Chapter Forty-Five

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We stopped at my front door, and I noticed that Denki still looked nervous, just not as much as before. "You gonna be okay?"

"That has yet to be decided overall," he joked, but then looked at the door and nodded. "But for now, I'm good."

"Epic." I opened the door and was immediately met by my mom, who looked both exasperated and relieved to see me.

"Youdidn'ttextorcalleitherofusEijirowhat'swrongwithyouyoucouldhavedied—" my mom started berating me, but then she noticed the still-petrified Denki holding my hand and froze. "Hi! I'm Eijiro's mom!"

"Nice to meet you, Kirishima-san," he said nervously, and she grinned at him.

"You're Kaminari, right? I remember you from the sports festival. You were so cute—"

"Mom! Uh, this is Denki," I cut in before the poor Pikachu short-circuited. "He's my boyfriend."

"Oh, that's sweet! You two are like ketchup and mustard! Hey, honey," she called to my dad, who was in the other room. "Eijiro's back and he brought a boyfriend!"

"M o t h e r. You're going to scare him off," I sighed, only half-jokingly. Denki did, in fact, seem a bit shocked and lost. It was visibly clear that he had no idea how the fuck to respond to the situation.

"Right! Sorry. I made dinner a couple of hours ago. I can reheat it really quickly and the two of you can fill me in on this whole situation with school," she crossed her arms, and I smiled sheepishly. I haven't talked to my parents throughout this whole ordeal... "I've been worried out of my mind since we heard about the first kidnapping! And now we're hearing about bombs around the school... you never tell me anything that's going on with you, Eijiro, how am I supposed to know if you're safe?"

"Sorry, I'm sorry! I'll tell you everything that happened! But uh..." my stomach grumbled loudly, and I giggled, pretending not to notice Denki's growing blush. It's not fair, he's so cute.............

"Right! Dinner. Sit down and get comfy, 'cuz I bet you'll have a lot of explaining to do," she said. We followed her to the kitchen and sat down together at the table.

After we explained everything that had happened, it was safe to say that we were both absolutely exhausted. I think that was evident, so my mom just let us both wash up and go to bed.

"Ah, shoot, all my clothes are at school," Denki pouted. I tossed a large t-shirt at him, and he caught it, blushing a little. "Just this?"

"It gets hot in this room," I shrugged, pulling my own shirt off, swearing I could see him steaming.

"I'm a bi disaster," he whimpered, turning away, and I giggled.

"No complaints over here, though. You're fucking adorable. Now, hurry up, 'm sleepy," I said, and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," he said, changing quickly and climbing onto the bed next to me.

We hadn't had the chance to be overly affectionate for awhile. Not that we didn't have the time, we were just either scared of some shit or we simply didn't feel it was appropriate at the time. Now, though we were still a little scared for 'Suki and Deku, we were at least sure they'd live just fine.

Besides, now we were all alone. My parents' room was upstairs and on the opposite end of the house, and I didn't have any siblings. We might as well have had the entire place to ourselves.

Once he was lying across from me, he slid his  warm hands down my shoulders and arms, subconsciously pulling me closer. Placing our foreheads together, we wasted no time in connecting our lips.

He bit down lightly on my bottom lip, and the little gasp I let escape gave his tongue an entrance into my mouth. He traced the outline of each of my pointy teeth with his soft tongue, and I really hoped that he didn't actually cut himself on one of them.

He started to suck on my tongue, causing saliva to drip from either corner of my mouth. I groaned, clutching tighter to him. We flipped so that he was positioned above me, his hands on either side of my head. He was panting already, and the smirk across his face practically glowed with a hunger I'd never seen on him before. The look almost scared me.

"D-don't go too far with this," I murmured, admittedly a little nervous.

"I won't. We're not ready for anything like that. Still, let's have a little fun tonight," he whispered back, his eyes glimmering. "If you're up for it."

"Hell yeah."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now