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Rey opened her eyes to a bright blue sky, the warmth of the sun on her face, and something soft and cool underneath her. Sitting up, her eyes settled on a familiar sight. It was as smooth as ice, enchantingly clear, and strong with vibrations of the Force. It warmed her soul, sparking feelings of peace and happiness that made her never want to leave.

"Lake Andrasha," a voice rumbled behind her. She smiled as his familiar energy enveloped her. This lake she had seen in dreams – he knew of it. Had she only been a witness of his dreams? Or were they connected in this place somehow? It didn't terrify her as it should have. She no longer feared the strength of their bond. Every connection between them was tense with danger as they risked chance of discovery from both sides, but here, this was a place safe for them to meet. A secret. Theirs.

The sun reflected off the crystals lining its depths, sparkling like underwater stars. "Ben, it's beautiful," she breathed. It was mesmerizing, but she found her gaze drawn to the man behind her. When she turned, she was almost surprised to find him there. Her heart fluttered. The lake wasn't the only thing mesmerizing in its beauty. There was no sign of the Supreme Leader in him as he stared out at the water, eyes bright in the sun, hair gently blowing in the breeze.

"It's my favorite place in the galaxy."

Rey remembered his preoccupation with a lake in his memories. He had hidden from the voices there as he curled up next to the shore and slept. Dreamed. Was this the place his mind returned for comfort? She remembered the nightmares she witnessed, when was the last time he had found this place in sleep? "This is the lake, the one from your childhood," she said, wishing she understood how it fit in the puzzle of their bond. "It's like a dream."

"Technically, it is a dream," he chuckled. "Let me show you something." Without hesitation, he grasped her hand and led her down to the water. Stealing a glance up at him, she found his expression was soft and content in a way she had never seen before. She had never seen him so... unburdened. He still wore his dark tunic and trousers, but he seemed lighter. Was this truly him? Or what he could be? Or what she wanted him to be? Was he even there at all? She knew it was a dream, but she could have stayed in that place forever.

They removed their boots and sat near the water's edge, letting the warm water caress their feet. It all felt so real. "There's...energy in the water."

"It's the Kyber crystals at the bottom of the lake," he explained, "I used to come here to escape...away from disappointing my father...away from scaring my mother...away from Snoke's voice in my head, which disappeared when I came here...It was the closest I have ever been to happy here. I would sit here and practice my manipulation of the Force with the water until I fell asleep." He waved his hand gently over the lake and a cone of water reached up toward his fingers. He twisted and manipulated it until it broke free of the surface tension of the lake. It bounced together into a bubble of water in mid-air. He moved his hands around the bubble, stretching and collapsing it. She was captivated by the way the sunlight refracted through the water bubble and created colorful beams of light.

"Open your hands," he whispered." Rey stared into his eyes as she silently complied. When he manipulated the water bubble over her upturned palms, she felt the warmth of his energy. The light. It was as powerful as she had felt in his memories. This wasn't the man she knew and it hurt more than she ever imagined to admit it. It's just a dream, Rey, she reminded herself. He's not really here.

Kylo held the sphere of water in front of her as she manipulated it with the Force. Though it was new and strange, it didn't seem abstract and fantastical like her dreams usual did. His energy seemed too strong for a dream. She tried to concentrate on the beauty in her hands, but she was too focused on the light in him. It wasn't until he released the water gently so she could feel the ever-changing energy that she allowed herself to bask in his light. She felt her own light mix with the energy in the sphere and felt the currents combine in a melody she could feel in her soul. His breath hitched and her gaze found his again. He felt it too. When he released the energy in his distraction, she let the water slip away between her fingers.

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