Chapter Twenty-Five

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It was a little anxiety-inducing, to be perfectly honest. I just knew that it would still be weird for me if I ended up having to kiss Bakugo. Probably also for Midoriya. But for any of the other ones here, it would just be like kissing a best friend for fun. Because that's what it was.

"I'll go first," Sero said cheerfully.

As the bottle spun, I asked, "So are we doing like, a quick lil' kiss, or more than a second? Or longer?"

It landed on Midoriya. "Well, whatever happens, happens," the greenette shrugged.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Sero asked, getting up to meet Midobro.

"I'm kidding. Just do like... I dunno, not too quick, cuz that hardly counts. Doesn't have to last that long, either, though." He pulled Sero down and hissed him for maybe two seconds. That works, I said to myself. If that's the extent to which we do anything, that's fine.

"My turn to spin?" Midoriya asked, and Sero nodded as he plopped back down next to Mina. He landed on Momo.

She, in turn, landed on Bakugo. And when he spun, he landed on Denki. Sero and Mina instantly covered their mouths to smother laughter. I mean, could've expected as much, this thing was random, after all.

Denki glanced at me and I shrugged. "Go on."

"I don't bite," Bakugo muttered.

"Yeah, yeah," Denki got up, and before Bakugo had a chance to get up himself, he pulled the ash blonde off the couch by the collar and kissed him for a couple seconds before dropping him back down. He plopped down next to me. "Not gonna lie, Bakubro's sorta fun to push around," he admitted. Midoriya just nodded, agreeing.

"I will blow your dick off," Bakugo threatened, but Denki just shrugged, spinning the bottle.

"Yay, that's me," I smiled when it landed on me.

"You two are so cute together," Momo said as we turned to each other and gave a quick kiss. Then it was my turn.

I watched the bottle spin, thinking to myself over and over again, anyone but Bakugo. Anyone but Bakugo. Anyone but—"Bakugo!" I said, a fake grin on. The explosive teen looked up at me.

I glanced at Denki, who shrugged and, mirroring my past gesture, just said, "Go on."

Well, better get this over with. "Geez, at this rate, I'm gonna have kissed half the class," he sighed, getting up. I followed suit. Fuck, are my hands sweaty? Wait, I don't care, I'm not touching him with my hands.

We exchanged a quick peck on the lips and sat back down. I was sure I was a little red in the face. See, this is what happens when you put two bottoms together. Once I was sat back down next to Denki, I felt his hand on my thigh. I leaned up against his shoulder, listening to the bottle spin.

"Fuckin' Pikachu again?" Bakugo sighed. It was indeed pointing at Denki, who this time, made no movement to get up.

"Spin again?" Sero suggested.

"Shitty Hair..." it was now pointing at me.

"Again," Denki said blandly, his hand tightening on my thigh. I smirked to myself.

It continued to spin. "Fuckin' Icy-Hot? Can I pass?" he sighed. "I don't even like him."

"You don't like any of us," Sero replied.

"Is that a no? Ug—gah, whendidyougethere?" Bakugo jumped upon noticing that Todoroki had materialized next to him.

"No feelings involved, remember? I hate your ass, too," the peppermint sighed, pulling Bakugo into a kiss before sitting back down next to Yaoyorozu.

"That was mean," she frowned. Todoroki just shrugged.

"He started it."

Bakugo crossed his arms, now leaning into Midoriya. "Petty bitch. Gonna spin?"


The rest of the game had been pretty Pat for the course. We went until we'd each kissed a minimum of three people with no repeats (that had been the rule we established, so that it didn't take too long) and Bakugo had, in fact, kissed everyone in the circle.

"Breakfast?" I asked once we were done. Everyone nodded collectively. "I can make a total of two things, if you want. The menu is eggs and/or toast for those who don't feel like getting anything themselves," I said, standing up and stretching.

A couple of people asked me for scrambled eggs and toast, so I obliged.

I went to the kitchen and Denki followed me. Once I was at the stove with everything I'd need, I started cooking.

While my hands did the work, I smirked at Denki. "You said you wouldn't get jealous," I laughed.

"I mean, in my defense, it was the guy you still have a crush on, and he was boutta kiss you for the second time in a row," he pointed out, and I had to admit that this was a compelling argument.

"He wasn't actually gonna kiss me again, we established no repeats after he skipped you," I laughed. "Besides, you totally enjoyed kissing him."

"No! I uh... wanted to get it over with?" he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I gaped at him.

"You actually enjoyed it? I was kidding." I raised an eyebrow.

Not entirely meeting my eyes, he slowly nodded. "I mean, I guess. It wasn't bad. But it didn't mean anything, promise."

"M'kay," I rolled my eyes. A moment of silence later, I admitted, "You're fine. I, uh... I sorta liked it too."

"He's pretty," Denki admitted. I just nodded, a smile growing on my face.

"Do we both have a crush on Bakugo?"

"No! Totally not. Not at all. You're uh... the only one for me," he said unconvincingly, doing finger guns at me.

I laughed. "You're allowed to say yes, you know."

Denki twiddled his thumbs as I turned my attention back to the breakfast I was making for four people that I figured I shouldn't burn. "Fine, yeah. You got me. Too bad he's with Deku. Maybe we could all—" Denki started, but I cut him off.

"Nothing against Midoriya, but he moves a bit fast for me," I cut in.

"Yeah, you're right. I get the feeling he'd try to out-top me anyway, and that's not about to happen," Denki huffed, crossing his arms.

"He would try," I agreed. "Can you grab some plates?"

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now