Chapter Thirty-Six

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We decided to strike up a conversation so that our tension wouldn't be as obvious when we walked in. "I swear, you're literally a dog," said Denki.

"I mean, there's nothing wrong with dogs," I shrugged. You look like an idiot right now. "Dogs are cute, right?"

"Well yeah, and you're freaking adorable. But it's just like, your personality," he went on.

We walked through the doors together, but without 'Suki. I didn't spot him immediately, so I guess things had gone well. That is to say, everything would be going downhill from here. "So my personality, huh. What about it makes me 'basically a dog'?"

"Oh, that's easy. You've got the personality of a little bitch."

"Rude. Oh, hey Shinso!" I spotted our purple zombie friend.

"Oh, Kirishima! Kaminari!" He got up to meet us. "So how did things go with Aizawa? Did you guys sort out whatever it was you had to?"

"Yeah. Oh, that's right. Can you get 'im?" I turned to Denki, and he nodded. I knew he was the better improviser, anyway. He disappeared to find Shoji.

"So, you ever gonna tell me why you needed Aizawa? Or why Bakugo of all people felt the need to go to a teacher for help with something?" Shinso asked.

"Um, you'll see soon," I said.

Then he changed the subject. "So, Midoriya seems to be a jealous boyfriend. Didn't see that one coming."

"Yeah, we're learning a lot of new stuff about him all the time," I sighed.

"He gives off a weird vibe recently," Shinso observed. "Actually, both he and Bakugo do. It's almost like they've switched places in personality. Not quite, because Bakugo's still angry, and Midoriya hasn't been outright mean to everyone for no reason, but with each other, it's like they're different people."

"Yeah," I said, staring into space. I severely doubted that 'Suki had ever raped Deku, but I guess looking at it through the eyes of someone who didn't know the full details, Midoriya was suddenly the bully and 'Suki was the victim. Only the bully and the victim were also fucking, which only really made it worse.

Aizawa POV:

I was honestly starting to get nervous when I didn't hear back from Shoji all night. "He didn't hear anything?"

"I guess that means nothing happened," Nemuri replied, shrugging.

"Somehow, that's worse." I sighed to myself. "Does that mean that Midoriya did something so quietly that Shoji didn't hear it? Or could he have honestly just left him alone? If it's the latter, then the kid's scared out of his mind. I feel so bad for him, holy shit." I tugged on a loose strand of my hair. "If nothing happened tonight, then he's wallowing in a pool of nerves that's only bound to get worse as time progresses. It's all just more torture."

"And if something did happen, then Midoriya knows how to get away with something without anyone else noticing. I'm curious to see how much he thinks he knows about what happened yesterday, and how much of it he's got right."

Bakugo POV:

He wasn't letting me talk to them. He wasn't letting me talk to anyone, for that matter, but especially not Eiji or Sparky. Which sucked, because I really needed a hug and Deku wasn't about to comfort me. Not that I wanted his comfort anyway.

He had holed me back up in his room, too, and left a little while ago. I didn't have my phone or any real way out. The door locked from the inside, but he'd be able to tell if I left, if only for a second.

The worst part was that I sort of had to pee. Dammit, this is why I said I didn't even want to stay in Sparky's room for so long. So I just let myself fall backwards on the floor.

I hit the ground with a thud, and just lay there for awhile. Deku's been gone a long time. Where did he say he was going? I couldn't remember. All I knew was that right now, I had the room to myself. So, did I piss him off by messing with something? Ironically, he still treasured his collection of All Might figurines. I got the feeling that he'd just gone off the deep end, though.

But I swore to myself that if I ever saw Deku again, I would fall to my knees and beg for his forgiveness. But whatever it was that had hurt me like this, whatever it was that was hellbent on destroying everything I ever cared about, that was something else. Something that wore his body and carried the same name. It wasn't Deku anymore. And this thing didn't deserve any of the apologies I ever gave him in a desperate hope that he would just stop.

I found myself tapping on the floor with my knuckles. I hadn't been paying much attention to what my body was doing, but when I noticed what my hands were up to, I got an idea and prayed that Deku wouldn't be able to hear me.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now