Chapter Sixty-Four

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"No way," Denki said wide-eyes when I told him. "Dabi never mentioned siblings. And he was really convincing when it came to talking about burning down U.A," he added, mumbling the last part.

"I mean, even Toga thought she had killed him. So I don't blame you," I shrugged. "Anyway, I'm supposed to tell people that it's safe now."

"We'll go with you this time," Eiji laughed. I nodded, opening the door for them to come out.

"Like, door-to-door, or..." Denki asked. I shrugged.

"I was gonna just scream some shit but Rape Grape is still here and I really don't want him to know that it's safe," I explained.

"That's not very heroic," Eiji raised an eyebrow.

"Neither is he, so I don't see the problem," I pointed out, and after some evaluation, he shrugged. "Door-to-door," I reaffirmed.

So we went around the dorms, telling everyone individually that it was, in fact, safe to come out.

"Huh, that was fast," was Invisibitch's reaction. That was about it.

"What did they want with you? Who was it? Are you okay?" was Angel Cheeks.

"Shut up, Round Face," I had to push her off of me, and damn, she hugged tight. "I'm just here 'cuz Aizawa said to tell you all it was safe, dammit, I don't hafta—"

"We'll explain later, Uraraka," Eiji relented, finally succeeding in pulling her off of my body. She pouted, but I moved on before either of my boyfriends had the time to feel bad for her.

I heard a crash in the opposite direction and had to stifle my laughter; that was M*neta's room. I really hoped he was panicking right now. Unfortunately, his door came open and he came out of his perverted cave of solitude.

"Hey, you guys aren't supposed to be out of your rooms, the villains are gonna murder us all," he wailed.

I rolled my eyes. "Grow a pair, dingbat, it's safe now and everything's under control."

"And you didn't tell me? That's like, a hate crime!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Your entire existence is a hate crime. And we're going around, we may or may not have gotten to you eventually. Last, maybe, but eventually. Now shut the hell up, you're acting pathetic," I shook my head, sighing.

"Hey, you're one to talk about acting pathetic!"

"The circumstances were different," I scowled. "Anyway, fuck off, I have stuff to do." I turned around to go to the next floor to, y'know, do what my teacher had asked me to.

"I thought that the stuff did you," he insisted upon asking for murder, so I figured I should oblige when Eiji just grabbed my shirt collar and tugged on it, telling me to calm down. I probably would've listened, but M*neta just had to keep talking. "You know, 'stuff' being a psychopath who slipped under your nose and completely destroyed your entire being and your only chance at a real relationship with the kid you've been in love with for years."

"Let me murder him," I begged Kirishima, who sighed and let go of me.

"Since when do you ask my permission for stuff?" he tilted his head. "This seems justified, right? So long as someone gets Aizawa before he actually dies."

Shinso POV:

I heard a loud explosion while I was sitting in my room. I hope Bakugo's okay, he went to talk to Dabi alone. Well, he'll be fine, he's got Midnight, Dad, and Papa. They won't let 'im get hurt.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now