Chapter Thirty

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"Hang on, you've liked me for a month?" 'Suki asked disbelievingly.

"Well, I've liked you longer than that, I was just gonna tell you then," I admitted.

"And you don't care?" the ash-blonde tilted his head to face my boyfriend, still confused.

"I agree with him," Denki snorted. "'Course, my crush on you's a bit more recent, but it's a thousand percent true. Congrats, Blasty, you've stolen two dumbasses' hearts. Not that we mean to pressure you into anything with us like that."

"You guys..." 'Suki grinned, but it fell quickly. "Deku's gonna be mad at me."

"To be fair, he's probably already mad at all three of us," I shrugged.

"You don't get it, he won't let me break up with him," he ran a hand through his hair anxiously.

"You mean that's not what that was?" Denki asked, and 'Suki shook his head just as the elevator doors opened.

"He just said he'd leave me alone tonight, and he'll expect me to crawl right back to him in the morning," he tugged at a strand of his hair subconsciously.

"Then I guess we can't let that happen," I decided. Denki nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, Mido-bitch needs to know that it is over for you two."

"How is that gonna happen?" 'Suki followed us into Denki's room a little hesitantly.

"Well, he's got to not scare you anymore."

"How the fuck is that gonna happen overnight, Sparky?" 'Suki asked.

"Uh... it's not. But we'll work on it!" Denki said, nodding once in a show of determination.

"He is pretty good at that," I grinned, locking the door behind me. Bakugo flinched when he heard the familiar click, and I instantly felt bad. "Not keeping you in. Just keeping Deku out."

"I... Yeah. Right." He sat down awkwardly on Denki's bed, tapping his fingers together at the speed of light. "Uh, I don't have anything to change into, I've been wearing the same thing all day," he mumbled.

"Oh, just borrow my clothes, Ei takes my shit all the time," Denki gestured at his dresser.

I shrugged. "It's cozy. And you offered first."

"True," he sighed. 'Suki still looked a little hesitant.

I closed my eyes. "We won't stare if you don't want."

"Right!" Denki agreed, and I could only assume that he had also closed his eyes.

"Thanks," 'Suki mumbled, and I heard rustling for about half a minute before it stopped. "M'kay, I'm good," he said, and hopped back onto the bed with us.

It took me a moment to realize that Denki and I had already changed because it was one in the morning. "Let's just go to sleep," I suggested.

"I hate to ask, but why do you guys never turn the lights off? I always noticed that you guys leave them on," 'Suki asked.

"Oh yeah, that. I guess the easiest way of explaining that is I'm a little scared of the dark," Denki admitted. "That's been a thing since the last attack, I wasn't able to sleep in the infirmary at all because Recover Girl always turns the lights off and I got too anxious and paranoid."

"The villain attack..." 'Suki tapped his fingers together again. "Oh, Deku's gonna be so pissed at me, but... he's the traitor," he said quietly. "He told me after our first movie night, said that he helped the rest of the League get in, he was the one who killed Dabi, and now he and Shigaraki are planning to do something to the school. And he says that he's only doing it to get revenge on me. It's my fault that any of this..." he took a deep breath as Denki and I glanced at each other, then slowly moved closer to 'Suki. We were both taken aback by it, but just listened silently. He wasn't done yet. "It's my fault that Pinky's quirk is gone, it's my fault you guys almost died, it's my fault that there's gonna be more. He's not done yet," 'Suki managed to choke out while also trying to hold back more tears.

Gently, I wrapped my arms around him. "It's not your fault that any of this is happening, I promise."

"He said he was doing it because of me. Who else's fault would it be?"

"I don't know, fucking Deku's? Shigaraki's? Not yours. I don't know the full details of your guys' lives before high school, but I know what you two were like when you first got here," I said.

"Yeah, you weren't exactly super nice to Midoriya," Denki admitted. "But being some stuck-up bully with a motivation to be reckoned with isn't the same as being a psychopath who wants to make you and everyone you care about suffer to no end. It's not your fault, and you hardly deserved any of this, either."

"I wouldn't wish torture like this on my worst enemy," I added.

"You don't have any enemies, Eijiro," 'Suki smiled lightly.

"I do now," I frowned. Just the thought of Midoriya was pissing me off. It had been bad enough that he had done so much to hurt 'Suki alone, but to find out that he was the UA traitor? Now I was really pitted against the guy. "Anyway, sleep. I get the feeling that you need it."

"Yeah, my circadian rhythm's thrown way off," he sighed. We finally crawled under the covers, all three of us together. Despite myself and the circumstances, I smiled to myself as I drifted off. I guess now I had both my boys with me.

"Love you," I mumbled sleepily. The last thing I heard were two equally tired voices echoing back the message before I slipped into sweet unconsciousness.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now