Chapter Twenty-Seven

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By the end of the movie, Denki had stayed true to his word and not screamed, but had also buried his face in my hair and was squeezing the ever-living fuck out of me. Bakugo and Deku seemingly hadn't noticed, or just didn't care. They were both perfectly calm, though, and had just been watching the movie. So had I, but I got the feeling that Denki had stopped actually watching near the end. The only thing that got me, ironically, was the very end where there was a loud bum and the screen went black.

I only jumped a little, but Bakugo had in fact noticed this and actually laughed a little. "Pffft, loser, of course it's the music that scares you," he giggled.

"Oh, shut up, Blasty," I rolled my eyes. "I saw you cry when the dog died."

"I didn't!" he whined indignantly, crossing his arms.

"You definitely did," I shrugged, subconsciously twirling a strand of Denki's hair between two of my fingers. He returned to his original position of chilling with his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah no, that wasn't bad at all," he laughed.

"Tch, you guys are both pathetic," Bakugo rolled his eyes. I shrugged.

"Perfect for each other, then," Denki grinned.

"Be nice, Kacchan," Deku poked Bakugo in the arm.

"No, fuck you," Bakugo grumbled.

"No, you," Midoriya said, then pulled him up.

"Wait, no—" Bakugo started to protest, but followed him up anyway (he didn't have much of a choice).

Just before he was out, Denki said, "Lights, Blasty."

He flicked the lights back on just before being absolutely dragged out of the room and down the hall.

"Why does this happen on a regular basis?" I sighed, referring to Deku dragging Bakugo out of the room against his will.

"Eh. Best not to think about what they're up to," Denki replied. He glanced at the TV, then his eyes widened. "Dang it, they left the movie here..."

"We'll give it back later. Not... uh, now," I suggested.

"Good plan." He stood up and stretched out. "Shit, the last few weeks without training made me so stiff," he grumbled. Then he grinned mischievously. "Wanna help me stretch?"

"Eh, why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, tilting my head. He had a certain gleam in his eye. He just shrugged, reaching a hand out to pull me up off the bed.

"No reason. Stand up straight for me," he instructed. I stood up as straight as I could, and he surprised me a little. He swung his leg up so that his foot was resting on my shoulder, and he reached out with both hands so that I could hold them to steady him. "Sorry I'm a little off-balance, it's been awhile," he laughed, wobbling a little.

"Nah, it's understandable," I said, definitely super red. He just keeps surprising me, doesn't he?

"You're cute when you're flustered," he smirked up at me, shifting his ground foot backwards to intensify the stretch. "Fuck, that feels so good after so long. M'kay, other leg?"

"Okie," I said , and he stood up, shook himself out, and switched.

"A'ight, you're gonna like this one," he said, sitting on the ground in a horizontal split. How the heck did I not know about how frigging flexible he is? And why is it so hotttt? "Cool, now step on me."

"Wait, what?" He was leaning forward with his forearms on the floor in front of him.

"On my back. Step on me," he winked.

Covering my redder-than-life-itself face, I did what he said, placing my foot on his back and pushing down a little. He let out a low groan and stretched his arms as far out as they could go.

"That's—oh, yeah, that's the spot," he grinned. "I needed that," he sighed, slowly sitting back up. "Wanna see what else I can do?" He winked.

"Don't frigging..." Somehow the room seemed to get even hotter. That look in his eye... he wasn't serious, I could tell. The dumbass was still just that; a dumbass. And a very bendy one at that. "You got me," I laughed, pulling him back to his feet. "What else d'you got?"

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now