Chapter Thirty-One

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We probably should've expected our wake-up call to be as rude as it was, but I guess we weren't thinking right. Hey, in our defense, it had been one in the morning.

Still, we should've predicted Deku to make a scene out of it. 'Suki does something Deku doesn't like, he gets punished for it. So of course, that meant giving him very unwanted attention.

"Unlock the door, guys!" Deku yelled, pounding on it. We all would've bolted upright, but were tangled up in each others' limbs from having cuddled each other to sleep. Instead, we ended up falling to the ground in a heap, grunting.

"Fuck," 'Suki muttered.

"You'll be fine, Blasty. He'll go away," Denki assured him.

"He wouldn't out himself right? He probably doesn't want to come off as too villainous..." I muttered.

"I don't know what he's gonna do," 'Suki admitted. "So do we wait him out?"

"Open the door, Kacchan, I know you're in there," he went on, and 'Suki flinched, his fingers tapping together. I got the feeling it was a nervous habit that I hadn't noticed before. Suddenly, the pounding stopped.

"Why are you shouting so loudly so early in the morning, Midoriya? And why are you disturbing our classmates' sleep?" Oh, thank All Might for Iida.

"I get the feeling that Kacchan's in there. Don't ask me how I know, I can just... tell," Midoriya sighed. He still sounded upset, but had suddenly switched back to being 'regular' Deku.

"Hmm. I don't think that Kirishima and Kaminari are the type to... how would they put it... steal your man," Iida pointed out. Not without good reason. "Are you sure he's not just in his own room?"

"No, I checked there first," Midoriya said. "Can't you help me get the door open?"

"That would be an invasion of our classmates' privacy, Midoriya. I hate to say it, but I think you're in the wrong here. How about you just wait for them?" Iida suggested.

"I've got an idea," said Denki quietly. "Hide, Blasty."

'Suki nodded and crawled under the bed. I hated doing this to him. He shouldn't have to hide from anyone, especially from Midoriya. And yet, here he was.

Denki pulled his shirt off (how necessary was that?) and hurried to the door once he was sure that 'Suki was hidden from all angles. "What the fuck, Midobro...?" he asked, sounding annoyed. "We were kind of in the middle of something." He only had the door open a sliver, just enough to be able to tell that he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Where's Kacchan?" I scrambled silently onto the bed, hoping I wasn't moving the mattress around too much over 'Suki.

"Why the hell would I know where Blasty is? We're kind of, uh... busy," he peeked back into the room, looking at me. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Ei," he fake-apologized, seemingly telling me silently to respond with something.

"What does he w-want, Denks?" I asked, trying to make it sound like a moan. I think I got what was 'going on' now.

"Oh, don't worry about it, babe." He turned back to Midoriya and Iida, who I could only assume were embarrassed at having 'caught us in the act' and just apologized hastily before running off. He shut the door quickly, sighing in relief. "I think you're good, Blasty. At least for now."

"You're a great fucking actor," he muttered, dragging himself out from under the bed. "Thanks, I owe you one."

"Nah, we wanted to help you. No point in holding you accountable for being the victim. Not that that's a bad thing, sorry if I implied that it was..." He added quickly upon 'Suki's scowl reaching the light. I had to admit, I missed that scowl, so much.

It was gone soon, though, and he just dragged a hand down his face. "Don't apologize for that, it's fine. I mean, I guess I sorta am a victim here." He stood up. "Do you have anything in here that I can punch? Like, really hard?"

I stood up, spreading my arms. I hardened myself completely. "Not gonna lie, I miss you trying to beat the crap outta me," I smirked. "Have some fun."

"Geez, so eager," Denki laughed as 'Suki cracked his knuckles.

"Eh. If I'm gonna let you stretch on me, then 'Suki can punch me. It's fair," I said.

"Stretch on you...?" the explosive teen asked, tilting his head.

"I'll show you some other time. For now, I think you just need to let out some anger," Denki shrugged.

"Whatever," 'Suki shook himself out, his old sadistic grin back. I couldn't help but smile. "Put that away or I'll punch your teeth in first," he laughed.

"I'd love to see you try, Explosion Boy."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now