Chapter Fifty-Nine

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"Shopping first or food?" I asked.

"Shopping," Mina said excitedly. "I wanna check out Hot Topic. They have some cute shit there sometimes and I appreciate it."

"That place is more expensive than I'm worth," Jiro raised an eyebrow. "I couldn't afford a clothing hanger there."

"Huh, really? I would've thought that's your go-to place, Jiro," Momo thought aloud.

"Nah, it's Book-Off," she admitted. "I get lucky sometimes."

We got to the store and looked around. "Heh, I match this place," I giggled, noticing that my Fall Out Boy shirt was the same as the one hanging on one of the walls, except shorter.

"Hot Topic employees are the only people who understand me," Tokoyami sighed as he walked past us to look at some dangly accessories.

"Ugh, should've expected that," I heard 'Suki grumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist. I turned to where he was looking and saw a few creepy middle-aged guys staring at me. They looked away and left awkwardly when the realized I had spotted them.

"Why is it always me?" I sighed.

"Cuz you're a friggin' shameless trap," 'Suki mumbled into my hair. "I think you're adorable. Just be careful, I guess."

"Of course I will, 'Suki. Don't worry about them," I laughed, patting him on the back of his head. Now that we were both standing up somewhat straight, I noticed how much taller than him I was with the platforms. That was fun.

"Good. Hey, d'you think I'd look good in those jeans?" He tugged me over to look at a pair of jeans he'd spotted. They were black (naturally, considering the environment) with tears on the insides of the thighs.

"This is how you murder a man," I admitted. "It's me. I'm a man." I slipped a finger through one of the holes and winked at him after meeting his eyes.

"What does that even mean?" He asked exasperatedly, and Denki found us again.

"Ooh, you'd look good in those, Blasty," he said. 'Suki smirked.

"See, there's one person who agrees," he shrugged.

"I never said you wouldn't! I literally said it would murder me if you wore those like, ever," I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Besides, you can probably DIY these for a lot less. Six thousand yen..."

"Fair," he sighed. "But there's nowhere with decent and cheap jeans, so this'll have to do. Mom will kill me, but that's fine."

"How do you even know they'll fit?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, baggier is comfier. And I doubt I'll mind much if they're too tight," he shrugged.

"I mean, I'm sure Ei will be a drooling mess if they're too tight, but—" Denki joked, and I smacked his arm.

"Oh, says you, who goes stupid whenever I put on a skirt," I crossed my arms.

"Heh. Yeah, what'd you think, small?" 'Suki asked.

"Definitely not," I said immediately. "Just get a medium. It's a universal size. Almost anyone can fit a medium. Besides, you wanna be able to breathe, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. Oxygen and whatnot. Fine, medium," he sighed, swapping them out for a slightly larger pair.

We ended up going to a Burger King (and I paid, so fuck that, ha) and lo and behold, we met an old friend while we waited in line, just the three of us.

That stupid fucking Karen with her stupid fucking stroller and her two children who I desperately wanted to be non-binary and pansexual just to spite her. "It's you kids!" she exclaimed upon recognizing Denks and I.

"It's your ugly, fat ass!" Denki replied, pretending to be even more astounded than her.

"Don't be rude—" I started to butt in, but 'Suki held a hand up, looking her up and down, and just said, "Not worth it. Back off, Denki," his pupils lazily sliding to the corners of his eyes to look at him, and he just nodded, however unhappily.

"There's a third one?" she said aloud as if no one could hear her.

'Suki sighed, cracking his knuckles and glaring her in the eyes, giving her his best resting bitch face. "Look, lady, we don't know you, and your narrow-minded judgement is preventing me from enjoying the company of my... boyfriends," he said, hesitating a little bit before actually calling us his boyfriends. I smirked. "You caught me on a good day. Consider that good enough and leave us alone."

"We're next in line," I tugged on his sleeve.

"Ah, right," he nodded, then turned around.

She didn't bother us while we were in line again. Once we sat down with the rest of class, she still watched us from afar, although she seemed to think we couldn't see her. For awhile, we ignored her, talking between ourselves.

"Boyfriends?" I teased, taking a bite of my burger.

"Sh-shut up! What else would I call you guys to a random stranger, anyway? Just saying 'friends' seems cruel," he said defensively. "Besides, I'd be lying if I said I didn't already think of you guys that way."

"Aw, 'Suki," I said through a mouthful of burger.

"Does that mean the three of us are official, or..." Denki asked, scratching behind one ear. I shrugged, and we both looked at 'Suki.

"I, uh... I guess? Yeah," he decided, nodding. The few of our classmates who had been listening cheered quietly. We smiled to ourselves.

I glanced up. "Dammit, Karen," I sighed, swallowing the bite of noms in my mouth, and noticed that she was still watching us. "Does she not have a life of her own? What is this bullshit?"

"We should probably just ignore her. Blasty did say she's not worth the trouble," Denki pointed out.

"Well, sure, I'm not gonna go up to her, but like..." What even is there that would make her go away?

"You're joking," 'Suki said all of a sudden. "Child predators at four o' clock," he sighed. I glanced over my shoulder. Those creepy old guys were back, too. What the fuck. Why can't I just wear what I want to in peace?

"Maybe agreeing to a skirt this short was a mistake," I mumbled, fingering the hem subconsciously.

"No way, Ei. I don't see anyone except those guys ogling you. It's just their faults they're perverted," Denki replied, moving his face very close to mine. "You're fine." Our noses brushed just before he pulled back away. "Besides, what are a couple of eyes gonna do? You know they can't actually hurt you here, right?"

"Yeah, we wouldn't even give you a chance to have to protect yourself," 'Suki said, his gremlin smirk on full display. "We'd fuck those guys up good. Don't worry 'bout it, Eiji," he promised, tilting my face toward his before giving me a small peck on the lips.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now