Chapter Forty-Eight

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Kirishima POV:

"Denki, get up," I nudged my boyfriend, sitting up. It was maybe six in the morning. "S' Monday."

"I don't gotta photosynthesize or anything, fuck off," he mumbled.

"Denki. School. We're still at home. Get up," I poked his cheek.

"Don't wanna. It's so early!" He sat up next to me anyway.

"Yeah, 'cuz we're still at my house. It'll take time to actually get there," I rolled my eyes, climbing out of bed. He yawned widely, and I glanced back just quick enough to see him. He looks like a puppy. I'm too gay for this shit. Why is he so cute. I can't fucking do this.

"Did I break you this time around?" he asked, smirking when he noticed I was staring and blushing.

"N-no. Nope. Not at all. Now put on some fucking pants, for the love of All Might," I said, throwing a pair of the uniform pants at him.

"Oh, you're fun to tease," he grinned, and I shook my head, turning around while I changed into my uniform. I knew he was watching me while he followed suit, but I didn't mind. After all, we had probably done this a thousand times and over by now.

"Gotta go fast," I said, sprinting out the room as soon as I was changed.

"Hey, wait up, Ei!" Denki shouted back. He wasn't fully clothed yet, so I had a head start. Maybe thirty seconds later, as I was in the kitchen rummaging around for a granola bar or something, he tried to tackle me from behind. He was, however, very easy to hear, so I just hardened myself before he rammed face-first into me.

"Ow," he whined, rubbing his nose.

"That's what you get for running as hard as you can at someone who's literally almost impossible to knock over," I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Stay hard for a sec," he said, so I did.

"Why, thoughjddklr—" I started to ask before he climbed clumsily onto my shoulders, sitting with both of his thighs on either side of my face, crotch against the back of my head. "Why are you like this..." I whimpered, positive I was as red as my hair, and he just giggled, easily reaching the top shelf of the pantry where we had all of our breakfast bars n' shit.

"Didn't feel like reaching," he shrugged. This bitch doesn't have the energy to stand on his toes but he has the energy to fucking climb on top of my shoulders... That's what I would've replied with had I been able to form a coherent sentence. "Hold this," he said innocently, grabbing two granola bars and dangling one in front of my face.

"Can you not just hold both of them for two more seconds?" I asked, albeit a little annoyedly. He's just mad at me for waking him up at six in the morning, isn't he?

"Nope. 'S too much work," he laughed.

"Speaking of too much work, you're starting to get heavy. I might drop you soon—" I threatened, and he hmphed, but slid off me surprisingly gracefully, and shoved the granola bar into my mouth end-first, still in the wrapper, then sprinted to the bathroom.

Fuck you, Denki, I thought to myself as I choked on it for a second before jogging over to catch up with him while at the same time unwrapping my breakfast. I was nomming it just as I turned the corner, walking directly into the bathroom door. "Ow," I grunted, and I heard his laugh from the other side of it.

"Ha! That's what it feels like," he said through his toothbrush.

"Denks, open the door," I said, rapping on the door with one knuckle.

"Say please," he replied, then I heard him spit out his toothpaste.

"Denki. It would please me if you opened the door."

"Not what I meant!"

"Do you really wanna kiss me when I still taste like morning breath? The faster you let me brush my teeth, the faster I let you kiss me," I tried to persuade him.

"You think I'm gonna fall for that? Weak," he continued to tease me, and I sighed. Someone was in a mood today.

"Denks, I'm serious, we're gonna be late," I muttered.

"Fine. No fun," he grumbled, finally opening the door. Geez, what a morning... this boi. Will be. The. Death. Of. Me. I stepped in and grabbed my own toothbrush as he wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me a little closer to him.

"You know I love you, right, Ei?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Mmm. I love you too, Denks. But why..." I started to ask in reply. Why ask that now? Oh no, was he getting insecure now like I did? Or was he apologizing for something? Or was he letting me down easy before—No, shut up. He wouldn't, not after this. Not after everything.

"I dunno. Just wanted to make sure you knew it. For certain ," he sighed, his face suddenly sad.

"Denks, what's wrong?" I asked him, finishing up with brushing my teeth. His eyes were watering as he bit his lip.

"I... I shouldn't tell you. You'd never forgive me. Neither would they," he muttered to himself. I set down the toothbrush and grabbed both of his shoulders, making him face me.

"Denki. Please. You're scaring me. Did you do something?" I didn't want to push, but...

"I was the traitor," he whispered.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now