Chapter Forty-Seven

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Maybe half an hour later, Sero arrived at the door with Mina, grinning widely. "It's been too long," he said as I let him in.

"Sero, we literally talked yesterday," I raised an eyebrow.

"It's been an eternity," Denki added on melodramatically. "I couldn't recount all of the events since we last saw each other, for we've spent too much time apart and my memory grows old!"

"But alas, we are together again, my love!"

"My life!" They legit both burst into tears and hugged each other.

"...did they practice that?" Mina asked me, but I was just sorta watching the two in awe.

"Where the fucketh..."

"I'll do you one better! Whom the fucketh!" Denki sobbed.

"I'll do you one better! Why the fucketh!" Sero shrieked, and they died of laughter, collapsing to the ground in a pile of giggles.

I nudged Denki with my foot.

"Ahh, Ei, step on me," he managed to say coherently between laughs.

"That's your job, Denks," I rolled my eyes, pulling him back up to his feet.

"Hanta, get up, it's been less than a day," Mina added once Sero had calmed down and just stayed on his back. He shook his head, pretending to be dead. "Why are you two like this..."

"Eijiro! Are your friends here?" My mom called.

"Yeah! Uh... we'll be in my room," I replied.

"Mmm, kinky," Sero laughed, getting up.

"You're all terrible people," I grumbled.

"Yeah, but you love us," he pointed out, and I sighed in defeat.

"Yeah, I do. Now c'mon before I kick you all out," I said, grabbing Denki by the hand and hoping the other two were following us.

"You guys are precious," Mina said, grinning. Denki reached into his back pocket and pulled out a very worn Uno reverse card and chucked it at her.

"Do you carry that around with you?" I asked, incredulous as Mina paused to pick up the card and give it back.

"You haven't noticed it before? Bro, I thought we were tight," Denki pouted as we got to my room.

"Would it be normal for me to just kinda stick my hand in your back pocket looking for an Uno playing card?" He shrugged, and I sighed, smirking to myself as I yote him over my shoulder and onto my bed.

"Ack! Ei, that's mean," he whined, sitting up, completely unscathed.

"Well, you're definitely something else," Sero laughed.

Bakugo POV:

"Hey, Deku?" I said to get the greenette's attention. He had been staring aimlessly out of the window for some time now. "How you doing?"

"Not bad. A little achey," he answered.

"That's good, I guess. Are you moving better?"

"Haven't had the chance to walk around, but I know my arms work fine," he signed with a small smile on his face that disappeared pretty quickly.

"Uh, besides that stuff, how are you doing?" I asked again. He looked down, biting his lip.

"I'm quirkless again. One for All is gone forever because I lost it. I'm just quirkless again."

Yep, he's losing it. It's obvious it's crushing him. I knew I was probably the last person alive who had the right to comfort him now, but I was the only other person here. "Deku, you'll be okay," I started my pathetic attempt at helping him. "You've always been a real hero, you know that? Whether you've had the physical ability or not, it's just who you've always been. That had nothing to do with One for All. It was all you." I sat back, laughing to myself. "Y'know, when you tried to save me from the sludge monster, I thought you had some fucking nerve. But I was so jealous of you, too." Deku was watching me, absolutely astounded that I was confessing something like this. Well, I can't stop now, can I? "I mean, sure, I'd have done the same thing, but I had this epic quirk. I could've kicked any villain's ass. But you? You were so weak and powerless back then. And you could've died just to save some ungrateful brat like me. You almost did. If you could've done that before you got a quirk, don't you dare stop trying to be a real hero even when it's gone. You're still strong as fuck. Heck, you drag refrigerators and pickup trucks around the beach for fun. Being a quirkless loser has nothing to do with how strong you are, got it?"

He gaped at me for a second before realizing he was staring, then gave me a small smile and nodded. "I'll keep trying. I promise, Kacchan."

"Good." I sat back again, staring at the ceiling. "Hey, why did I learn sign? I remember thinking it was a pretty useless skill at the time since I'd never see that one kid from preschool again. I don't even remember his name." I turned onto my side to look at Deku, flinching a little when some of my stitches threatened to tear. Be more careful, dammit.

"Well, I wanted to be friends with him since he always looked so lonely, so I told you I'd be the best at sign language ever, and you took that as a personal slander," he answered. Dang, he remembers it that clearly? Does he remember every single one of our conversations together?

That thought came with a pang to my chest. 'Course that damn nerd remembers everything. He's always been my friend, hasn't he? How many of those memories do I even deserve to keep if he thinks of them so well?

"Kacchan, are you alright?" he asked, and I sighed.

"I'm sorry," I answered. He tilted his head, a bit confused. "For everything. Fuck, I said that to Toga a thousand times, but you've never heard it from me, have you?" I shook my head, inhaling. "Deku, I'm so, so sorry. For everything I ever said, or did, or anything to hurt you. I was such an asshole and you didn't deserve a second of it. And I'm sorry..." another deep breath. "But you were right. As much as I really wish I could keep dating you, the real you, I... I can't. I can't stop thinking about it all. Everything she ever did to me with your face and your body and your name. I'm so sorry."

"Kacchan, it's okay," he signed. "I forgave you for everything so long ago. And I understand why you're breaking up with me. It's not your fault. Please don't apologize."

"I'm gonna miss you, Deku. I really am."

"Kacchan, if you already like Kirishima, you should tell him," Deku said all of a sudden.

"It's uh... it's Eiji and Sparky. Both of 'em. They, uh, helped me through some shit," I admitted. "I sorta fell for them. Don't be mad," I mumbled. Why the fuck would you say the last part?

"Why would I be mad?"

"Sorry, just a habit," I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"And stop apologizing!"


Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now