Chapter Thirty-Nine

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We were all silent. For awhile, 'Suki just sort of sat on the ground. He hadn't even cried for all that long; he just sat there. We didn't want to move for fear that the floor might shatter and we would all fall through.

Finally, Uraraka mumbled something that none of us could hear. Tsuyu asked her to repeat it. "I can't believe I ever wanted to be like him."

"He really did help me through a lot," said Todoroki.

"It couldn't have all been fake," said Iida. "There's no way it was all fake."

I bit my lip. "He was so distraught and so real when we were saving Eri. I still can't believe it. And hell, I..."

"Whoever that was, I really hate him, don't get me wrong," Sero said. "But I genuinely don't think that anyone like Midoriya could do that."

"So what, you think that was Toga again? She's really fucking with this class, isn't she?" Uraraka asked.

"I don't think we could rightly call it a best-case scenario, but if that is Toga, that means Midoriya is in deep shit," Denki said.

I recalled something that 'Suki had said. "You said that all the time that you and Deku were together, he never used his quirk once." He nodded.

"I-if that really was Toga, that at least means that Deku's alive," 'Suki started shakily. "She had to get his b-blood from somewhere. I don't know if that's w-worse, to be honest. He could've been gone ever since it... got b-bad. Or it could've all been him and I'm just fucking delusional..." he tugged at his sleeves, and got a distant look in his eyes.

"We should know by tomorrow, right?" I asked. "If we keep whoever this is contained long enough, then either they transform or they don't."

"If Toga escaped prison, we would've heard about it," M*neta spoke up.

"Maybe not. She's supposedly there with Twice, remember? He can keep clones so long as they don't get too damaged," Iida refuted.

"So there's a chance that none of it was even Midoriya?" I asked to clarify.

"Recently he's been leaving me alone for short periods at a time. The past few weeks," 'Suki continued. "It makes sense now that I think about it. Especially the fucking obsession with knives... probably should've caught on sooner."

"Knives. And you never fought them when they pulled out fucking knives?" Todoroki asked disbelievingly.

"Shut the fuck up, I still thought I deserved it! There's just so much wrong with all of it. If any of this is true, then I've been letting Toga of all people do so much shit to me that you don't even want to think about and I thought that it was Deku going insane and just getting revenge because I was a shitty human being throughout our entire childhood! You weren't there, so don't ask me why I let them do anything to me. All I care about now is getting your sorry ass out of the school before it gets blown to hell. That much I'm sure is going to happen."

"Speaking of which, Denks, why did you say that specifically? You said something like..." I started, trying to remember how he'd phrased it.

He repeated it for me. "I doubt anything's gonna happen soon either, but it's not like the school's gonna blow up." Denki shrugged, sighing. "I've been theorizing ever since Blasty said there was something bad going on designed to hurt him specifically. I was grasping for straws. Trying to think of what the worst thing they could do to the school would be. What the worst thing they could do to Blasty would be. Take something that he prides himself on—explosions—and use that very thing to obliterate this place until there was no evidence it even existed."

"You actually thought that through, huh?" Jiro tilted her head, impressed.

"Come on, it was a lucky guess with a little logic behind it! My grades might not be great, but I'm not stupid," he grumbled, cracking his knuckles. "What none of us seem to have figured out is exactly when though."

"If that's the case, then Bakugo is right," said Momo. "We should just get out so that we're safe."

"But they'll know that I told you to get out. I'm sure..." 'Suki countered. "I'm sure that you all have time to get out if you leave now. That's not what I'm scared of." He finally got back up. "They're sure this is gonna destroy me, yet they're giving everyone an easy chance to get out safe. That means there's something else here that's bound to hurt more. I think you guys are right, as crazy as it seems," he shook his shoulders out. "And that's why I hate myself even more. Because I think that Deku's still at UA."

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