Kylo's Plea

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Recon ships may have been unexpected, but how could they have not at least suspected the Order would commission recon droids in our search. Leia is smarter than that! There was no one monitoring ships in proximity on RADAR? No comms scans? No ordinances for daylight hours? No procedures at all? Did she not realize how far the grasp of Hux's army... my army reaches? What was she thinking?

Blue was the perfect projection of an obedient droid, rolling silently behind him as he maneuvered past the other officers.

"Lieutenant Mitaka, a word?" Kylo said to the man who had avoided eye contact with him since he had made his presence known on the Command Bridge. Based upon the man's paling expression, his tone had suggested the intended level of intimidation.

"Y...Yes, Supreme Leader?"

"Take a walk with me," he said, leading him away from the bridge.

"Is there a problem, sir?" the lieutenant asked, his voice trembling nearly as much as his hands.

"The directory indicates you oversee the reconnaissance missions to the Seitia Sector in the Outer Rim. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good." Kylo's eyes flashed seditiously. He waved two fingers discreetly as he manipulated the man's mind. "You will destroy and forget any reconnaissance information regarding Barkhesh. You will not relay information regarding Barkhesh to anyone else. When the squad from the Barkhesh mission returns, you will have them report directly to me. Barkhesh is of no interest to the First Order. You will not remember this conversation." The lieutenant mechanically repeated his words.


Rey's voice whispered in his head.

"That is all, Lieutenant." He considered choking the man to maintain appearances, but he was distracted. As Mitaka slinked back to the bridge, the Force crackled around him. No, not now. He concentrated intently on their bond, blocking his energy from the magnetism to her. The connection forming between them snapped shut. Good. He stormed back toward his chambers. I told her I was done. I can't do it anymore. Why won't she just leave me in peace?

Ben, I need your help! Please!

He sensed her energy clawing desperately at his mind, her terror shivered down his spine.

Go away! he groaned.

He was frustrated with himself that he would make resolutions, then immediately break them for her.

Poe is going to kill me! I told him we can't kill the stormtroopers because they have to check in regularly. Now he has a blaster to my head, he's demanding to know who gave me inside information on the First Order. He suspects it's you. I don't know what to do!

Her words crashed into him like a quarterstaff to the diaphragm, forcing the breath from his lungs. She was panicking, he could sense her mortal fear. Rey was not one to panic easily, and he knew Poe Dameron well enough to know that if he raised a weapon against her, he intended to use it. If Poe was demanding the truth, there would be dire consequences if he didn't receive it. Kylo ducked inside the nearest conference room, collapsing forward with both hands splayed on the table as he centered himself. There was no time to lose control. Rey needed him.

Kylo knew that it was inevitable that their bond would be discovered, when they were forced to answer for something that neither understood themselves. If fate were kinder – and it had been him who was discovered – Hux would have had him on his knees before an execution squad before third rotation. He had not considered what would happen to her if she were exposed first, though he never would have expected his mother to be as unforgiving as the First Order. That led him to the conclusion that the pilot was acting independently, which was far more dangerous.

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