Chapter Thirteen

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"When Toga was disguised as you, she attacked us. She stabbed Kiri first since she knew she would only be able to if she caught him off guard," Sero started the story. "Then when Kami started to help him down to Recovery Girl's office, she threw two knives into his back. He didn't even let Kiri know, he just forced himself to keep walking."

"Is that what happened? Makes sense why they were bleeding out by the front door of the school," Aizawa said nonchalantly. "I got them to the infirmary in time, don't worry," he added quickly when I paused eating to stare at him.

"Yeah, after they were gone, Toga told us you were dead at first, so Bakugo and I maybe sort of almost... destroyed her existence..." I raised an eyebrow. "...but then Aizawa and the rest of the teachers came in and somehow convinced Toga to tell us where you were," Sero said.

"There were three other villains who attacked too, but Midnight took care of them pretty quickly," Aizawa continued. "Then we had them all captured and all we had to do was find you. And of course, Toga mentioned some other things. Shigaraki has some big plan that drove most of the League of Villains away from him. And Dabi being dead."

He finished up the story and I just nodded. "That's... actually not as bad as I thought it would've turned out." I finished the bowl and looked up at my sensei and two of my best friends. "Are we gonna go back soon? I gotta see Kiri and Kami."

"Understandable. You done eating?" Aizawa asked, and I nodded energetically.

"I'm feelin' like myself!" But my stomach betrayed me, grumbling yet again. Bakugo scowled at me and I huffed. "Fine, one more."

Kirishima POV:

I blinked the sleep out of my eyes. Everything was blurry for a few moments before my eyes decided to work and things came back into focus.

I was in a bed in Recovery Girl's office. Denki was in the one next to me, snoring away. I smiled softly in his direction, although he couldn't see me. This was mostly due to him being asleep, but also sort of just because even if he were awake, his face would be buried in his pillow.

I listened to him murmur in his sleep. It was pretty cute. "Mmh, no, I'm Pikachu, fuck off..." he mumbled at nothing. I snorted.

Just then, two voices came into the room; Sero and Mina were talking animatedly between themselves as Bakugo and Aizawa-sensei dragged noiselessly behind. At the same time, I noticed All Might asleep in a chair in the corner.

I perked up at the sight of my best lady friend. "Mina!" I said cheerfully, but quietly.

"Kiri! Oh, are you sure a sight for sore eyes, she grinned, rushing over to give me a light hug.

"It's awesome to see you're doing well. Well, the real you," I laughed a little. She giggled.

"Yeah! I guess Kami's asleep. But you gotta tell me what's been goin' on with you. I've been outta the loop for a week, give me something!" she whined. I sat up with a little difficulty.

"Well, the biggest thing is probably that Bakugo and Midoriya actually started dating," I thought off the top of my head.

"And you didn't tell me this over ramen?" She crossed her arms. Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Sore throat. Also, not as relevant as you getting fucking kidnapped," he grumbled.

"Ugh, fine. But what about—" she started to say, but I just shrugged. She was not about to let my crush on Bakugo out now.

"Uh, besides that—"

"You and Kami made out at the mall," Sero said, and I turned red.


"Well, it was because of this one lady who was being a homophobic bitch because of Kiri's cute outfit. Kami yelled at her, then they just sorta kissed, and she left them alone," Sero shrugged.

"Seriously, people, this is the stuff we talk about over ramen!" Mina sighed. "Once you two are all healed and stuff, we gotta have a sleepover. Oh, we can invite Mido if you guys are okay with it," she glanced at me, and I nodded. Bakugo, on the other hand, looked mortified.

"No, no. No," he shook his head, still speaking hoarsely. "Deku's gonna wanna play truth or dare or some shit and I ain't doing anything like that with him."

"How come?" Mina tilted her head, confused. "How bad could that lil' cinnamon roll be?" I grinned to myself.

"Er..." he scratched the back of his neck and looked away, his whole face flushed. "Sore throat," he repeated, so quietly that I could hardly hear him. Mina immediately snorted, and Sero and I smirked.

"That was more than I needed to know," Aizawa sighed.

"Young Bakugo, do I need to have a word with you?" All Might suddenly spoke from where he was sitting. We all jumped, either having not noticed him in the first place or having forgotten he was there.

"What? No! I didn't even do anything this time!" He held his hands up in surrender. Even Aizawa was smirking now. I made a mental note to thank Midoriya for this later.

"I'm messing with you, Young Bakugo," All Might said while laughing.

"Stop it..." I heard Kami mumble next to me.

"Pikachu talks in his sleep?" Bakugo asked. I nodded.

"Sometimes," I said, my eyes not leaving the golden-blonde next to me.

"Ngh, no, get away..." he flipped over so that he was on his back.

"Bit of a restless sleeper?" Sero asked. I shrugged. I'd honestly never paid his sleeping habits much attention.

"Get... get away!" He suddenly sat bolt upright, eyes wide open, a little frantic. Or maybe a nightmare. Daymare. Then he looked around, noticing everyone who was here; me first, then everyone standing up, and eventually All Might, too. "Oh, hey, guys," he mumbled. Then perked up again. "Wait, Mina! You're back! That's awesome!"

"Heck yeah! But uh... you alright? Nightmares are nasty sometimes," she smiled sympathetically.

"Yeah. Yep. All good. What'd I miss?" he asked immediately.

"Nothing," Bakugo said a little too quickly. I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself. It's good for us all to be back together, I thought to myself. For once, I agreed with my brain.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now