Chapter Eighteen

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We had explained the entirety of the situation to Shinso after the game of truth or dare; why he was suddenly in our class and what had happened to Mina. He almost looked a little guilty.

"I almost feel like I'm taking her place," he sighed.

"You're not, bro! She's still one of us. Besides, we can always make room for one more," Denki replied, bouncing up and down.

"Okay, I guess I'm just making sure of that. Damn, that's horrible, I'm so sorry," he said to Mina.

"Don't apologize," she smiled back. "It's not like it was your fault."

"Sorry. Habit," he laughed half-heartedly.

"Yeah, we gotta work on that," said Midoriya.

"Don't you do the same thing?" Shinso tilted his head.

"I've just been more confident lately," he shrugged.

"And much less apologetic!" Bakugo yelled from the other room. He was still on the floor. Deku hadn't taken out the v******* yet, so he was absolutely dying (seriously, if you don't know what the dare was yet, then you're too innocent and you should be protected at all costs).

"Bro, how long has it been?" I asked Midoriya. He just shrugged and turned it up a setting, earning an extremely frustrated growl from a blushy, sweaty boi.

"What were we talking about?" he turned back to the group.

"Deku, no offense, but I doubt I will see you the same way again," Uraraka admitted.

"Yes, Bakugo really has been a bad influence on you," Iida added.


"Language, Kacchan," Deku said.

"See? Midoriya doesn't curse. A beacon of goodness in the class," Iida said monotonously. The rest of us cracked up. "What did I say?"

"Oh, Iida," Uraraka giggled, wiping at her eyes. "It's nothing."

"Fine," Deku sighed after a good laugh. "Don't wanna embarrass you too much." He cracked his knuckles and went to the other room and literally grabbed Bakugo by the collar and dragged him out, not slowing down or breaking a sweat once. Huh.

"So Midoriya is..." Mirio scratched the back of his neck with one hand, the other wrapped around Tamaki's waist. "Not gonna lie, a little weird seeing the kid I interned with doing that. Is this normal?"

"Not really. Like we said, we're never gonna see the little twerp the same way again," Sero shrugged. "This is new to all of us. I guess we'll ask about it later if we want to know."

"Yeah, I'm not gonna ask," Denki shuddered.

"Why are you thinking about it?" Sero flicked his forehead.

"I don't wanna be!"

While they bickered about shit, I sighed to myself. "I really hope that Midoriya's not being this cruel on purpose."

"Deku? Nah, he's super sweet, he'd never," Mirio shook his head, waving off my concern. "You know what he was like saving Eri, how could someone so passionate about hero work be so mean on purpose?"

"I mean, Midnight," I pointed out.

He paused, then nodded. "I guess. Dang, that's weird though. Since when is Deku anything like Midnight?"

"Don't think too hard about it, Mirio," Tamaki suggested. "You might hurt yourself."

Mirio fake-frowned. "You're a bully." The ravenette just shrugged, cuddling with his boyfriend. "And you're forgiven," he laughed, then sighed. "We should get going soon, you look like you're about to fall asleep."

"M' fine, we can stay longer if you want," Tamaki replied. I smiled.

"Yep, he's lost all inhibition. He needs his beauty sleep," I giggled.

"Well, I doubt he could possibly get any more beautiful that he already is, but yeah, a few good hours of shut-eye would do him good. Let's go, Tamaki," Mirio said, nudging his boyfriend, who snored loudly. The blonde sighed. "I know you're not asleep." Another loud snore. "You just want me to carry you, don't you?"

"You guys are absolutely precious," I said as Mirio picked up the sleepy teen in his arms.

"It's true, you're the cutest," Nejire said bubbly-ly, getting up to follow them out. "You know what? You guys have fun, we gotta get our kitten in bed. G'night!"

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now