Chapter Thirty-Four

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"So whatever this is gonna be, it'll be big," Mic asked to clarify. The three of us nodded. "And soon, soon. That much we know. So we just need to capture Midoriya and he can't carry it out."

"The green little fucker killed Dabi," I pointed out. "If he figures out that you know anything about it, he's not holding back, and I doubt it'll be pretty."

"That's true. We can't walk up to him with a police squadron and a pair of handcuffs," Aizawa sighed. "This is going to be difficult. We need to think hard about this."

"And on our feet, too. If we spend too much time strategizing, it'll be too late," Midnight added.

"What are you going to do, young Bakugo?" All Might finally asked.

"What do you mean?" The ash-blonde tilted his head. "I can't stop the attack if I don't know what it is."

"No. I mean when you go back to the dorms. How do you plan to avoid young Midoriya for however long this takes? What are you going to do in front of other people? You can't give away his identity right now because he might go crazy on everyone. That means that you need to act like everything's fine." The intense blue eyes met suddenly terrified red ones. "What would that entail, young Bakugo?"

There was no answer for a short time. "I..." Oh shit, his hands were shaking. His hands. Were. Shaking. "I can't think of any way to make people expect us to not be together, because lately we're always together, unless I break up with him, and that'll just make him more upset, and he might do something. He might do the thing." He was speaking frantically, tears threatening to spill at any moment. It really was unimaginable, whatever he must've been going through with Midoriya. He had to calm down, though. I needed to calm him down.

I hugged him tightly, and at first, he jumped at the physical contact, but he just let me hold him after a second to get used to it.

"Really threw 'im for a loop," Mic mumbled.

"It's gonna turn out fine, 'Suki," I reassured him.

"What on earth did Midoriya do to you?" Midnight speculated. He began leaning into me for comfort. Fuck, you need to protect him.

After taking a deep breath, he mumbled, "Sore throat." I was the first to realize what he was talking about, but I had pretty much guessed it anyway. After all, Deku had never bothered to hide their sexual relationship from anyone. I pulled him closer, if possible.

Neither Midnight or Mic knew what that meant, and it took the other two a moment to remember, but it dawned on them after a few seconds.

"So going back and acting like everything is 'normal' means more of that? Okay, we need another idea," Aizawa said.

"What does 'sore throat' mean?" Mic asked.

Denki decided to explain since I doubted 'Suki wanted to admit it. "I mean... Their relationship was pretty... active, I guess you could say. Clearly without much consent. Not that it mattered to Deku."

"Oh," Mic said simply.

"I might fuck around a lot, but I'd never do that to a guy," Midnight sighed. "I'm honestly sorry that I even suggested going back to him if he's that bad."

"It's... it's fine. You didn't know about it," 'Suki sniffed. "But what other option is there? Hide in Sparky's room 'till Deku blows the door off its hinges? There's no bathroom or anything, I'd still have to leave a few times a day, so there's not much point in hiding in the first place. I just got lucky getting over here."

"We could move you off campus," Aizawa suggested.

"Well, then he's gonna know that I told you guys about any of this, and then you're back to keeping that berserker in check."

"But couldn't I just erase his quirk if I have to?"

"Not forever. And he's not completely dependent on his quirk, anyway. He hasn't used it at all the past month, and he got to me. Fucking... he got to me."

"But against all of us pros, he couldn't do anything."

"He got the League in once, I'm sure he can get backup again." He moved his hands to clutch desperately to my arms as though he'd fall through the sofa without me. "I don't know what else to do."

"We're not giving you back to Deku," I said, and he looked at me through teary eyes.

"But it's the only way to keep everyone safe until we find a way to stop him," he said. "Oh, God, let me take it all back. Please." He took a deep breath and wiped away an escaping tear with his sleeve. "I'll be okay. Figure it out soon."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now