Kylo Ren

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"Fire up the engines, Chewie, let's find Ben and get off this forsaken planet," Rey whispered the last part, but Chewbacca still whined in agreement. She often forgot he had much better hearing than a human. "I'll be up there to help you in a minute," she assured him. Rey turned to the corner of the room. Ben? Venturing out into a snowstorm was as foolish as venturing out into a sandstorm, she knew their best chance of finding the wreckage was by air.

Though the bond was weak, she could feel it pulling her to him. It would give them a direction, at least, like a weak homing beacon. She'd had to leave him to fight off the First Order, and, as it turned out, the Hutts as well. Though she could feel him in the bond, she hadn't been successful in opening a connection since. . It was unsettling, a growing fear churned in her stomach.

What if he's...

Rey connected to the Force, but before she could try again, she was distracted by shouts in another part of the ship. Before her weapon had landed in her palm, men in masks and armor swarmed into the room. She recognized them immediately from her vision.

The Knights of Ren.

They were the closest thing Kylo had to friends or even allies. Did they know his connection to her? Had they come to help him? Did they know what happened to him? Their weapons were drawn, but if she could just make them understand, they could help her save him. Her hands were raised in supplication, weapon balanced non-threateningly between her thumb and forefinger. "Listen, I know who you all are; I know what you mean to Ben. I need your help, please! Ben needs your help; he's dying! He's out there in the snow somewhere, all alone; you have to save him!"

The Knight closest to her turned to the others, and they all lowered their lightsabers. He pivoted back, cautiously stepping closer. "Who are you?"

"I'm...." Why did it matter so profoundly to her how she answered that question? "I'm Rey of the Resistance."

"Resistance?" The man stepped back, his hand tightening around the grip of his weapon. "Then who are you to...Ben?"

"I'm not his enemy, I am his.... We're bonded, and I can find him if you help me."

"You're the Force," he said slowly, digesting the new information. The Knight turned to the others, before continuing, "But you're part of the Resistance. His death would benefit your cause."

Did he know what Kylo had done? Would he help her if he did? She knew Kylo had summoned them, but that was when he was Supreme Leader of the First Order. She decided it would be safer if they knew nothing. If Kylo wanted to tell them he defected, then she would wait for him to do it. "That may be, but I can't let him die."

"You love him." It wasn't a question. He could see through her as easily as Kylo could.

She nodded. "Please help me save him."

The Knight was quiet as he studied her. She was certain if he removed his mask, the unease in her belly would disappear. She was certain if he believed her, her bondmate would have a chance. "This bond—can you communicate telepathically? Share abilities and strengths? Contact one another at will?"

"Yes, we can see and speak to each other across the galaxy as if we're in the room together."

"Good, we can use that," he said, his voice deep and emotionless through the vocoder, "to save him."

She exhaled slowly in relief, biting her lip to hide a smile. "You'll help me?"

"If you're telling the truth, then Ben doesn't have a lot of time." His eyes lowered to her lightsaber. "But how do I know I can trust you?" She stared down at the hilt of her weapon, considered what it meant to her, then opened her palm, offering it to him.

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