Chapter Fifty

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Bakugo POV:

Eiji and Sparky both came to see us today. Neither of them were really smiling, which was unusual for them. Did I do something? No. What the fuck could I have even done? I've been sitting here for a straight week... "Hey guys," I greeted them. "Are uh... are you okay?" Sparky was gripping Eiji's hand like a stress ball, so hard that his knuckles were totally white. What's going on? "I heard school's still happening. That's good, at least."

"I'm sorry," Sparky whispered finally. "You guys are probably gonna hate me, but..."

He went on to explain how he had given the League of Villains information twice before, and had known about some of their plans and shit and hadn't told us about them. He talked a bit about how he'd had to live with them for a really long time, too, and how he'd thought the attacks might actually stop once he moved into the dorms. He looked to be on the verge of tears the whole time, and every other sentence was another apology.

"Sparky," I finally interrupted him. "Shut up." The other two looked at me, bewildered, and he flinched at the harsh tone of my voice. The room sat with baited breath. "You can't call yourself a traitor if you never wanted to be one in the first place. It's not so cut-and-dry, so shut the fuck up before I make you." He took a deep breath. "Now, under normal circumstances, I would beat your ass for getting me kidnapped, and expect it once I get outta here. But just 'cuz I'm mad doesn't mean I hate you. You fucked up and now you're trying to make it right. Hell, if I were you, I'm sure this part hurts more than getting beat up is gonna be, so I'd consider that getting let off the hook easy."

He laughed. Like, he actually laughed. It felt good to hear it after the long, depressing confession. "Thanks, Kat. I uh... I actually appreciate that," he admitted, a small smile still across his lips. "Still, I can't help but feel..."

"Like everything's your fault?" I empathized with him. I'd felt the same way when I had gotten kidnapped by the League, like all the aftermath was my own fault for not being strong enough. Although the situation was different in a lot of ways, of course, there were still parallels. Including the feelings at the end of it all.

"Yeah. Does it... does it go away?" he asked, and I sighed.

"It depends on the person, I think. And who you're around, too. I don't know if it goes away, but sometimes you forget it's there," I offered.

"That's good. Well, good enough for now. At least. Fuck, I want to tell everyone to get it off my chest. But they'll never—"

"Forgive you? If I can tell you're not in the wrong, then I'm sure that everyone else, who's apparently more levelheaded and rational than I am, will definitely be quick to stay on your side. And if they're not, I'll fuck them up." I sighed. "But Shigaraki's still on the loose, isn't he?" I asked. "We haven't gotten any news saying otherwise," I bit my lip.

"As far as we're aware, yeah," Eiji spoke up.

"And I haven't been in contact with him ever since I left that damn place," Sparky added. "I have no idea where he could be."

"That's reassuring." I noticed a movement in the corner of my eye. Shit, how long has Deku been trying to get my attention?

"We know he has it out for us," he told me, and I translated as he went along. "I mean, technically first he got Kaminari-kun, then Kacchan, then Mina, then me and Kacchan again. What I'm pretty sure happened is that he used Kaminari-kun to find Bakugo because he got famous off the sludge villain thing. Then he got mad when Kacchan got away from him the first time, so he infiltrated the school to get close to him."

"So you think he's trying to get 'Suki on his side?" Eiji asked, and Deku and Sparky both shook their heads.

"This is Shigaraki we're talking about. He's the pettiest and most childish man alive. He just wants revenge," Sparky grumbled.

"On me? That's dumb," I frowned. "Just because I didn't want to join his emo band."

"Yeah, pretty much. That's my best guess, anyway. That and he still never got to kill All Might," Sparky said grimly. "It would've devastated the whole world if he died in his last fight. Think about what it would do now."

"I guess it would show that the League of Villains never gives up on a job. They see their mission through to the end," Eiji shivered. "They're not gonna stop until they get what they want or they're dead. Which brings up one last point that we forgot about. What about Dabi?"

"Dabi? He's dead, isn't he?" we all asked.

"As far as we've been told, anyway. Assuming that's the one point where we haven't been lied to about, why would Toga kill Dabi?" he asked.

"He must've disagreed with their plan for some reason. Maybe he thought they were going too far," I thought aloud.

"I doubt he would disagree with a plan to destroy the entire school at once. If anything, he would've been ecstatic to be the one burning it to the ground," Sparky said, speaking as though he knew him too well to get it wrong. Maybe he really did.

"So he's alive?" I asked.

"No," he shook his head. "He would've jumped ahead of Shigaraki's plan and done it himself already, probably during the attack with Mina where Ei and I got stabbed. It would've been the easiest time to do it."

"So he disagreed for a different reason," I reasoned. "He would've loved to kill us all. But something stopped him."

"Yeah, and that must be why Toga killed him," Sparky said. He sighed. "I don't feel like I could ever apologize enough."

"That means you're sorry," I reassured him, although he still looked guilty. Well, I guess that couldn't be helped. "Anyway, we missed the first day back in school, so catch me up, ya dumbasses."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now