Chapter Fifty-Six

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Kirishima POV:

The Bakusquad (minus Mina, unfortunately, she was having breakfast at her own dorm) all sat at one table while we ate.

"So, you and Pinky. How's that been going?" 'Suki asked Sero.

"I mean, not badly. We really like each other and we're gonna make it work. It's just so weird now that she's not here all the time. Y'know?" Sero sighed, sitting back.

Cut to Denki and I just sitting there staring at 'Suki, pretending that we were admiring him from afar even though he was two feet away and could very easily see us.

"What are you two dorks staring at?" he asked, glancing at us. To be fair, we were difficult to ignore.

"Denki, this is betrayal, you should be watching me," Sero huffed.

"I'm sorry, my love, my everything, but he's too fucking cute, I can't even," Denks apologized. I snorted, and 'Suki went a gentle shade of pink.

"You're both idiots," he muttered, failing horribly at hiding his smile.

"He's not wrong," I added quietly. "You look nice today."

"Tch," he shook his head, no longer bothering to cover up the grin. "Thanks."

"And I don't get a thank you?" Denki pouted.

"It was for both of you. Don't make me take it back," he muttered, glaring at the wall as though it had killed his grandmother.

"Aww, softie," Sero teased. "You three are really cute. I don't know what your shit is ("Neither do we," we all said simultaneously,) but you are cute together."

"Y'all nasty," M*neta said, coming back around. I think that was the fastest my mood has ever changed.

"I'm not the angry one, but I might commit a murder," I said, a bit too calmly, while stabbing my egg with more force than usual with my fork.

"Kaminari, you might have to keep your dog on a tighter leash. Or is it usually the other way around?" he laughed.

"Breath, Ei. Just breathe. You don't need to kill anyone today," I muttered to myself.

"Uh, we switch..? Now go away, or you might die," Denki warned.

"Ha, what's he gonna do, bite me? I mean, all he really does is get hard, and clearly in more ways than one," M*neta continued to go on.

"That's cute, but he wasn't talking about Eiji," 'Suki growled. I glanced at him, noticing that his grip on the edge of his chair and on the table was tight.

"Maybe you two should calm down? There are better ways to work this out. I could easily shut him up," Sero offered.

"No offense Bakugo, but you've lost your touch. You're not really scary anymore. Actually, you're a little pathetic after admitting to... Well, anything that happened in the past month." We all stared at him in shock, unsure of how to react to that. How could he bring that up right now? He glanced at Denki out of the corner of his eye. "Oh yeah, and whose fault was it? I can't remember. You're right. You're all very cute together. At least you've got your puppy holding the three of you together." His eyes finally came right around back to me.

The three of us were dumbstruck. We literally couldn't believe that he would say anything along those lines, especially right after 'Suki came back from the hospital. Luckily for us, Sero was still thinking clearly.

"Consider this mercy," he said darkly, then proceeded to tie a struggling M*neta up with tape before dragging him out the door. He seemed to take extra care to make sure the grape was suffocating.

We sat in an awkward silence for a little bit.

"You still scare me," Denki offered. 'Suki tched, smirking.

"And you didn't have anything to do with this last thing. So have we elected to not give a shit about Rape Grape?" 'Suki asked.

"Absolutely. Ei?" Denki glanced at me.

"I still want to destroy his ass. But sure, we can ignore him," I sighed, then glanced down at my fork. "I bent it," I observed.

"You weren't even hardened. You just bent it," 'Suki raised both eyebrows.

"It's not difficult. Happens all the time," I tilted my head.

"I guess. With one hand, though? And constantly? How have I not noticed that before?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Can you guys not...?" I started to ask. Both of them just shook their heads, glancing at each other. I laughed. "But it's so easy!"

"Ei, I think you're just strong af," Denki said. "I'm suddenly realizing just how fuckin' dangerous you both are."

"Denks, I'm not the one who defeated the strongest villain since All for One. Don't count yourself for nothing," I nudged him.

"You guys are both awesome. What the fuck," 'Suki was literally astounded. "How am I so ignorant?"

"Eh. You were full of yourself. But like, now you're nice. And also scary," Denks grinned.

"Too bright," 'Suki mumbled, squinting. "And don't patronize me, I get it."

You realize M*neta was calling you a bitch, right? Oh, hey, I've missed that voice that doesn't shut up and tells me to die! Welcome back! Not. But I guess he was.

"Am I really that much like a dog?" I asked, stretching my hands out so that I could examine them, as though staring at the skin on their backs would give me the answers I wanted.

Denki grabbed one of my hands and 'Suki took the other. "Fuck yeah," the explosive one answered.

"Don't change," Denki added. "I don't care if he meant it as an insult, puppies are adorable and I love them. And you. And like you told me, nothing he said was worth listening to. Fuck, I hope he gets expelled soon. Sounds too much like my dad. Ugh," he shuddered, scrunching his nose.

"We should hurry up," 'Suki said all of a sudden. "We don't wanna be late."

"Dang, didn't have time to do my hair," I sighed.

"It looks fucking better this way, dumbass, leave it alone. Now hurry up and eat breakfast."

"Eh, right! Okay."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now