Chapter Fifteen

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We were allowed to leave at the same time, although it was difficult to stand. Or breathe, for that matter. Recovery Girl had told me that because of where I was stabbed, that night last awhile. Because of that, she gave me crutches, which was annoying, but I went with it. Denki was fine, actually, which was a nice surprise, since he had been hurt more than me.

It was two days after the attack, two days of old, recycled conversations since no one had anything new to share. It still hadn't gotten past the Bakusquad that Bakubro was a bottom, and he seemed to want to keep it that way. Pffft, no fun, I thought to myself. Shinso, apparently, hadn't been told of his moving up to our class despite the fact that Aizawa-sensei had spoken with Nezu almost immediately after leaving the infirmary the first day.

So when we got back, we all started planning a big party right away; a party that no one could escape, no matter what Deku made them do in front of people *cough* Bakugo's staying the whole time *cough*.

"There's gotta be cake. And snacks," Uraraka said.

"Of course. Should we have two cakes, so that one could say 'Goodbye Mina' and one could say 'Welcome Shinso'? Or just one that's like, there?" Sato answered, making himself a list of stuff he'd need, since he was generally in charge of that stuff.

"What color decorations?" Hagakure dropped next to me, and I thought for a moment.

"Pink and purple? Or green and gold, for UA?" I thought.

"The second one feels too Christmas-y," she pointed out. "So pink and purple?"

"That's too girly," M*neta appeared behind us.

"We're not taking suggestions from you," I said blandly. He shrugged.

"Worth a shot."

"Pink and purple it is, then," she nodded, and disappeared into the unknown.

The entire common room was chaotic and alive, just like how it used to be before any of this had happened. What was it, a week ago that Mina had been kidnapped? It was all too fast.

And things were moving quickly yet again. The next day, when the common room was all decorated and the cake and snacks were ready, and everyone was both hyped and depressed at the same time, BakuDeku set out to collect the Purplezawa to be annexed by the class.

They returned soon enough, and all scrambled to hide with the lights already turned off.

"Congratulations!" We popped out from behind couches and stuff at the same time as Denki turned the lights back on. Well, I'd just been sitting down because moving around with the crutches was still taking some getting used to.

"Um, thank you? For what?" he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"You're in the hero course, Shinso-kun," Midoriya said gleefully from next to him. He looked taken aback for a moment.

"You're kidding," he said, starting to smile. We all shook our heads. "You're—shit, me? That's awesome!" he laughed.

"Yeah, congratulations, broski!" Denki slid up next to him.

"Is it because of what happened a few days ago...?" Shinso asked carefully, knowing about the attack but not the full story.

"Sort of. We'll fill you in on all the details later tonight," Denki promised. "For now, let's just enjoy ourselves!"

"O-okay," he said a little awkwardly, but still looking pretty happy. "What do you guys normally do at your dorm parties? My class never has them."

"Dunno. We just kinda do stuff. Once we stole Todoroki's soba and stuck the individual noodles to the ceiling. Last time we just sorta hung out and danced a little. Jiro DJ'd," Denki shrugged. "I wasn't around for most of that one, so I don't know if anything crazy happened besides Mido and Bakubro getting together."

"Why's that crazy?" Bakugo huffed.

"No reason," I shouted from the couch. "Just had no idea. Was a bit of a surprise."

"Kirishima, are you still salty at me for never telling you?"

"Not at all," I smiled innocently. It might've just been my imagination, but I thought I could see Denki's face falling, so I turned to him. "Let's do something fun. That, uh, doesn't require a lot of movement." I stood up and hobbled my way over.

"Two truths and a lie!" Hagakure shouted. "We should get to know each other."

"I agree, team bonding sounds like a good idea with our newest classmate. I'm in!" Iida said, smiling.

"Fine," Bakugo sighed. Deku grinned, and the ash blonde sighed again. His body language said I'm gonna regret this.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now