Chapter Twenty-Eight

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And thus we concluded stretching when I was in the corner and he was holding himself up (somehow) with one foot on either wall, trapping me.

After giving me a quick kiss, he let himself down, panting. "Y'know, working out is so much more fun when I get to do it with someone who isn't my reflection," he said between deep breaths.

"I'm sure," I responded, still sort of in awe. He was literally the bendiest, pretzel-iest being alive. Well, he was my pretzel.

Over the course of the next week, not much happened. Things were bound to start rolling back into motion soon, right? I mean, it had been a whole month since the attack. The only students injured at all were me and Denki, and we healed after a couple days. I was even off my crutches pretty quickly, and that totally wasn't because the author forgot to talk about them as a relevant plot point. Unfortunately, Mina's quirk was permanently gone, but there wasn't anything the school could do about that.

So what was taking them so long?

Another thing that I noticed; Bakugo was much, much quieter, which worried me and Denks a bit. He had been ever since that first movie night. Ever since then, we'd had two more because there was nothing else to do, but he hadn't spoken at all, not even to Midoriya. I got the feeling that something there had to be off, too.

It was just my luck when I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Before walking in, I heard yelling. Not quite, though. More like... chastising.

"They're getting worried about you, you know. You're being so obviously depressed, and I'm sure they can tell—come on, I thought you might be better at this." Was that... Deku? He sounded so mean! And who else could he be talking to? What had I walked in on?

"M'sorry," I heard my crush mumble. "I'm just trying to do what you tell me to—"

"You ignorant fuck! You're gonna give me away if you keep acting the way you do. And what are you going to tell them when they ask what's wrong, huh?" Midoriya's voice was slowly increasing in volume. "Tomorrow, you're just going to act like usual. Like you. And we can pretend that this past week was a fluke! You're all better now!"

There was no answer for awhile, and then I heard Bakugo start to speak up. "And what happened to you, huh? You were so... so innocent. So kind. You were so..."

"Pathetic," Midoriya spat.

"And I loved you!" Bakugo's voice broke. "How many times do I need to apologize, how many times are you going to humiliate me, hurt me, before it's enough?" He took a deep breath. "I never meant to take it as far as I did, I swear. Please, Deku, don't do whatever you and Shigaraki—"

At that moment, I couldn't take it anymore. This applied to both what I was hearing and the fact that my bladder was about to burst. So I waltzed right through the doors and into the bathroom. Deku's head snapped up and his eyes followed me, both of their bodies frozen in place. Bakugo was sitting cross-legged against a wall with his head down. Midoriya was standing over him with one foot on his shoulder.

Our eyes locked as I went into a stall and did what I, uh, had to do, then as I washed my hands. After that, I was torn. What should I do? And what was Bakugo about to say? It had something to do with the hand freak, Shigaraki. Was Deku the reason the villains had been able to get in?

Okay, that was it. I wasn't about to confront him about that yet, but chivalry came first. I had a promise to fulfill.

"What the fuck did I say about hurting my best friend?" I asked quietly.

"How much did you hear?" Midoriya asked carefully.

"Are you implying that you've got something to hide?" Without waiting for his answer, I turned to look at Bakugo. "C'mon, bro."

He finally looked up at me, and I think my heart like, actually imploded for half a second. He seemed to want to get up so badly, but the Deku in his way was holding him back.

I ignored the tear stains, ignored the messed up hair and the defeated look in his eyes. I just held out my hand to him. "Come on, Bakugo."

"Right, go on. Go ahead. I fucking dare you," Midoriya sneered, digging his heel harder into Bakugo's shoulder. The little bastard looked back up at me, smirking. "He's not gonna get up. He's really a weakling. He's gonna stay with me, and you're going to pretend that none of this happened."

"Hey, didn't I just ask? What did I tell you about what would happen if you hurt Bakugo?"

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