Chapter Fifty-Four

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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door.

"Whoisit," I slurred sleepily.

"A damaged gay," answered a familiar voice.

"Blasty! Ooh, Blasty's back! Wakeupwakeupwakeup! Ei." I shook him awake until he punched me.

"I heard you the first time," he mumbled sleepily, getting up already as I rubbed my already bruising shoulder.

He opened the door. "Hey, 'Suki!" he said cheerfully.

"Hey, Eiji. Damn, it feels nice to walk," he grinned. It's so bright. They're so bright. What the fuck.

I sprang up and joined them at the door.

"Kat, you're alive!" I laughed.

"Yes. You knew that already," he rolled his eyes. "I think I owe you both something. Uh, can I come in?"

"Huh? Sure," we said, moving aside. He closed the door, and took a deep breath.

First he gave Ei a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Eiji. You really helped me a lot." Ei blushed, smiling shyly. Why are they so cute it's not fairrrr? Then he turned to me, and my first thought was, never mind. That was a mistake.

He punched me in the stomach. "Ow," I whimpered, having had the wind knocked out of me.

"Oh, shut up, I promised you I'd beat your ass as soon as I got out of the hospital," he shook his head.

"Yeah. Getting your ass beat is kinky. This was mean. There's a difference," I whined, still doubled over. My eyes were watering a little bit.

"I'll do it again, don't fuckin' test me," he grumbled, then tilted my head up gently, kissing me on the cheek. "Thanks for helping me with my shit. You're a great guy, even if you were a wimp. Which I guess I can't judge you for being a wimp anymore, huh?"

"Yeah, wimp buddies!" I held up a hand for a fist bump and he looked at me sort of confused before he just said, "I will punch you again."

"That's fair, okay. So, you ready for class?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yep. Shit, I should change, right?"

"Oh, probably," I nodded. "Wanna... change in here, or... 'cuz you can borrow my stuff, I don't mind."

"No thanks," he decided. "It's not you," he went on quickly. "I just sort of want to change alone."

"Yeah! No, that's totally fair, we get it," I reassured him. I guess that made sense, considering Toga probably... well, I didn't want to think about what she did while he changed. He nodded and slipped out of the room.

"I'm glad he's back already," Ei said once the door was shut and we made our way over to the closet. "He seems to be doing well."

"It's still so weird to hear him make excuses for anything. He never explains why he does stuff," I sighed, sitting on the bed and pulling off my t-shirt. I slid my arms into the sleeves of my button-up, but didn't get too far before there was suddenly an Eijiro on top of me. "Gah—"

I quickly became more aware of my surroundings; he was straddled around my waist, hands on my shoulders, and a look in his eye that gave me chills. You could almost call it innocent. No, curious. And determined. To do what? This early? I mean, I won't say no...

He slid both his hands up to caress my cheeks and leaned in so that his lips were a feather away from mine. My breathing got shallow.

"How badly do you want to be mine?" he whispered, and I wasn't sure if I had gone dumb or not. Well, if I could still think coherently, my mind must be somewhat intact.

"Don't you know the answer to that?" I replied a little shakily. He was making me just a tiny bit nervous. He grinned mischievously, and pushed his lips against mine.

"Yeah," he giggled against my mouth, and I couldn't help but smile. I took the opportunity to slide my tongue inside, tracing each and every one of his teeth.

He seemed a little frustrated that I was taking control of it this time around though, growling a tiny bit. Huh, switch much? He started to suck on my tongue, his hands pulling my waist in closer.

"Nngh—" I groaned, feeling a bit of saliva start to trail out of the corners of my mouth. I really hope no one walks in on us. I'd feel bad for scarring them. And since when is Ei so dominant? I know I'm a switch bitch myself but I thought he was just a bottom...

After maybe a minute, he pulled off me, and said, "Let's hurry up, 'Suki will probably get suspicious if we take too long." Cut to me, being a panting, drooling mess, trying to decide whether I was mad at him or if I wanted some more.

"You guys both like being mean to me today, huh?" I asked, trying to collect myself. I wiped at my mouth first and he just smirked back, winking.

"Did you forget yesterday morning already?" he asked, flicking me in the forehead as he walked past me to grab something.

"Refresh my mind? A lot happened yesterday," I replied, finally starting to button up my shirt. He scowled, still half-dressed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Oh yeah," I recalled, laughing to myself. "Was it really that bad, though?"

"You climbed on top of me to get a granola bar and shoved it down my throat," he rolled his eyes, and I laughed again.

"We were in a hurry," I answered. Before I got to the top button of my shirt, he passed by me again, tugged the collar down a little, and bit down moderately hard. Not something that should've hurt, but did more so since he was a shark. "Ei..." I whined, and he laughed.

"Now you're mine for sure. So long as you wanna be, 'course."

"You left a mark, didn't you?" I sighed, suddenly wishing I had more buttons to go before I ran out. "And you know I do, Ei, no need for the disclaimer."

"Great. Now I guess I should probably put some pants on," he glanced down, and I nodded, doing my best not to stare.

"That would probably be for the best."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now