Chapter Fifty-Five

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"What took you extras so long?" Kat asked when we got to the common room. He looked like he had been there for ages; sitting calmly on the couch with his legs crossed, sipping tea from a mug and sticking one pinky out.

"Aw, you know our names," I said, putting one hand on my heart and smiling.

"Oh, can it, Sparky. For real though, how hard is it to put on your clothes? You two usually don't take that long," he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know about you, but I'm thinking something very dirty right now," M*neta said from behind the couch. Of course he was listening to us from behind the couch.

I felt my face heat up. "We haven't done that yet! Get your head outta the gutter!" I subconsciously tugged at my collar, and Ei snorted. "Shut up, makin' me insecure 'n shit!"

"Eh. Just a lil' payback." I noticed that Kat looked a tiny bit on edge, and realized what it could've been coming across as.

"Don't worry 'bout it, I enjoyed it," I told him, and he nodded.

"Sorry, I just kinda... um... it's hard to explain," he sighed.

"I get it, 'Suki," Ei said, almost apologetically. "I'm a lil' possessive sometimes, but not to that extent, I promise. Just like, 'don't flirt with other people.' And 'if someone looks at you weird I'll tell them to fuck off.' Stuff like that."

I nodded. "I'm pretty much the same way. I mean, I'll joke-y flirt sometimes. Like, that time Sero and Mina came over to your house." I recalled the utter perfection that was our greeting.

"My heart beats only for you, my love!" I heard him scream from across the room.

"And mine goes still at the thought of losing you!" I replied, then returned to the conversation at hand. "Shit like that. We're cool with each other." I plopped down next to him. "Also, like I said, we ain't done the thing yet, cuz we're not ready for it. But hickeys," I added quietly.

"Hickeys," Kat answered. "Is that what..." he jokingly poked at my collar, and I pouted.

"Maybe. He has really sharp teeth, it would be impossible to not leave a mark," I mumbled.

"Bet those are fun," he laughed. "What'd you guys wanna eat?"

"I don't care," Ei shrugged. "Everything you've made before was good."

"Yeah, Blasty, surprise us!" I agreed happily.

"Sure. Oh, and Eiji, your hair looks nice down. I dunno if I ever told you that," he commented, getting up to make food.

"Oh, thanks," Ei responded, reaching up to twirl a strand of hair around his fingers. He smiled to himself as we both watched his retreating back on his way to the kitchen.

"You two have got it bad," M*neta said suddenly. I jumped.

"Dude! I forgot you were there! You don't just..." I was definitely starting to understand why the girls hated him so much. Sure, we were thirst-buddies, and we got along, but he's been bitchier lately.

"My bro. My man. Can I be honest with you?" he asked, and I shrugged.

"When are you not?" I was confused as to where he was going with this.

"I just feel like we've got a misunderstanding. I thought you were totally into girls," he said.

"I am. And boys, clearly," I scratched the back of my head. "Uh, does it bother you, or..."

He visibly cringed when I said that. "And I thought I was a pervy hoe. I feel betrayed, bro. Well, you do you, I guess." Then he just walked away.

"The fuck is wrong with that little bastard?" Ei grumbled.

"I mean, if it's too sexual for M*neta, maybe—" I started to say, half-jokingly, before he put a finger over my mouth.


"I was kidding."

"Still. He's definitely gotten more annoying," Ei sighed. "But he's lucky I'm not in the mood to yell at him. Bet 'Suki would."

"Ei, Kat would throw him into the sun. Just leave it alone, I don't care what M*neta of all people thinks my sexual habits are," I said.

"That's not what bothered me," he sat back annoyedly. "He shouldn't just be allowed to say stuff like that! All he does is lust after girls and make snide remarks for no reason. He can hardly call himself a hero."

"Mhmm. I totally agree with you. But just leave it alone, it really didn't get to me," I promised. "Besides, I'm more of a hoe than him anyway. You need to be able to get it to call yourself a hoe. He's got nothing going for him!" I added, laughing.

"Yeah, you right," Ei agreed, cracking a smile. Though he was still visibly pissed, at least he wouldn't do anything rash. That was my job. "Hey, remember that trip to the mall? With everyone?"

"How could I forget that?" I recalled the evening he was talking about. "I confessed to you like, a few hours later. And we kissed in front of a homophobic lady. And I went stupid because you flirted with me. That was a good night, actually."

"I just realized that Mina never actually got to go to the mall with us! We should totally do it again and bring the real one. Maybe once Midobro is out of the hospital we can all go together! And we'd totally bring Shinso, too."

"Yeah! Let's do it! Once Midobro gets back," I nodded excitedly.

"Oi! Sparky, Eiji, do you wanna starve over there?" Blasty called us, and we both laughed.

"Coming, 'Suki," Ei replied. "Let's go, I'm hungry."

"Yeah, me too."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now