Chapter Thirty-Five

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"You can't be serious," I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No," Denki stated bluntly.

"I'm serious. Fix this fast though, because I won't be able to do anything. All I'm doing is stalling for time, I can't stop him," 'Suki said with a straight face.

The teachers looked at him, bewildered at the sudden change in mood.

As always, Aizawa was the first to come back to his senses and speak. "Bring in Shoji."

"What?" I was confused. First of all, he was about to let this just happen? And secondly, why Shoji of all people?

"If someone who isn't one of us and isn't one of them—" Aizawa pointed at Denki and I. "—hears something and just so happens to alert the authorities, then Midoriya can't blame Bakugo for saying anything. So I'm assuming that if Bakugo were to just give himself back to Midoriya, then Midoriya would probably take him immediately." 'Suki nodded, so Aizawa continued. "Once they're gone, you two tell Shoji to come over here. We don't explain anything that we just talked about. We just tell him that we want to keep an open ear for suspicious activity and that he was the most logical person to go to."

"So once he hears something happening, does he call the police?"

"No. That's when he calls one of us."

"Wait, so why are we going through Shoji?" Denki asked, confused.

"I get it. Midoriya can't know it's from one of you," Midnight said. "And if we just lie about someone else getting us, there's a chance that they'll give it away. So that's why we're playing dumb for now."

"So you arrive. What after that?" 'Suki pushed, eager to know how exactly he was going to be freed.

"I erase his quirk and trap him with the scarf. Midnight can keep him unconscious." Aizawa said. "Keep in mind, Bakugo, we're walking in on the two of you alone. We might be seeing you at your absolute worst. I want you to know ahead of time that we don't think you're weak, no matter how you look or what you're doing, or what you're letting him do. I wouldn't think that of you for a second." Aizawa walked over, staring our friend right in the eyes. "I know this is hard. It's so incredibly hard. You've gone through a lot already. Be strong, Bakugo. Submit to Midoriya one more time."

'Suki nodded, steeling himself. He was terrified, I could tell. I hated that I would have to let go of him soon, but this wasn't a bad plan to capture Midoriya. "Let's go," he said.

We got up, and I let go of him hesitantly.

"This had better work," Denki said, and Aizawa nodded.

"He's definitely getting suspicious, the three of you have been gone a long time," Mic pointed out.

"Right," I said.

"The worst part is that it's not insane," I grumbled. "It should work."

"We can't go in together," Denki said all of a sudden. "Deku's gonna be suspicious as to why we're just handing Blasty over to him after what happened last night." He looked to 'Suki. "Can you go in alone?"

He nodded. "I get the feeling you guys don't want to watch it anyway." Just as the dorm building came into view, he stopped us. "Wait to the side of the doors so that he can't see you through them. As long as we come in separately and believably, it should be fine, right? You'll be off his scent."

"And what are you gonna tell him when he asks where you were?"

"I'll just say I got lunch. It's not too far off, right? There's no point lying about where I spent the night, he knows it was with you," he pointed out. "And sure, he'll be mad, but the fewer lies I tell, the better."

"Okay," I said finally. "Are you a hundred percent sure about this?" He nodded. "Then you gotta go. We'll get you back as soon as we can, promise."

"I know you will. Thank you for everything." Then he smiled bittersweetly. "Just don't cry, 'kay losers? You'll give it away."

"Who's calling us losers, loser?" Denki laughed. "Now hurry up before we decide to keep you here forever."

"I'm going, I'm going."

And then he was gone.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now