Chapter Fifty-Seven

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A/N: if something is underlined, it's Deku w/ Kacchan translating. Just gonna put that out there.

It was evening. We had gotten through another day of classes and gone over to the hospital again to catch Midoriya up with classes. We didn't want him to fall behind.

"Thanks for being here, guys. I appreciate it a lot. But you don't have to."

"It's no problem, Mido," I reassured him. "And hey, I had this great idea this morning, that when you get back from the hospital, we should all totally go to the mall together as a class again and bring Mina, too! Especially since she didn't get to come last time."

"That sounds like it would be fun. I'm just not sure how long I'll be out of school. I heard some doctors talking about sending me to a rehabilitation place."

"Oh," I said plainly, my face falling.

"If it were up to me, I would've been gone from this place awhile ago. Physically, I'm okay. They just don't want to send me back in my mental state."

"I guess that makes sense," I smiled sadly. "If you're gonna come back, it wouldn't make sense if you're not feeling like yourself."

There was a pause. "Are the three of you happy? Kacchan told me the three of you all like each other very much."

I glanced at both of them, then all of us nodded. "We are. I, uh," I laughed half-heartedly. "I don't really know what to say on that. You probably don't want an apology."

"Don't apologize, Kirishima, I understand. It's getting late, though." He paused again. "Please don't bother to come back if it's just to help me with school. I know Kacchan and All Might want me to keep trying to be a hero, but I don't think I can go back into the hero course."

"Oh, r-right. I guess... well, we're all going to miss you. We already do. Goodbye, Midoriya," I said, standing up stiffly. "You're right, it is pretty late."

"Goodbye, Kirishima. Goodbye, Kaminari. Goodbye, Kacchan. Could you tell everyone else that I'm going to miss them, too?" he asked, and we all nodded.

"Of course. Well, get better, buddy. See you sometime soon, okay?"

"Yes. Soon," he said, nodding. His eyes were watering. Why did the whole visit feel like we were talking to someone on their deathbed?

Just as we were about to leave the room, 'Suki froze, then turned back around to say something to Midoriya. "Look, I don't know when I'm gonna get to see you again," he started awkwardly. We stopped in the doorway to let him finish, sending this would take a little bit of time. "I uh, well, you've always been there for me, even if I pushed you away almost the whole time. I did have a crush on you for awhile and I guess I didn't know how to deal with it. That's hardly an excuse for being such an ass," he laughed, shaking his head. "And don't take this the wrong way, since I don't think I could ever really date you again but... I love you, Deku. And I can't lose you now. So stay strong for me, 'kay?" The greenette nodded, smiling sadly. 'Suki ruffled his hair, then turned back around to leave with us.

When we got back to the dorms, a couple of people immediately jumped on us for an update.

"Is he coming back soon?" Uraraka asked, and I shook my head.

"Guys, calm down first?" I asked, and they begrudgingly stopped poking us. "Deku's not gonna be back for awhile."

"He said that he heard some doctors talking about moving him to a rehab place," Denki continued. "His body is okay by now, he's just a bit... Broken, I guess. Up here," he tapped on his head. "They don't want him to come back while he's still unstable."

"Are we gonna be able to visit him?" she asked, and I sighed.

"I'm not sure. He didn't mention anything about visits. Maybe." I looked up at her. "He wanted us to let all of you guys know that he's gonna miss you, by the way."

"Of course," she nodded. "But besides that—"

"He'll be okay," said 'Suki. "He's gonna power through it. He promised he would, anyway."

"Oh yeah, how are you doing, Bakugo?" Tsuyu asked. "You just got back from the hospital this morning. We didn't really get a chance to say hi."

"O-oh. I'm fine, I guess," he stammered. I guess he wasn't used to other people asking how he was. But he'd gotten sort of close with the Dekusquad, too. They did kidnap him quite a lot early on into his relationship with Deku. "I mean, I'm doing alright. Besides the tiny purple stain on my shoe, no one's been an asshole about it. These guys are okay, I guess."

"He loves us," Denki inserted.

"Shut up. Uh, don't worry about me. I'm fine. For real this time," he added, laughing a little.

"Okay. Well, that's good to know," she smiled perkily. "Have you guys eaten yet?"

"Oh, that's important," I realized. "We haven't, actually. And where's M*neta? Haven't seen him all day. Not that I'm complaining," I realized, peeking around the common room. He was indeed gone from sight.

"Oh, yeah. He's not expelled, per se," Sero started. "But Aizawa freaked him out a little bit. He's in hiding."

"Heh, who's pathetic now?" 'Suki snorted. "What do y'all wanna eat? It's a little late for a full meal."

"Hmm," I thought for a moment. "Doesn't matter. Anyway, do you guys wanna go to the mall tomorrow?"

"Heck yeah!" Sero grinned. "I'll bring Mina!"

"But homework..." Iida started, a little defeated already.

"Mall!" Uraraka jumped giddily. "It'll be great!"

"Yeah. It'll be nice to get out," Todoroki nodded, squeezing Momo's hand.

"I can't wait! Oh, Kiri, do you want another makeover before we go? You're so much fun to dress up!" Hagakure asked, bouncing up and down.

"Sure," I smiled. "Can't wait."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now