Chapter Twelve

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Mina POV:

I wasn't sure what time it was. Heck, I didn't even know what day it was. It was just... dark.

Everything hurt. That blonde bitch had somehow managed to get ahold of some bullet that destroyed my quirk completely. I'd heard the same thing happened to one of the Big Three, Mirio. Until like, a week ago, I'd thought it was just a rumor. Whatever the case, I couldn't melt the rope that bound me down to the uncomfortable wooden dining chair that had been set to the curb as garbage awhile ago.

She came back every now and again to take more blood, too. I'd passed out every time, so she generally gave me a day or something to recover before she popped back in so that I didn't die. She said just liked hanging out with my friends, she said, and that was why she went. She even said they thought it was me, had confided in her, thrown all their emotional baggage on her. It wasn't fair. She wouldn't even tell me what was going on with them! And holy shit, I really needed a sandwich or five. And a massage.

I was thinking about how nice a massage sounded right when I heard some noise from outside. Fuck, it was her again. How long had I been here? This was maybe... the third time she was showing up to get my blood. It never got any more pleasant, but by now I was used to it. Not any better. But I knew what was coming.

You could imagine my surprise when I heard an explosion and saw the doors on the opposite end of the dark warehouse I was in blow straight off their hinges. I might've screamed, but it was too loud to tell. What with the silence constantly pounding through my ears, the once familiar sound of explosions rang through my skull as though it were brand new to me.

"Mina! Shit, oh shit," I recognized the voice immediately.

"Sero?" I asked weakly. "I-is that you?" I was afraid to ask, almost sure it was a trick.

"Mina! Where are you?" he called to me.

"Near the back," I answered, and a few moments later, he'd dropped in front of me, having swung over with his tape.

"Lucky shot," he grinned at me wearily. "I found her!" Sero yelled, and I heard Bakugo call back.

"Fuckin' awesome! Get her over here fast, if they treated her anything like they treated me, then she needs a snack stat," he said. I didn't even have the willpower to turn that into a dirty joke, instead just waiting for Sero to untie me.

"Get ready, Mina," he whispered into my ear, wrapping an arm around my waist and gazing into my eyes just a moment too long before swinging back to the door. "See, Aizawa-sensei? We managed just fine," he said, grumbling. "You didn't have to threaten the whole class to keep us in check if it was gonna go this quickly."

"What the heck—" I started to ask, but the three of them—Sero, Bakugo, and Aizawa-sensei just shrugged. It wasn't important. "Whatever. So are we gonna go back home straightaway or can we stop for lunch?" I looked around; the sun was shining brightly and I could easily tell it was noon-ish.

"If anything, you should be in a hospital right now," Aizawa rolled his eyes, but didn't push it.

"Nah, she really just took my blood, and I'm fine now. A little dizzy. Mostly hungry," I shrugged.

"You have been gone for about a week, according to Toga," he continued.

"You guys need to fill me in on everything that happened. Preferably over like, a gazillion bowls of ramen."

"Alright, point taken, you're hungry. There's a spot down the street. We're not fucking leaving until you're full," Bakugo said, noticing a small restaurant a couple stores down.

So once we each had food (I didn't want to be the only one, that would be awkward) and were sitting down, I filled them in on what had happened.

"I was out doing something, probably jogging or something. It was early morning so that would make sense. And it was pretty out of the way, too, a nice quiet path. And all of a sudden, I felt this super sharp pain in the back of my leg. I tried to splash some acid on whoever it was that had attacked me, but I couldn't. I've tried to melt through the ropes every time they left me alone, too, which was actually pretty often. Once I caught on that they'd somehow erased my quirk, it sorta made sense why they weren't afraid I'd escape even if I were left all alone," I said the whole story, staring at my hand like it were something foreign to me, a part of me I'd never seen before.

"So Toga somehow stole a bullet from the Chassaikai when she worked for them," Aizawa reasoned.

"Oh, right, that makes sense! Oh, poor little Eri's gonna blame herself, I know it," I frowned. She had such a hard life up until now, she didn't deserve to feel bad about indirectly erasing my quirk. Then my stomach grumbled again.

"Fucking keep eating, Pinky," Bakugo poked me. "Take care of yourself, for crying out loud. You can tell us about it later if you want to."

I guess it made sense that Bakugo wanted to help me. He'd been kidnapped not too long ago, after all. I was sure he still thought about it sometimes. This situation must be bringing some old memories back.

I slurped up some noodles. Between mouthfuls, I asked, "So what's been going on with you guys?"

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