Chapter Six

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"Where'd you wanna go?" Mina asked once most of us were done.

"Hot Topic," said Jiro, Tokoyami, Bakugo, and Denki.

"I guess that's settled. Geez, ya angsty teens," she said, rolling her eyes. We all set off for the store together, Denki, Sero and I at the front because we were hyper and ready to sprint our way there if need be.

"Good try," we heard some older kid say jokingly at Sero as we passed, reminding him sorely of his massive loss at the sports festival, and we glared at him. Let's murder him. As clearly learned from earlier, no one messes with our bros.

We got to the store and were immediately engulfed by Panic! at the Disco and Avatar: the Last Airbender merch alike.

"If I was in Avatar what element would I bend?" Sero asked.

"Uhhh..." Denki thought for a moment.

"Air," I decided. Because he's always high? "You fly around everywhere, sort of. Like when you fling yourself places like that one European hero... Night Monkey, was it?" I asked no one in particular. A/N: Only the cultured will understand. "I dunno. But yeah, air."

"Huh, yeah. I'll assume you're earth," he said, and I laughed.

"What gave it away?" You're constantly hard.

"Gee, I wonder, Mr. Rock," Denki said, flicking me in the forehead as I subconsciously hardened that spot. "I think I'd be fire, cuz they can do lightning and stuff," he said. "Was Sparky Sparky Boom Man technically a firebender or was explosion bending its own thing? It came from the eyeball," he wondered.

"Maybe we should ask our own Sparky Sparky Boom Man—" I started to say just as Bakugo passed by.

"I heard your conversation and yes, you dorks, explosion bending is firebending," he said, rolling his eyes.

"What about me?" Deku asked.

"You're... a motivation bender," Bakugo decided.

"What episode was that even from?" Deku whined as they walked away.

"Did you not even read the comic books?" I listened to their conversation fade as they walked away. Damn, you're such a loser, he hardly noticed you at all.

My face must've been using its outside-voice without my realizing, because Denki put his hand on my shoulder (he did that a lot, now that I think about it) and have me a warm, reassuring smile. "He doesn't like you any less, see? If anything, he was just nicer to you than he's been in ages." But he didn't even talk to me.

I sighed, walking in the opposite direction from them. "Midoriya's already been a good influence on him, hasn't he? I wonder if I could've convinced him to be nicer to people..." I shook the thought out of my head.

"Don't do that to yourself, bro," Denki said, frowning. Then a Funko Pop figurine of Edward Elric caught his eye. "Hey, isn't this cool? We kind of look alike! Golden hair, golden eyes..." he laughed, and I smiled along with him, although most of my elation from earlier today was gone. "Wanna have a sleepover again?" he asked. Sero wiggled his eyebrows. "Shut up, they're entirely innocent! What'd you day, Ei?"

"Sure, I'll come over again once we get back. Just remember to set an alarm this time, we were almost in trouble," I said, poking him.

"Me? Since when am I the responsible one?" he whined.

I replied with, "Well, it sure as hell isn't me!"

"More than me!"

"Bro, all you have to do is set an alarm on your phone," I said, crossing my arms. "And it's your room, anyway. Your room, your alarm."


"Flawless reasoning," Sero pointed out, and I smirked.

"Besides, if you wanna be late again, I'll give you an actual reason to be," I laughed mischievously, and the dumbass blushed so hard that he went stupid again.

"Now you can't deny that it's your fault he's broken," Sero said, chastising me. I rolled my eyes, sighing.

Jiro (who seemed to pop up anytime that Denki was in dumb mode) appeared next to me. "Nothing's fried. What happened?"

"Kiri flirted with him," Sero answered, and she laughed.

"Really? They kiss for like, multiple seconds, and he blows a fuse when Kiri flirts with him? Unbelievable," she tsked, and I shrugged.

"He basically threatened to fuck him, actually," Sero said, and I rolled my eyes again.

"It was a joke!"


"He never sets an alarm to get up so I said if he wants to be late, I'd give him a reason to be late, and then he did that," I gestured at Denki.

"And you know that he doesn't set alarms... how?" she asked, scratching her head.

"We have—purely innocent—sleepovers, from time to time. He never sets an alarm. He refuses to set an alarm, if I'm being more honest," I sighed, tapping him on the head with my knuckle.

"Ha, gay," she laughed again. "Well, have fun in paradise."

"Para—no. No, no no," I shook my head. "We aren't—"

"You guys literally made out in front of a random lady you didn't know," she pointed out.

"To prove a point! Besides, I'm still getting over... him," I tilted my head in Bakugo's general direction. "Even if there was something between us, I wouldn't want Denki to feel like he's just a replacement to help distract me. There's nothing going on."

"Yeah, I know," she said, now just smiling softly. "Shit's hard when you're gay for someone who doesn't like you back. But it gets better," she said. "I think someday, maybe even soon, you two will realize what's happening."

"I dunno. Maybe. Wait, what does that mean? Jiro? Come on," I grumbled as she walked away, ignoring me. I looked at Sero.

"Hey, bro, this isn't my call," he said, shrugging.

What did that mean? I'll realize what's happening? Nothing's happening. Denki and I are bros. We're best friends. And nothing's gonna stop that anytime soon. But... nothing's going on between us.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now