Chapter Ten

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Aizawa POV:

My dad senses are tingling. I sat up suddenly, catching the attention of everyone else in the break room.

"Shota?" Hizashi asked.

"Something's wrong," I shot out of my seat, speeding out the door without a second to stop and explain.

Once we got closer to the front doors, all the teachers at my heels, I could hear someone calling for help. Shit. We ran faster.

I wrenched the doors open desperately just as the screams were starting to die out, only to see two of my idiots on the ground at my feet.

"Kaminari and Kirishima," I said, recognizing the ketchup-and-mustard duo immediately. I knelt, noticing they were both still conscious, for the most part. "What happened?"

"Mina gone, Toga disguised, got stabbed," Kirishima rushed out. The poor kid was crying hard now, so I helped him and Kaminari back onto their feet.

"You all, go help them. I'll join you in a moment. All Might, help me carry these two to Recovery Girl," I commanded. Yagi hurried forward to help me. The others rushed past us.

We quickly got the two boys to Recovery Girl. By the time we got there, they were already unconscious from the blood loss.

"You—what happened?" she gasped as we placed them on beds.

"The 1-A dorms are under attack by the League of Villains," I said. "They only ran into Toga, according to Kirishima, but I'm sure there are more either on their way or already here. These two are already badly injured, I'm not sure how the other students are doing," I filled her in. She nodded.

"Alright. I'll be able to heal them easily enough so they don't die, but they'll have to sit out of training until I say so. You should go help the others, Eraser," she said to me. I clenched my teeth.

"Not until I'm positive they'll be fine," I said.

"Oh, fine, if you don't want to trust me then by all means, stick around. Just don't get in the way," she rolled her eyes at my overprotectiveness. I nodded, moving back so that she could get to them easily.

Kirishima was closest to her. She cracked her knuckles and took the handle of the knife in his ribs in both hands and counted to three in her mind before pulling it out. I flinched upon hearing his pained outcry. He fell asleep moments later when she kissed it better.

Next was Kaminari. He was laying on his stomach because of the two knives sticking out of his back. She looked at him for a moment with much more concern than she had at Kirishima, whose wound was already starting to close, slowly but surely.

She positioned her hands on the handle of the first knife and when she pulled it out, he nearly screamed loud enough to wake up Kirishima. It was hard to watch, to say the least. With the second one, however, he clenched his teeth so hard they were in danger of breaking, and grunted loudly, clearly in pain, but didn't scream or cry. Huh.

Once Recovery Girl had kissed the cuts and Kaminari passed out again, she looked over to me. "There you go, are you ready to go help the heroes? I'm sure they'll need it if the League is involved."

"Right," I nodded, then sped out. Yagi stayed behind with the two boys and Recovery Girl.

In the courtyard, just outside the main building, a fight had indeed broken out. Thankfully, the problem villains didn't seem to be around; Dabi and Shigaraki were nowhere to be seen. I hoped this meant they weren't involved.

However, Twice, Mr. Compress, and Spinner were wreaking havoc on campus.

Or I guess they had been. The lawn was a little torn up and everyone was breathing heavily, but the three of them were passed out on the ground. I guess Midnight had gotten to them quickly enough so that no real damage was done.

"1-A dorms," I said simply, and they nodded. "How long will they be out, Midnight?"

"Not too long. Someone should probably stay behind to keep them here. You're probably the best bet, Eraser," she said. "Either you or me, to just knock them out again if they wake up."

"You stay behind, I need to check on my students," I said, and without further ado, we were gone.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now