New Base

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Rey was searching for Finn when she interrupted what seemed to be a Resistance meeting. Leia was there, standing before the entirety of the Resistance: Poe, Finn, Chewie and most of the other few dozen remaining members. With her cane in hand – though she refused to lean upon it – the strong woman addressed them all. Rey hadn't been invited, but she supposed it made sense. She may have assisted them on Crait, but she hadn't involved herself with the cause. She supported the Resistance, of course, but in a way that resembled this moment – standing on the periphery, not quite an outsider, but not quite a member either. The purpose of the meeting appeared to be naming different planets. After only seeing the deserts of Jakku for most of her life, it wasn't as if Rey could help much anyway.

"What about the Tak-Beam Complex on Durkteel?" a woman offered in the small crowd. "The base was destroyed, but we could rebuild."

"It's mid-rim," Poe argued. "The First Order will find us within days."

An Abednedo male spoke up, "We can't discount our bases on Yavin IV or Hoth."

Leia shook her head. "We must assume that their high command has intimate knowledge of the bases used in the Galactic Civil War by the rebellion, even the secret ones." Only then did Leia seem to notice her. "Rey, well aren't you a sight for sore eyes. Let me get you up to speed. I've called this meeting to discuss prospects for a new, temporary base as we strengthen our forces. The good news is – the First Order is not tracking us. The multiple transponders on this ship make it nearly impossible to track. The bad news is, for now, we're looking for somewhere uninhabited or secluded, as we suspect the First Order's reach is far beyond what we first expected. We will have our day to confront Snoke and his army –"

No, you won't, Rey thought. He's as dead as the First Order should be.

"– but first we must rebuild our own army, and we need a base to do that – a base the First Order will not easily find. As you can see, we're running out of options."

Poe leaned against the wall, arms crossed, "So, we'll have to pick one that is less well-known. Maybe one you've never been stationed at, General." Rey understood the implications of his words. One your son is not knowledgeable of.

"How about Primtara or Horox III?" Lieutenant Connix suggested.

"Horox III is outer rim, but the base was destroyed years ago," Leia said.

Chewie added his suggestion in a series of growls and grunts; most of the other members seemed oblivious to their meaning. Rey wasn't certain Leia understood particular words or used the Force, but her expression demonstrated understanding. Leia's voice was barely above a whisper when she answered him. "He knows about the hidden base on Corellia."

"What about Generis?" Poe said, his calm voice reassured Rey that maybe there was still hope. If he wasn't worried, then their situation couldn't be too dire.

"It's outer rim, it's warm, jungle terrain for cover, but it was captured by the Empire in the Civil war. Its location would be in the archives of the Empire, which the First Order have accessed," Leia reminded him.

"Your hi- General," See-Threepio corrected, "Artoo suggests Lubang Minor. It is an unsettled planet located in the Illisurevimurasi sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Primary terrain is indicated as jungle, and the climate is tropical.

"Thank you, Threepio," the general sighed. "That might be too –"

"What about Barkhesh?" Finn interjected. "It's outer rim, it has warm, jungle terrain for cover and a base." Finn had definitely changed, Rey realized. The ease with which he assimilated into the ranks was heartwarming. It was difficult to reconcile the kind, caring man with the trained warrior of the First Order, but she was beginning to see the tactical side of him – the side that had crossed enemy lines to rescue her on Starkiller. He had found his calling.

"I've never heard of it," Poe said brightly, his voice betraying his excitement as he slapped his friend on the back.

"Neither have I," Leia admitted. "It'll have to do for now."

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