Chapter Fifty-Two

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Kaminari POV:

"Ei, what are you doing?" I whispered.

"Probably gonna scream at the top of my lungs. Get away and call or text someone fast," he replied, letting go of me.


"Did I fucking stutter? Get the hell out of here, I'll be fine. I won't let him touch me," he promised, then shoved me back. I didn't bother looking at him as I sprinted away, not wanting to slow him down.

I heard him scream something incoherent, getting the attention of everyone in the near vicinity, and I pulled out my phone. Who should I call? Who... who... Shinso. He's the closest to Aizawa, he'll make it easy to contact him.


He read it, and moments later, I heard more people screaming. I need to do something. "Everyone, get back!" I yelled, but no one could hear me. Fuck, I need to get closer... could I get behind Shigaraki without him noticing me? Then... I don't have my directional blasters. I try and shoot him with lightning now, I'll fry the whole city. I'd have to touch him, but then he could kill me in a heartbeat. I looked around desperately for something, anything. Something long, preferably metal. Where the fuck are there just metal poles lying around? That would be useful right about now. What else conducted electricity?

Water? I mean, when was the last time it rained? A day or two ago. There was the occasional puddle, I guess. Could I lure him into a puddle and then... that would probably kill him. Was it excusable if it was Shigaraki? In my book, sure, but how about legally? Heroes weren't supposed to resort to actually killing the villain. Ei had even said he'd capture Shigaraki. I was sure that killing him wasn't even on his mind.

Annoyingly, there were more puddles than long rods on the ground, so if I was gonna help, it had to be like this.

I had no idea what was going on in the center of the fight, but I was pretty sure no one was dead yet. So I tried to find the nearest puddle (there was a nice big one to my left) and yelled at everyone to get away from it and to clear a path for the villain.

"Oi! Handjob!" I screamed to get his attention. He looked up at me angrily.

"What do you want now, you brat?" he called back. Despite my (probably evident) fear, I managed a smirk.

"You hate me more, right? Come get me, bitch," I laughed, and he growled. Ei gave me a look that said You'd better have a plan or I'll fucking murder you. It didn't really match his usual personality, but damn was he hot.

Anyway, Shigaraki was making his way over. I was blocking the puddle so he couldn't see it.

I inhaled; just as he was reaching out to disintegrate me, I whipped to the side like a bullfighter, waiting for a fraction of a second for him to barrel past before I kicked him in the back and lit the motherfucker up. "One million volts!"

He screamed once, twitched violently, and went limp. Fuck. I stopped firing off electricity immediately. Fuck fuck fuck. That shouldn't have killed him. What did I do?

I heard footsteps running up behind me. They must've belonged to Ei. My assumption was confirmed when I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"I killed him, Ei. I think I killed him. I murdered a guy," I muttered, not really believing it, just standing over his body at my feet. How the tables have turned, huh?

He wasn't really sure how to respond to that. Thankfully, he didn't have to, because Shigaraki started moving again, and I wasn't sure if I should've been relieved or not. I bent down, not really thinking, and his hand shot out and grabbed my leg before I could react.

"Y-you've really done it this time, you traitor," he spat. I was frozen in fear. This was what I had done everything in my power to avoid.


I was still standing.

"What the..." Ei looked bewildered, too. I was still standing.

I heard more footsteps.

"Kaminari!" Shinso sped up next to me, clearly terrified. I looked up at him from where I was crouching, Shigaraki's hand around my ankle; the maniac was gaping with his mouth hanging open. "You're not dead," Shinso observed, relieved.

I shook my head. "I don't know why..."

"Cuz my dad is here, dumbfuck. Get him off you," Shinso rolled his eyes. "It's not permanent." I kicked Shigaraki's hand away.

Aizawa skidded to a stop on our other side. "Of all the people to stop this maniac, it was you two dumbasses."

"Scold us later, sensei, restrain him first," I said, panting. "Wait, do you even have a way to do that? He could easily disintegrate any handcuffs."

Aizawa pointed at Shinso, who pulled out a pair of... artists' gloves? Like the kinds with two fingers missing? Why the fuck didn't anyone think of that sooner?

"To think all we needed to defeat one of the greatest villains in history was a puddle, a pair of gloves, and a couple of idiots," Shinso laughed.

"You little—" Shigaraki started to snap back, but was immediately stopped.

"Let us restrain you without fighting back," the purple-haired teen instructed, and he held up his hands listlessly, a blank expression across his features.

Once he was as good as done for, I sighed in relief, dropping a little. "He's gone," I whispered happily. "Let's go back now, for real. I need to talk to all of you."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now