Chapter Twenty-One

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"Shinso, a little to the left," Mina said as the two of them carried a particularly large box into her new room. All of his things were in the hallway, waiting to be carried back to 1-A.

We had helped to bring all of Mina's stuff over while Shinso had cleaned out his room, and now they both insisted the three of us sit back because "they got this."

So Denki, Sero and I were just chilling on the sidelines.

"Your other left, Shinso," she said as he bumped into the wall, the box wobbling haphazardly in their arms.

"That was my left," he muttered, but obliged and shifted to his right to get it through more easily.

"Are you guys sure that—" I started to ask, but Mina replied straight away.

"No way, Kiri. Just stay right where you are. Enjoy each others' company. Don't act like I didn't know what I was talking about, you're also fantastic at analogies," she said.

"Huh? What'd you mean?" Sero and Shinso asked.

"Oh, nothing important," she grinned cheekily. I could feel my face heating up. "Regardless of the true topic of the conversation, we gave you advice and you'd better use it," Mina said, almost as if it were a threat.

"I would but you need to focus," I said just as she rounded the corner and bumped into the door. I could hear Shinso chuckling softly inside the room.

"See, it's a difficult corner with this thing," he said.

"You just went in the wrong direction," she answered, huffing.

"You told me to go in that direction, but I digress."

They set down the big box and came back for another one, somehow just as big. Maybe more so.

"Are you absolutely sure—" I began to ask again, and before they picked it up, she put her hands on her hips and legit glared at me.

"Kirishima Eijiro. You stay right where you are. Hanta, wanna help?" She turned to Sero, and he got up, cracking his knuckles before joining the other two.

"I think I get it now," he said, winking at us just as he was turning to go to Mina and Shinso.

As they struggled to pick the box up together, yelling at each other to shift to the left and whatnot, I could feel the tension as we were essentially alone again. Quietly, I broke the ice.

"So... they're not gonna let us help," I sighed.

"You talk too much," he answered, referring to the previous conversation.

"I know. But they were right. You were right. About what I should do, anyway." I ran a hand through my hair. "Are you mad?"

"About what?" He asked. He definitely still looked a little peeved, and I felt bad.

"You know what. I pulled a dick move, I shouldn't have just rejected you like that," I apologized yet again.

"I don't want you to feel bad about that. I mean sure, it's hurt a bit, but I get why you pulled back. I'm not mad," he replied. His fingers were tapping his knees at a hundred miles an hour. It was like his body didn't know what to do with his hands If they weren't holding mine.

"I guess that's a good thing to hear. I just..." I sighed, looking up at my other three friends, who were still struggling to get the box up.

"We should help them," Denki said, reading my mind.

"Yeah. Mina's gonna yell at us, but that's fine," I shrugged.

Once Denki and I had helped out with getting Mina's stuff into her new room, it had gone much faster. After that, we helped Shinso carry all of his stuff to the dorms. There wasn't too much, though, so he told us not to worry about it so that he could just do the rest of the job himself.

So it was the four of us again. We sat in the common room together.

Bakugo had finally emerged from his cave of solitude and decided to hang out with us because he was 'mad at Deku'. Understandable, considering truth or dare had quite literally been torture for him. At least now we knew to not invite Deku for sleepovers.

"So what's up with you idiots?" he asked sulkily.

"Well, besides me moving out and these two dorks being emotionally constipated, nothing much," Mina said, shrugging.

"Wait, what's going on with you guys?" He sat back, crossing his arms. I looked away, not meeting his eyes. "Are you really not gonna tell me? After making such a big deal about me not saying anything about my crush on Deku? There's obviously something going on."

I shot Mina a look but sighed. "I guess..." my eyes flicked between Bakugo and Denki. Fuck, this was awkward. "Yeah, I like Denki, that's hardly a secret."

"Okay," He doesn't know the half of it.

"I also like Ei," Denki scratched the back of his neck. "Which I also haven't bothered hiding."

"Okay, So you like each other. That's fine. This doesn't seem like a problem."

"That's not the whole thing, though," I chewed on my bottom lip. I did not want to have to explain this without telling him I ever had a crush on him. "I'm... scared of a relationship? I guess?"

"You guess."

"Yeah. And it's just... every time we get close nowadays, I... fuck, I don't know how to say this to you," I rubbed my eyes tiredly. I can't do this, this is bullshit. Nope. Get away. "I, uh..." It was starting to get really hot. Is anyone else hot? I'm really hot. They could probably tell how uncomfortable I was.

"Never mind, if you don't wanna talk about it, sorry if I, uh... pushed you, I guess," he mumbled.

"I can't help but feel like I've done something," Mina said awkwardly.

"You're fine, I'm sorry," I sighed, shaking my head. Get away Right freaking now. "I'll go. A-alone," I added, getting up to go to my room in a hurry.

I didn't spare a backwards glance to see Mina looking at me guiltily, Bakugo looking confused, Sero just plain uncomfortable, and Denki heartbroken yet again. For the second time today, I was pushing him further away, and it made me feel like a piece of shit, but I had to be alone.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now