Chapter Seventeen

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Okay, not even kidding now, I definitely felt bad for Bakugo. It was finally his turn, and of course Midoriya whispered it into his ear so that we couldn't tell what it was.

Spoilers: he was being an über kinky top.

They'd disappeared into a different room, much to Bakubro's protests, and returned a few minutes later.

"What happened, Bakugo?" I asked.

"You'll get it soon enough," Midoriya said. His voice was innocent, but I severely doubted anything that had just happened could possibly be considered as such. He looked over at Bakugo. "It doesn't count for this, by the way, since it's just the game. But after you say the dare or ask whatever it does." Cryptic.

"Okay... um, Crafting Table, truth or dare?"

"Truth," Yaoyorozu said.

"Hmm. If you could date someone who's not Icy-Hot, who would it be?" he asked.

"Hmmm... never really thought about it. Shoto's the only one I've had a crush on here at school. But I suppose..." She thought for a moment. "Perhaps Jiro would be a fun girlfriend. I quite admire her musical skills, and she's very funny."

Jiro smiled to herself. Aww. "That's cute," Bakugo mumbled, then tensed real fast.

"What's wrong, Kacchan?" Mido asked, a smile playing on his lips.

"I was being—ahh—nice," he whined, accidentally letting a moan slip out.

"Why's Mirio taking so long?" the anxious teen asked next to me.

"He'll be back in a minute, Tamaki," I reassured him. Sure this would make him a little uncomfortable. I mean...

"It was every time you talked, Kacchan."

"But—nnghyou'remean," Bakugo whimpered. One of Midoriya's hands was still in his pocket. It looked like he was holding something. Either that, or he was just extremely blessed and turned on.

So that's what's going on.

Not the 'turned on' thing. Well, maybe. But my best bet was that he had a small remote in his hand.

"So... Ah, Mirio, you're back! Truth or dare?" Momo asked the All Might-esque teenager, who looked uncharacteristically worn out.

"Truth," he said, smiling tiredly, glad to be back and away from the grape.

"Someone needs to recharge," Nejire giggled. Mirio nodded, and Amajiki got up and sat right back down in Mirio's lap where he'd been before, and was immediately engulfed in the hug that was Mirio.

"Why can't we be like that, Kacchan?" Midoriya pouted, and Bakugo just looked at him like, don't even breathe in my direction.

"Mirio... do you have a crush on anyone? Or are you dating someone?" Momo asked.

"Well, sure! I thought we were being a bit obvious," he added, laughing. "But Tamaki and I are dating."

"That's cute!"

"They've known each other since they were little," Nejire added.

"Aww, so have Kacchan and I!" Midoriya bounced. Bakugo moved so that his knees were pulled up to his chest. He hit his head repeatedly against his arms, groaning a little. The action just said we are NOT the same.

"Um... what was the dare?" Mirio asked innocently.

"It's not important," Tamaki said quickly.

"Okay. Tamaki, truth or dare?" Mirio shrugged, brushing it off.

"Hmm... truth," he decided.

"Have you ever... eaten something (for your quirk, obviously) so that you could do something dumb?" Mirio asked.

"One time I ate a whole frog—I was like, four, by the way—so that I could lick my own elbow," he admitted, a little flushed. We all giggled. "I had to go to the hospital."

"Was it worth it?" Sero asked.

"No, I threw it up almost immediately after and I didn't have enough time for the quirk to like, take action, so I couldn't even do it," he shrugged.

"This was before we met, right? I would've remembered something like that," Mirio asked, just to be sure. Tamaki hummed, nodding.

The anxious bean glanced to Nejire. "Truth or dare?"

"Ooh, dare," she giggled.

"Hmm... Do a handstand for the next round," he decided.

"Fun, I've been practicing those," Nejire smiled, then gracefully (and too quickly to be human) flipped herself onto her hands. "Are we allowed to do repeats?"

"Of people? Sure," I shrugged. "Why not."

"Awesome! Truth or dare, Kirishima?" she asked me.

"Oh! Um... dare," I said.

"I dare you to lick the cutest person in the room!"

"The fuck... lick them where?" I frowned, feeling a little hesitant for good reason.

"Dunno, just pick a place."

That's specific. I sighed, then reached down, taking one of Denki's hands and licking his fingertip before Jiro giggled.

"What?" Denki pouted.

"Nothing," she shrugged, still laughing a little.

As Nejire was sitting back down, I said, "Are you doubting that he's the cutest one here? I'll do it again."

"Nah, he'll get a boner," she laughed.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Jiro, truth or dare?"

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now