Chapter Two

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The next morning I woke up on... Denki's floor? Huh? It took me a second to remember what had happened. We were playing Mariokart... I guess I must've fallen asleep here. I wondered for a second what Bakugo was going to be up to.

Then the rest of last night came back in an unwanted flood. Right. He didn't want me. Then I scolded myself. Denki wouldn't let me phrase it that way. It's not that Bakugo didn't want me, he just... wanted Midoriya. That thought made me smile a bit. It was nice to remember that at least I hadn't done anything wrong. Supposedly.

"Hey, Ei," I heard Denki groan from the bed. I glanced up at him. He'd fallen asleep in a weird position, too; his legs were dangling off the mattress, one on either side of where my head had been the night before while we were playing Mariokart. Wait, thinking about how that sentence sounds in my mind—

I shook my head. Shut up, brain. We literally didn't do anything. Then I realized I was staring at Denki. This made me blush. Then I realized I still hadn't said anything. "Oh, right. Words. Uh, good morning!"

"Heh. Still tired, bro? I don't blame you, we were up really late last night together," he laughed. Then he paused. "Wait, don't get the wrong idea, we didn't... wait no, you were there. You fucking know we didn't. Why am I still—"

"I guess we're on the same shit today. What time is it?" I laughed, glancing at the clock. Oh, fuck... "Holy shit, Denki, it's eight in the morning! School starts in fifteen minutes!"

"Oh shit, you right!" He shot out of bed in two seconds flat, then paused. "Bro, do you think my uniform'll fit you? I know I'm a bit smaller than—"

"It's fine, it's fine," I rushed out, digging through his closet next to him. We fished out two uniforms and got dressed quickly. We'd done this plenty of times before. Well, not this specifically, but we'd changed in front of each other. I mean, school locker room and all. So it wasn't like we were embarrassed.

Then we bolted to class without getting anything to eat. We hadn't even given ourselves time to get out hair together or anything, just sorta yoat ourselves out the door. It was a bit of a walk to the actual school building, and then we had to get to class. By the time we were there, we probably looked like we had done something... risqué.

We both sat down next to each other as usual and Sero and Mina looked at us, confused. I just shook my head, hoping they'd get the hint that it definitely wasn't what it looked like. They nodded, seeming to get it. Then I glanced at Bakugo, who was staring at me with a sort of shocked expression on his face. When he noticed me, he looked away. Then Midoriya poked his back and he relaxed. I smiled sadly in their direction just as the bell rang, then turned my attention to the front of the room.

"Everyone, settle down," Aizawa said tiredly.


During lunch break, Mina and Sero cornered us. "If I'm getting you guys right, nothing happened last night, right? And you guys coming in together looking like that after leaving the party together is a coincidence. Right?" Mina pestered us.

"Yes, it is," I scratched the back of my neck. "I guess Bakugo's with Deku for lunch today?"

"Yeah, looks like it," Mina frowned.

"You sure you're alright, man?" Sero asked, and I smiled.

"Better than last night. Still sad, but it'll be fine," I said, grinning. Sero smiled back.

"Man, how does your smile make everyone else smile? It's unreal, bro," he laughed.

"Oh, stop it," I pouted.

"Nah, he's right," Denki agreed. "You're too ador—happy. Too happy. It should be illegal."

I tilted my head in confusion for a moment before shrugging. "Let's just go eat, I'm starving! We ran out before we could have breakfast."

"Good idea," Mina laughed.

Once we got ourselves situated, I was so distracted that I'd almost forgotten about everything with Bakugo altogether. Then he appeared next to me, slamming a hand on the table to get our attention. "Hey, Shitty Hair, you said you'd tell me that thing after I talked to Deku but you were gone when I looked for you. Soy Sauce and Alien said you and Dunce Face left. What was it you wanted to say?"

"It's uh... not important. I wanted to ask you a question, but I figured out the answer myself later," I muttered.

"Oh. One other thing, what did you two do last night? You realize that almost everyone thinks you—"

"Do they?" Denki's eyebrows shot through the roof. "We seriously only played Mariokart and then slept in. Uh... Midoriya's calling you..." he said, pointing behind Bakugo. I looked away from them.

"You never told me you liked him," I said offhandedly.

"Oh. Uh... sorry, I guess? I gotta go. See you guys," he said quickly, then disappeared again. I waited for him to be gone before I even looked at any of my friends again. They were all looking at me sadly.

"I said guys, I'll be fine." Then I ran a hand through my hair frustratedly. "I know that Midoriya's not the type, but it almost feels like he's rubbing it in my face. Why can't I just be happy for him?" I slammed my face against the table and didn't get back up again. Denki just rubbed my back, and no one mentioned Bakugo again.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now