he cried, falling to his knees.

"Denki!" I gasped out, collapsing under him. I twisted so that I could see him whole; two knives were protruding from his back, dangerously close to his spine. "Oh, Denki, no, no," I tried to sit up, but I couldn't really move, especially not with him on top of me. Dammit, what could I do?

"I'm sorry... Ei..." he choked out.

"Fuck, stay with me," I pleaded. "Help! Help, someone, please!" I screamed.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now