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Blue beeped angrily at Kylo as he turned his back to him. Kylo was in a defensive posture, concentrating intently, his glowing red lightsaber poised to strike.

"Don't make me remove your chip," Kylo said as he concentrated in the Force. His attention was split by the three floating, spherical droids that surrounded him. At random intervals, one of them would fire a beam in his direction. His careful blocks did little to quell the droid's insistent beeps. "Death wish? Blue, the only droid in here who can kill me is you."

The droid would not be deterred, continuing to follow him as he moved fluidly through forms. He barreled into Kylo's feet, nearly knocking him over. "Fine, kill me, but then you'll just have to find someone else to follow around all day. I'll ask Hux –" Kylo jerked away when he felt a sharp spark on the back of his calf. "Hey!" he turned to point a finger at the droid in a way he hoped would look chastising, but instead just reminded him too much of his father. "Someone should have programmed you with a sense of humor." The droid beeped bitterly in retort. "Yes, I do!" Distracted by a combined assault between the droids in the air and the droid at his feet, one of the floating droids was able to circle behind him.

"Ben! Watch out!" He turned in surprise. He had been so distracted that he hadn't sensed Rey. His eyelids popped open to take in her concerned features. Sensing hesitation, the floating droids fired. He attempted to block all the beams, but one slipped through and hit him in the abdomen.

"No!" Rey gasped, as Blue whirred around in panic. He waved his hand, and the floating droids deactivated. Turning to her, he calmly pushed his hair out of his face.

"Training droids," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Why were your eyes closed! Do you have a death wish?" Blue whistled in affirmation, and Kylo groaned dramatically.

"You two deserve each other."

He was wearing a thin undershirt and his arm guards; it was obvious he was uninjured. Rey pushed him, clearly not as amused as he was. "You scared Blue!" He squinted one eye as sweat dripped from his brow, a shadow of a grin playing on the corners of his mouth.

"Just Blue?" The droid beeped at his feet, thoroughly chastening him. There was no anger or fear on Rey's face, however. It was that look again, the one he had seen during the last few connections. It was as if she were happy to see him. Though he didn't know why, he knew something had changed between them. It was disarming, but not at all unpleasant.

This is just a manifestation of your own desires, Ren, the voices in his head warned him.

He would have believed them—because why would she ever want him—had she not reached out and embraced him, sweaty mess and all. At first, he wasn't certain what her intentions were as she moved toward him. Tensing as he grasped her arm, he assumed she had tripped into him until he felt her arms firmly clutch onto him. It wasn't the first time she had done it, but that didn't make it any less surprising. He tentatively wrapped his arms around her, confused as ever, but he couldn't deny her anything.

"Why were you closing your eyes before?" she asked. She ran her hand through his hair, rolling the damp strands between her fingers, and it took everything in him not to close his eyes. If this was a dream, he wanted to enjoy it a little longer.

"To sense them in the Force," he said distantly, focusing on the warmth of her in his arms. It was terrifying, because he could see himself becoming accustomed to her touch. He coveted it. And he struggled to remind himself that this was only temporary, that all good things were only temporary. She stared up at him, expecting him to say more, and it took him a moment to remember what they were talking about. Clearing his throat, he added, "It's the first thing a Jedi learns, and probably the most important."

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