Chapter Fifty-Eight

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The next afternoon, right after the bell rang, I got up and barely managed to stretch my legs before I felt myself being whisked away by all the girls in class.

"Gah—" I found my footing, and followed them. I soon noticed another sound of footsteps with us, too; Mina had joined the pack.

"Hey, guys! Mall today, right? Eh, why are we stealing Kiri again?" she asked, jogging alongside us; don't ask me why we were running, I guess they were all excited.

"Makeover!" Hagakure squealed. "He looked great last time, we have some pictures and everything! I'll show you when we get there," she said excitedly.

"Ooh, fun! I already have ideas," she laughed.

"Am I supposed to be feeling scared?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Absolutely," Mina winked at me and took my other hand to drag me along faster.

I was sat on Hagakure's bed, twiddling my thumbs awkwardly just like last time. "Okay, spill," Uraraka said, watching me expectedly while the other girls rifled through makeup. For someone without a visible face, Hagakure sure had a lot of makeup. "Last time, Bakugo broke your heart. Now what's going on with you?"

"Oh, right," I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Uh, well, you guys know that Denks and I are dating. I guess 'Suki's in a bit of a grey area right now? He's not officially my boyfriend, I don't think. We haven't made it official, anyway."

"So soon after Midoriya?" Yaoyorozu asked. "I don't really mean to sound like I'm judging. But it is rather soon."

"It's a little sad, actually," I admitted as she climbed behind me and started brushing my hair out. "Ever since the deal with Toga, 'Suki said that it would be too hard for him to actually date Mido, even though he didn't do any of the really cruel stuff. It's not either of their faults, really. Just... impossible, I guess. And he likes us both, too. Denki and I."

"And Midoriya said he was okay with it?" Jiro asked.

"Mhmm," I hummed as Mina and Hagakure positioned themselves in front of me with some makeup stuff.

"I feel so bad for him," she sighed. "It doesn't really seem fair."

"It's not. And we haven't seen him at all! I feel terrible," Tsuyu added. "Maybe we should stop by tomorrow to see if he's still there, or ask if we can visit the rehab center when he gets there if he's gone by then. It would be weird if they didn't allow any visitors there, right?"

"Yeah, it would be," I agreed. "That sounds good. Hey, what are you guys doing—" I asked the two girls on makeup duty just as they shushed me.

"Mouth slightly open. Lip gloss," Mina instructed, so I did what she said, keeping my lips slightly apart.

"Okay, now eyes closed. We're gonna do some eye shadow..."

"How should I do the hair?" Momo asked. "I brushed out the tangles."

The girls who weren't preoccupied with something looked me over (I assume. My eyes were closed) and Jiro was the first to answer.

"Two little braids from the sides that connect in the back," she suggested. "Make sure the rest of his hair like, poofs out a ton out from under them. Tease that shiz to death."

"Okay, scene queen," Yaoyorozu said. You could practically hear her smile as she said it. "What about clothes?"

"Totally another skirt," Hagakure said immediately. The rest of the girls hummed in agreement.

"What color? Pattern? Style?"

"A short pleated one. Like, short-short. But the kind that also has shorts as a part of it," Mina said quickly.

"Uh..." I was a little unsure, but she continued to convince me.

"I think for you I'd put like, black ripped tights under it, too," she decided.

"Okay," I finally agreed, wondering how comfortable this was going to be.

"Nice. But what about a color?" Momo produced a hair tie from oblivion.

"Red plaid, I think. But chunky plaid," Mina said.

"Ooh, put a lil' ribbon in his hair!" Hagakure said.

"Sure," Momo smiled. "And for the top?"

"A black cropped band T-shirt. Doesn't matter which band," Jiro said.

"You just want me to give my boyfriends nosebleeds," I pouted.

"That's generally the goal," Tsuyu admitted.

"And it's fun to watch Kami go stupid," Jiro added.

"Should I get the same boots as last time?" I asked.

"Definitely," they all said at once.

"You turned me into an e-girl," I observed in the mirror.

"Yes," they replied.

"I like it. I'll grab my shoes and then... we'll go, I guess," I twirled around one more time for good measure. Skirts were fun.

I got to my room and tugged them on , then made my way back to the common room. It was safe to say that I was a little more nervous about this outfit than the last time; for starters, this was a tiny fucking skirt and there were tears all down the tights, too. Not to mention, I had a Fall Out Boy crop top on, too. Not that I was insecure about my abs or anything, and I was well aware of the fact that my entire torso was exposed on my hero costume, but this still made me a little more anxious. I definitely liked the makeup, though. It was a little heavier than last time, with a little bit more pizzazz around the eyes, but I liked it.

When I got there, Denki and 'Suki, who had been chatting casually, just sorta froze when they saw me. I smiled a little awkwardly from across the room.

"Uh, hi," I laughed nervously, then went over. They both made space so that I could plop down between them.

"Did it get... hot in here? It got hot in here, right? Someone broke the thermostat?" Denki asked, literally squeaking a tiny bit.

"Yep. That's what happened," 'Suki replied immediately, nodding.

"You guys are hopeless," I rolled my eyes, then switched to a glare. "You'd better not do anything while we're in public," I added, physically pulling both of them just a little bit closer.

That was just about all that Denki could take without malfunctioning. "Wouldn't dream of it, Eiji," 'Suki promised, propping his chin on my shoulder. Wow, he got close. He had an innocent look in his eyes. Wonder how that got there.

"Uh, good," I rolled my eyes, smiling. My blondies would really listen to me, wouldn't they? Well, not just yet. "Welp, we should go. Denks, you up for being alive for this trip?" I lightly smacked his cheek until he came around.

"Wheeeeyyes. I'm back," he grinned. "Let's go!"

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now