Chapter Fifty-Three

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"You were the what?" Was M*neta's initial reaction. I barely got through the first sentence.

"Not willingly! Now shut your fuck and listen to him," Ei spoke up. What a gentleman.

"Yeah," I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck. "When I got kicked out of my house—I got kicked out of my house, by the way, long story, like a month before school started—Shigaraki just sorta picked me up, I guess. Obviously he didn't straight up tell me he was as fucked up as he was. So this guy who essentially adopted me was asking basic stuff about me like, what's my name, what do I like to do, where was I going to school. Yeah, so I told him I'd be going to UA..." I sighed. I really hoped no one thought I was making this up. "Then he basically threatened my life and made me give him information. I never wanted to hurt any of you guys, I didn't. In fact,
I tried making friends off the bat to try and get away from him, but he sorta saw that coming so, surprise! He said he'd murder me if I said anything. None of my feelings for any of you guys were fake, though. I really do care about you. All of you."

"Wait, so how much did you actually tell him?" Sero asked cautiously.

"Just locations. The USJ and summer camp. That was it. That was all I could've told him, anyway. The school didn't give us much, either, so it's a relief that those were the only attacks to happen," I said honestly.

"So this last thing with me and Deku getting kidnapped and our quirks being destroyed..." Mina asked.

I shook my head. "Wasn't me. I broke off from them once we moved into the dorms."

"So they got you themselves," Todoroki said. "I don't know if that's comforting or not. That they knew your habits well enough already to get you without needing a worm."

"That's a cruel way of putting it," I mumbled.

"Besides, you forgot to tell them the good part," Shinso nudged me.

"Oh yeah," I remembered, my face brightening. "I almost killed him!"

"Bad phrasing much?" Ei raised an eyebrow, and I laughed a little.

"Eh, well, we bumped into him," I started to explain. "He bumped into us? And Ei almost died so I electrocuted Shigaraki in a puddle and now he's in prison. I thought he was dead for a second, but he just got knocked out. He's alive. But we don't have to worry about him anymore, so that's nice."

"Well, that's good and all, but what's really been bugging me... why did you get kicked out of your house?" Hagakure huffed. I was taken aback by the question. Did she really care more about my relationship with my parents than the fact that I betrayed them all?

"Uh, well... long story?"

"So was that last one," she retorted, and I sighed.

"Fair point. Well, um..."

"If you're uncomfortable, you don't have to," Momo said, and I smiled at her.

"Eh, it's fine. You guys are nice anyway. Most of you. I guess... well to start off, they never really cared much about me? Like, they ignored me a lot and stuff. So I did dumb shit to get their attention sometimes, but then they cared less about me..." this sounded really sad the way I was telling it. I guess it was kinda sad. Well, better keep going. "So I came out to them at one point. You'd think I wouldn't want to tell them I was bi and poly, but I figured they wouldn't believe me anyway, so I did. And at first they just sorta ignored me like usual, but then they realized that I wasn't kidding, so then they just kinda... yote me outa their lives. But I guess I turned out fine, so who needs those shitheads anyway?"

"Kami. How okay are you?" Mina raised an eyebrow. I looked at her, tilting my head. What did that even mean?

"Huh? I just said I turned out fine, right? I'm alive. All my problem humans are gone from my life. I'm back here with you guys," I counted off on my fingers as I went. "I have a gorgeous, sexy boyfriend. Yeah, I don't see any reason to be down about stuff."

Then before I could blink, I was in the middle of a hug pile. I think that's what it was supposed to be, anyway, but I couldn't really breathe. Still, it was nice. They were nice.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now