Chapter Thirty-Three

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We got to the common room without being spotted together. That was nice. Now, for the one challenge of getting through it inconspicuously to find a person who might not even be there.

"Do you think Aizawa's at the main building?" I asked quietly, only to hear his voice next to me.

"What do you need me for?" I whipped around so quickly that I could swear I broke a vertebra or two. Instead of Aizawa, it was Shinso with his voice changing mask. Apologetically, he took it off, laughing a little. "Sorry for startling you. It just gets a bit boring around here. So what do you guys need Aizawa for?"

"Uh, we just need to talk to him. Do you happen to know where he is?" 'Suki asked.

"Yeah, pretty sure he's in the cafeteria, he said something about lunch like, half an hour ago when he was here," he said. Then he seemed to remember something. "Hey, uh, Midoriya was looking for you this morning, practically screamed it down the hall. Do you want me to let him know you're fine?"

"Eh, no, he knows I'm okay. Actually, whatever you do, don't tell them I'm with these dorks," he motioned to us. He glanced over Shinso's shoulder to see if Midoriya was anywhere in the room, his search being (thankfully) fruitless.

"Oh yeah, he thought Blasty was cheating with us. He'd be  p i s s e d  if he saw us three together," Denki cut in. "Thanks for letting us know where Aizawa is, though, we really appreciate it!"

"Oh, no problem. You might wanna get out of here soon, Midoriya just went to the bathroom and he's bound to be back any second," Shinso advised.

"Thanks. Just... cover for me, 'kay?" 'Suki asked as we made our way to the door. I got the feeling that we'd really only confused him, but he nodded back just as we got out of the building.

"Aizawa-sensei!" I rushed straight to our teacher as soon as I saw him. He was having lunch with All Might, Present Mic, and Midnight. What an iconic squad, really. No brain, not the time.

"Kirishima? And Bakugo and Kaminari? What are you three doing here?" he asked.

"We were looking for you," said 'Suki, a little out of breath. "Ah, shit, this is gonna be a difficult conversation."

"What do you mean, young Bakugo?" asked All Might.

"You... are not going to want to believe any of this. It's really, really bad. Maybe we should go someplace else," he said quietly. The four teachers glanced at each other a little warily, then nodded.

We followed them to the staff room, the same spot where we often saw Midoriya go to talk to All Might privately. Oh man, they were really close, weren't they? This would be a hard conversation.

Once all of us were seated together, albeit very uncomfortably, All Might spoke first.

"So what was it that brought you three here? Is it about..." he and 'Suki exchanged a glance, and I got the feeling that they shared a secret. 'Suki nodded.

"Sort of," he mumbled.

"So shouldn't young Midoriya be here, then, if it's about his quirk?"

The three of us quickly shook our heads. "All Might, it's just that. You... it shouldn't have been him. Deku's... his do I begin to phrase it to you?"

"What are you saying, Bakugo? What's going on?" asked Aizawa.

"Yeah, what's up with Midoriya's quirk? I know he's your favorite because your quirks are so similar," Mic added.

"We need to explain it," 'Suki prompted.

"Why do you say that Midoriya was the wrong person?" All Might crossed his arms, ignoring the other teachers. Denki and I were as confused as the teachers.

"Because. He's the traitor," 'Suki said quietly. "I know you don't want to believe me," he added, a bit louder, now that All Might looked like he was about to protest. "I know. I said you wouldn't, right? But I wouldn't lie about this, do you think that I of all people would make a joke out of it?"

He made a good point. Not only had he been the most affected by the summer camp attack (considering he'd been kidnapped) but he clearly knew something important about Midoriya that he wouldn't tell anyone, even us.

All the teachers seemed to be at a loss for words. Finally, Aizawa asked quietly, "How do you know?"

"Because he told me. About a week ago. I should've said something sooner, I know," he replied.

"And he told you because...?" the ever-monotonous teacher prompted.

"Well, we're technically dating. Through that bond, he's been slowly getting revenge on me. For all the shit I did when we were younger. I only really let it get to me when he told me about this, though," 'Suki took a deep breath before continuing. "That he had joined up with the League all because I ended up pushing him over the edge. That he and Shigaraki are going to do something... something to the school. He even admitted to killing Dabi and helping in the others in preparation for that last attack."

"Young Midoriya..." All Might whispered. "I can't believe it. I couldn't..."

"I'm sorry, All Might," 'Suki all but whispered.

"Don't apologize, Bakugo," Aizawa said as if by instinct.

"Midoriya's been pinning the blame for everything that's happened in the past few weeks on him," I explained.

"Not to mention, he's hurt him in a lot of other ways, too," Denki added.

"Which we aren't going into right now," 'Suki said quickly. "We would be here all day. The point is, we came to warn you about the thing that Deku's gonna do with Shigaraki to the school. We don't know what we're looking out for and we don't know when it's gonna happen. All he told me was that it would be soon."

"And he told you this a week ago?" Aizawa asked. 'Suki nodded.

"He really ran you for a loop, huh?" Mic sighed. "I don't think I've ever heard you apologize once."

"It is difficult to imagine Midoriya hurting... anyone, actually," Midnight admitted. "Well, thank you for telling us about this. We're definitely thankful."

"You gonna be okay, All Might?" Mic asked, and the retired hero slowly nodded.

"Yes. It's just difficult to wrap my head around it. But I believe you, young Bakugo, every word. You're not one to point fingers without reason."

"Hang on, you mentioned that you're dating him. In the present tense," Midnight started.


"I know it's a lot to ask of you, but would you consider going back to him and acting as a bit of a spy to get anything else out of him? More details about his and Shigaraki's plan," she suggested. 'Suki started tapping his fingers together again.

"Only if I really, really have to," he said quietly. I didn't want to interrupt, but at the same time, I just wanted to cut in and say it was never gonna happen.

"You might be the only chance of getting any of that information," she pointed out.

"I severely doubt I could get anything out of him. He's really pissed at me right now. And he thinks I'm cheating on him with these guys," he admitted. Midnight sighed. "Besides, even when he had his full trust in me, he wouldn't tell me everything. Like I said, all he would tell me was that it would be soon."

"So there's no way of finding it out?"

"I don't think so. He might've told me eventually, but I got away from him... last night? Barely. And he's looking for me. He's... he wouldn't be fun to go back to, I can promise you that," he sighed, running a hand through rid hair. "Honestly, the chances are higher that the little bastard will actually kill me than tell me anything, and he's not gonna kill me because he wants me to watch him do whatever it is he's doing. From a fucking... front row seat."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now