How you meet

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Slenderman~ Your feet pounded on the Earth, your legs were taking you as far as they could. You ran deeper and deeper in the woods before reaching the tall willow tree. You looked behind you, panting, making sure your father wasn't close. You touched your face with a shaking hand, feeling the swelling bruises. This happened all the time, your father would hit you then you would flee to the woods, you always came back to the house late at night, seeing him passed out on the couch with alcohol on his breath. Your knees buckled making you slid down the tree and sit on the Earth's ground. You pulled a handheld mirror out of your pocket and looked at the purple and yellow bruises that covered your face. You let out a long sigh "This is gonna be hard to cover up." You muttered to yourself. "I would have to agree." a deep disembodied voice said. You looked up and saw a tall man in a suit, his face missing. You gasped, arising from the ground. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." the man pleaded. You nodded, softly smiling at the man. You talked to him all night until he walked you out of the woods around midnight.

Jeff the killer~ You felt completely relaxed, only seeing the darkness of your eyelids. Half asleep you began dozing off, having a few random dreams. You began to hear footsteps, but thought it was a part of the dream. You kept dreaming, ignoring the sounds. You got more and more irritated as the sounds kept getting closer and closer, keeping you fro sleep. It finally hit you that the footsteps were real when they stopped at the side of your bed. You cautiously opened your eyes to find a boy standing over you with paper white skin, long midnight black hair, and a permanite smile carved in his face. Your face twisted in horror as he bent over you, putting a knife to your throat. His smile grew wider. "Go to slee-" you cut him off by throwing him to the floor. "You little h-" but he didn't finish. Instead he stood up and pinned your arms to the wall. The boy chuckled darkly. "I like that spark in you, maybe I'll let you live a little longer." he said in his raspy voice. He released your arms and picked up his blood crusted knife. He was about to climb out the window before turning to you and giving you a smirk.

Ben drowned~ "Damnit! What the hell is wrong with my Xbox?!" you shouted at the t.v. Your Xbox would not load no matter what you did. You turned it off and turned it on again, you typed in code after code, but still you couldn't play your favorite game, Majora's Mask. You were getting really pissed off, and fast. You decided to get a drink and come back, maybe it would load in a few minutes. You went to get a water and came back, but it still was loading. You sighed, rolling your eyes, before you looked around your room. But you weren't in your room. Instead you were in a little virtual town. "Woah." you said looking around. You got more and more scared the later it got. You couldn't find your way out. You sat aganist one of the virtual buildings, crying, until someone wiped away your tears. You looked up and saw a boy with blonde hair, crying eyes, and was dressed like Link. "What's wrong baby?" he asked smirking. You looked shocked at first before replying "I don't know how to get out." the boy softly chuckled. "I can help with that babygirl." He called you by another pet name before putting you in your room.

Eyeless Jack~ You restlessly tossed and turned in your bed, trying to fall asleep. After an hour of trying to sleep and it not working, you finally gave up. You sat up and turned towards the window. It was pitch black outside, causing the window to reflect everything inside. You sighed and pulled your Ipod out. You began to play your favorite song and sang along. The house was quiet, the only sound was your voice. It began to get even more late as you sang your fifth song. By the tenth song it was one in the morning. You began to get an erie sense in the room but shook it off. Finally, you closed your eyes, humming along to the songs. You felt content, until you felt the sharp sting of cold metal on your bare stomach. You stopped singing and let out a small gasp, tears beginning to attack your eyes and threatening to spill out. You looked up and saw a boy with a blue mask, black liquid dripping out the eyes,and brown hair. He sighed and put the scalpel away "How could I end such a pretty girl's life this way?" he said climbing out the window. "By the way, you have a beautiful voice." he added before leaving.

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