Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Kirishima POV:

I spotted 'Suki walking casually (I guess so that he wouldn't bring himself any attention) from the elevator in the direction of the bathroom. I could tell how bad this was when he felt the need to sneak out just for something as trivial as a bathroom break.

Then Aizawa, Midnight, and Midoriya caught my eye, just having a conversation in the corner. I knew that no one else could feel it, but the tension in the air was so thick that I was swimming, nay, drowning in it. "I'm worried about him," I mumbled to Denki.

"I know. So am I," he replied, taking my hand in both of his. "He's gonna be okay. For now, at least. Midoriya's not gonna do anything blatantly in front of the teachers."

"I hope so." We sat there worriedly for a couple of minutes, watching the bathroom door intently. When he finally came out, he flashed us a quick, tiny smile before his face turned sullen again. I looked back at Deku, who was still just talking to the teachers. Then, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Something was about to go wrong.

"Oh, Kacchan! C'mere!" Shit, he didn't even turn around! I glanced between Midoriya and 'Suki. Deku sounded cheerful, as he had been ever since we let him have 'Suki back. Speaking of 'Suki, he looked surprisingly calm. From a distance, anyway. I guess he had gotten pretty used to acting.

"Time to step in?" I asked Denki quietly, still raring to beat the shit out of the green fucker.

"Not yet, Ei. Geez, I gotta put you on a leash to keep you calm, don't I?" Denki sighed, grabbing my shoulder quickly but gently. "I might be a dumbass, but I can tell that nothing bad is gonna happen. Not right now. We can get closer, though, if you can stand being near Deku without punching him in the face."

I rolled my eyes, but got up calmly anyway. "Yeah, yeah. And are you still going on about me being a literal dog?"

"It's not an insult, it's just who you are!" he said, raising one hand defensively, the other still keeping me next to him.

We sat down next to Aizawa and Midnight, across from 'Suki and Deku.

"Oh, hey guys," Midoriya said, grinning. Fantastic, the gang's back together again. "How have you two been holding up?"

"Oh, you know," Denki shrugged. "Just absolutely livid, yeah, I keep losing at Mariokart to this knucklehead. Besides that, not much going on, it's a bit boring. I doubt anything's gonna happen soon either, but it's not like the school's gonna blow up, so there's no rush either. I needed some time out of school anyway," he finished. What the fuck, Denks? Why do you make it so obvious that we know he's a villain?

Midoriya raised an eyebrow. "There's no way the school could blow up?" he leaned forward, lowering his voice. "Would you like to test that theory, Kaminari-kun? I know you all know I'm the traitor. I know it was this mistake of a human being's fault that the secret got out," he gestured at 'Suki, who sat back and in the opposite direction, resting his chin on his hand to pretend that he hadn't heard the blatant insult. "So what are you gonna do, sensei? Are you going to arrest me? Kill me? Or are you gonna try and make me turn my life around so that I'm all nice again for real? Or call my mom and 'explain the situation' to her?"

"There goes our element of surprise," Midnight sighed.

"I won't put up any resistance. I did my part of the plan."

"Don't you feel any remorse?" I growled. "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? Did you ask that before, Kirishima-kun?" He giggled, leaning back in his seat. "I do feel bad. Sometimes. Like that feeling you get when you step on a fly that already has two broken wings."

"You're a monster, you know that?" I swear, I was about to pop a blood vessel. This asshole was testing my self-control versus my willingness to stomp on him until he was a tiny stain in the carpet.

"And you're all naive," he replied, an eerily natural smile playing on his lips. "You really thought that someone as nice and sweet as me could last? People like that don't survive in the real world. They don't survive on the outside or the inside. It might be hard to break their resolve, but when you do, it's so rewarding."

"You're doing all of this for the sake of hurting Bakugo. One, single person. There's nothing rewarding about that," Midnight frowned.

"There will be when I get to see the last of his hope fade from his eyes. Poof," Midoriya was giggling. He made a little poof gesture with his fingers. "You don't know how good it's gonna feel when everything and everyone he loves is gone in flames and all he can do is watch!"

"You're insane," Aizawa said bluntly. "And you're coming with us."

"Ooh, so scary!" It had taken us too long to realize how quiet the rest of the room had gone, how loudly Midoriya was cackling. He grabbed 'Suki by the wrist, and the blonde visibly flinched. "You'll always be mine, Kacchan, no matter where they take me!" Aizawa had to practically rip Deku off him. "You'll always belong to me and the proof is carved into your skin!"

As the crazy teen was dragged out of the building, 'Suki stood up, shaking. "Hang on," he said quietly. Deku froze, his arms held behind his back. We all watched with bated breath. The familiar old anger flashed across his features as he punched Midoriya square in the face. Then he just collapsed to his knees, sobbing, as Midoriya was led away. This time, he didn't struggle at all.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now