Chapter Twenty-Six

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At breakfast, I swear Deku looked more protective than usual. In his defense, he probably caught Denki and I both staring at Bakugo multiple times. I just hoped that he wasn't catching on to what was going through our minds.


The next week or two was pretty uneventful. Bakugo and Deku got on each others' nerves a bit, I guess, but what else was new? Shinso was fitting in really well, too. He'd gotten pretty close with Midoriya, which I guess made sense considering they'd already known each other the best.

Every now and again, I recalled about that date Denki and I were supposed to go on, but the thing that sucked was that we couldn't leave campus because the school was still shut down (it was taking longer to sort out security and stuff than Aizawa-sensei had originally predicted), so we couldn't go on an actual date.

So I finally got annoyed with this detail. "Denks, we might not ever be able to go on that date if things keep up like this," I sighed one day. "It's been like, three weeks!"

"I know, Ei," he replied. We were in his room, bored. There wasn't much to do, and while we loved being in each others' company, we hated always having to sit around. "This is killing me. The only thing we could even do is like, watch a movie together."

"We could actually do that," I shrugged, tacking the idea down in my brain for the near future. "The only other thing I can think of is something that we probably aren't ready for," I added, and he nodded.

"Yeah, not quite there yet. Not that I don't want to because of you, we're just a bit young," he said quickly, and I laughed.

"I know. Ugh, I wish we could just leave..."

Suddenly, I heard someone knock on the door. I turned my head towards the sound as Denki got up.

"Midobro? What are you doing outside my room?" Denki asked once he answered it.

"Dunno. Just walking around since there's nothing else to do in these forsaken hallways (so melodramatic, Midoriya), and I heard you guys mention something about movies. Kacchan and I sorta want to do something together, too, we just can't think of anything. Besides, you know, offending my mattress," he said, scratching at his nose a little. "Wanna have a double date?"

"Sure! Just some sort of movie, then?" Denki asked Deku. The shorter boy nodded.

"Yeah. You guys can come to my room at six, then," he offered.

"Eh, no, you just finished telling us about how often you 'offend your mattress,' so I think not," Denki pointed out. "My room. You guys can pick a movie, I don't care. Unless you wanna pick one, Ei?" he asked, turning to me.

"Uh, I don't care about any specific one, but maybe a thriller or a horror movie?" I requested.

"Sure, we'll find something. Kacchan brought loads of horror movies from home on DVD, so it shouldn't be an issue. It'll be harder to pick one than it will be to find one," Deku laughed.

"Perfect! My room at six, then," Denki grinned. Deku nodded, and we went on our separate ways.

So six rolled around, and the other two boys dropped in with a movie.

"I haven't seen this one before, but Kacchan says it's pretty good," Midoriya said, handing Denki the DVD.

Once it was working, he crawled up behind me on the couch and pulled me back so that I was leaning against his chest. He placed his chin on my shoulder.

"Er... lights? So that we can see the screen better, I mean," Bakugo asked, mumbling the explanation. "The movie's pretty dark most of the time."

"Oh, right. Sorry," Denki laughed. "Ei, could you get the lights?"

"Mhmm," I nodded, getting up. I hope he'll be fine. Horror movies have never scared me before, but I don't know how Denki is, especially in the dark.

Bakugo seemed to notice his sudden increase in nerves when the lights went off and the music grew louder. "Close your eyes if you think it gets too bad. Just don't fuckin' scream, got it?"

"I'm not gonna scream," he rolled his eyes, although his nervousness was becoming more and more evident as he wrapped his arms and legs around me tightly, which he always did to calm himself down enough to fall asleep.

And so the movie began slowly as most movies do, a family moving into their house for the first time. Oh, this is The Conjuring! I love this one. It's not bad at all, either. Denki should be fine.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now