Chapter Forty-Two

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A/N: Most of the dialogue is sign. I just didn't feel like changing the font.

Deku POV:

"Sensei, how do you know sign?" I asked him. We were in the ambulance, the three of us; me, Kacchan, and Aizawa-sensei. I was laying down on the cot and both of them were sitting to my right side. I shifted so that I was laying on my side so that I could see Aizawa's response.

"I've been married to Present Mic for ten years now, and we've been friends since we started UA. I'm understandably a bit hard of hearing," he admitted. "I don't mean to appear insensitive to your situation, but it's refreshing to be able to talk to you without actually talking and having to strain to hear what you're saying."

"I wish I'd have known that sooner, I probably wouldn't scream at you so much," Kacchan said sulkily.

"On the contrary, you're very easy to hear, although a bit annoying," Aizawa said, and Kacchan scowled.

"I vote that we change English class to a sign class," I joked. "That way, people would actually know what we're saying."

"Am I that annoying of a translator for you?" Kacchan asked, and I shook my head.

"I just don't want to be the only one. You're not always there, so I don't always have someone to tell people what I'm talking about," I explained.

"I guess that makes sense," Kacchan shrugged.

We sat there without talking for a little while. Aizawa started up the next conversation. "So are you okay? Like, do you feel fine?"

"Oh, it's somewhere between 'get me a pen so that I can write my will' and 'I am fully prepared to run three marathons in a row.' I can't really tell, to be honest," I began trying to explain. "I've lost a lot of blood, and while I won't die any time soon, I'm still pretty hungry. They only kept me alive for my blood, but besides being dizzy and hungry, I don't feel too bad. I can move just fine. I'm just... so worn out."

"I guess it could be worse," Aizawa said. Kacchan and I both nodded, however dishonestly. I lost One for All. I'm quirkless again. I don't know if it could get much worse than that.

Just then, an EMT came into the compartment and the ambulance stopped moving. "We're at the hospital," he said aloud. We all nodded silently, standing up. I held onto Kacchan for support, and while he flinched at my touch (What did Toga do to him disguised as me? How could he be so scared of me?), he didn't hesitate to help me out.

Once in a room, the doctors asked us a bunch of standard questions like "what happened" and "can you breathe-see-move easily". It felt like a regular check-up. I was even conscious this time around.

"You've lost a lot of blood, so we need to do a quick transfer. You also essentially need to relearn how to eat. It'll take some getting used to, but you'll be alright," said the head doctor. I nodded. Then he turned to Kacchan.

"How about you? Are you just here to translate, or..."

"He's also here to get checked up. Somehow, I doubt he's shown us all his new scars, and I'm sure some of them need a little help to heal fully," Aizawa butted in before Kacchan could deny the help.

"Scars? What from?" the doctor asked, and Kacchan looked at the ground, chewing on his lip.

"Abusive relationship," he finally muttered.

"Ah. Well, I can't help you unless—" the doctor started to say, but Kacchan cut him off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You need to see it," he grumbled, clearly still not wanting to show anything. Still, he pulled his shirt off, and his entire torso was covered in gashes and scars like his arms were, even along with a couple of burn marks and bruises. I can't believe anyone ever thought I would do this to him... he must've really thought he deserved it. Otherwise he never would've let me hurt him like this.

"I doubt any of those will go away," the doctor scratched his chin, showing no sign of either pity or disgust. I didn't like how unfazed he was, but Kacchan almost seemed appreciative that he wasn't acting like a mom. "But they'll fade. We should disinfect them, too, just to be safe." He sat back. "Aren't you kids from class 1-A at UA? You guys are famous for always showing up here."

I sighed, frowning. Probably won't happen again. No visits from me, anyway.

"Yeah, we are. What about it?" Kacchan tilted his head. He didn't even sound angry. I guess Toga-me really did change him. That sucked. I loved the old Kacchan. Not that I loved him any less now, but he was definitely much different than I was used to.

"And you're that angry guy who got captured by the sludge villain, right? And got kidnapped by the League?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah, your point?"

"Bakugo, please don't blow up the doctor," Aizawa said gently, and Kacchan frowned, but refrained from blowing up the doctor.

"And you're the hero Deku. You're pretty famous too," he continued, glancing at the scars on Kacchan's body. A couple of them were my own name sliced into him. I hated those ones the most.

My eyes widened when I saw what he must've been thinking. "No, no! That wasn't me," I signed quickly, with Kacchan translating. "Toga, someone from the League of Villains, was disguised as me for about a month while I was kidnapped. Everyone thought she was me. I would never hurt Kacchan like that! And we have her captured, so she can't hurt anyone else like that again!"

"My apologies. I didn't mean to assume. But that is your name," the doctor replied equally quickly after hearing my explanation.

"Oh no, it's alright, it was a reasonable assumption, it would make less sense if that wasn't your first idea." Kacchan was actually surprisingly calm translating that bit for me.

"Anyway, you should both be fine to return to school soon. Assuming the school remains open, of course," he added. Aizawa scowled.

"We'll do everything in our power to make sure it does." This doctor guy seems to be getting on our nerves on purpose.

"Whatever. Let's get this shit over with so that we can go back to our friends," Kacchan said grumpily.

"Of course," the doctor said, smiling as if everything were absolutely normal.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now