Chapter Forty-Six

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The next morning, I woke up in Denki's arms, with my own curled to my chest. The sun shone between the blinds, casting long, narrow shadows across the sheets. His eyes were open about halfway, and he watched me lazily. "Morning, Ei," he mumbled, a little smile playing on his lips.

"Sleep well?" I asked, and he grinned wider.

"Slept great. You are... adorable," he observed, his thumb running over a bite mark on my shoulder. I blushed lightly, all the memories from last night rushing back. As promised, we hadn't gone too far.

"And you're really warm," I replied, burrowing myself into him. He laughed, hugging me tighter.

I heard a ping from my phone, which was lying on my nightstand. I groaned, not wanting to get it. "Oh, you big baby," Denki nudged me, reaching over me to grab it.

The text from Sero surprised me. That moved fast.

Hey guys! Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat!!! The school's open! I saw it on the news!

What the fuck... the news. Of course. What time is it, again? I glanced at the time on my phone. "Denks, we slept in until two in the afternoon," I muttered, and he looked at me, astonished.

"You read the notification, right?" He bolted into a sitting position, and I grumbled again, rubbing my eyes.

"Yes. School is open." School is open. "School is open!" I sat up to meet him, and we beamed at each other. "I should tell Mom," I said excitedly, getting up.

"Eh, you should put clothes on," he suggested, and I realized that that would probably be a smart thing to do. It was true, we hadn't technically had sex, but my skin was still littered in bite marks and hickeys. We did not think that through last night in the least.

So once I was dressed, we bolted to the kitchen, massive smiles on our faces. "Mooooom! Guesswhatguesswhatguesswhat!" I called, tripping halfway across the room and landing face-first in the couch next to her.

"I'm gonna guess you heard the news, then? I was just about to go get up to tell you, actually," she laughed. "But I came in to check on the two of you earlier since you don't generally sleep in this late. You looked... tired." My mom stifled laughter and both of us turned beet-red.

"We didn't—" I stuttered, and she waved me off.

"I know, I know. Don't worry about it," she shrugged, so I let it go. "So, school's back in session after the weekend. 'S been awhile, huh?"

"Yeah. I can't believe we missed a whole month of school work! I don't know if I should be grateful for the break or just more stressed because we missed a whole month... knowing our teachers they'll try to cram it all in in a week," Denki pouted, sitting down next to me. "Aw, Blasty's gonna explosion-murder me if I fail."

"I'm sure you'll do just fine, Denki," my mom assured him. "So, should I assume that you're hungry?"

"You can never assume," I replied, but sighed when my stomach rumbled loudly. "But yes."

"Just say that the first time," my mom rolled her eyes, getting up to make (probably) a couple of sandwiches.

"She really is nice," Denki noted, plopping down next to me on the couch.

"I told you, you didn't have to worry about anything," I flipped my body so that I was actually sitting down and took Denki's hand, stroking it with my thumb.

Denki smiled at the ground. "Hey, it's the weekend before school starts up again. We should go out and do something," Denki said excitedly.

"I don't think so! They still haven't caught Shigaraki," my mom shouted from the kitchen. "He could be anywhere."

I sighed. "I hate to agree with her (Hey!) but my mom's right. We probably shouldn't. Especially since we were the ones constantly getting in Toga's way. They're probably at least mildly annoyed with us."

"Which could mean danger, yeah, yeah. My hyperactive ass hates me right now, but yeah. Uh, Kirishima-san?" Denki called to my mom. "Do you think we could invite some friends over here?"

"As long as they stay a thousand-and-four percent safe and their parents agree, I don't see why not," she sighed. "I know you boys want to get out of here. I don't like having to keep you all locked up, either. The least I could do is allow you some company, on the one condition that they don't get into any trouble and don't bring any here."

"Of course, mom," I laughed. "When have my friends ever gotten into trouble?"

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now