The Other Uncle

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Kylo paced in front of the holoprojector. This was a terrible idea, probably the worst idea he'd ever had, but he was running out of time. Hux's mutiny was imminent and the Force Destiny nearing completion. The rest of the galaxy had no idea what was hiding in the darkness. It was Kylo's destiny to stop it – he had to believe that – but to have a chance, he needed help. Kylo didn't want to call this man – especially not this man – but he was the only one who could help. The only question was – would he help the former Ben Solo? This man might have helped him at the Jedi temple, but that was before he became the Supreme Leader. Kylo had to believe he would again.

"Well, well, well, look what the loth-cat dragged in," a familiar voice from the holoprojector redirected his thoughts. "When I was told Ben Solo was on holocall for me, I couldn't believe it. I told him, 'Ben Solo wouldn't be calling me asking for any favors; Ben Solo told me himself that he's dead.' And yet... here you are. You've got guts, kid. I'll give you that."

He knew the man would throw a few verbal punches. After what Kylo had done, he deserved it. As apprentice to Snoke... Sidious, he had learned to harden himself against the pain it caused. "I appreciate you taking the holocall. I didn't expect –"

"You didn't expect what? For me to keep my promise? I said anything, Ben –"

"Kylo Ren –"

" – Except call you by that ridiculous name." The man pointed at him in a way that was achingly reminiscent of his father. "Though I hear you've got a new one now, 'Supreme Leader.' Who knew that the stupid, lost kid I picked up after he burned down his – " he adjusted his cape suavely, "less sophisticated uncle's Jedi temple would turn his back on his family and become the next Darth Vader? I never thought Han Solo's pride and joy would be the cause of his death. And yet – " He tilted back in his chair, feet crossed atop his desk, and opened his palms upward in a dramatic gesture, "here we are."

Kylo grit his teeth to restrain his sharp tongue. "I was not his pride and joy."

The man shifted his feet, so the chair swiveled side-to-side as his hands were clasped over his chest. It exuded an air of leisure and inconsequence. If only that were true. "I take that back; you're still the same stupid and lost kid," he said with a laugh. When Kylo remained stoic, his smile faded. "What do you want now? Last time I helped you, I unknowingly left you with the creature that turned you into this. If you think I'm going to help you further destroy the galaxy and yourself, you've got another thing coming."

Kylo knew asking for help was a stupid idea. Why would he help him after the pain he caused? Still, he had to try. "I thought you promised 'anything.'"

"I promised Ben Solo anything, not the Supreme Leader Kylo Ren," he said with a dismissive wave of his hand, the chair spinning away from the projector. When he came into view again, the smile had returned. "I'll tell you what, let's play a sudden death round of Sabaac. I win, you visit Bespin – without your posse of marching asshats. You win, I'll help you with whatever you need."

"Fine, but if you end up with an 'Idiot's Array,' I'll know you're a cheat. My father told me stories..." Kylo was grateful the man pulled a deck from his sleeve without addressing his reference to Han. He dealt them each two cards facedown, then lifted Kylo's cards to the holoprojector – a four of Staves, and a Master of Sabers. "Negative fifteen."

"Eighteen," Kylo answered.

The man began shuffling the cards again, keeping his eyes downcast as he spoke. "How are you, kid? You look terrible."

Kylo couldn't remember the last time someone asked him how he was. He couldn't remember the last time he considered it. Had there ever been an answer other than "barely holding it together?" He tapped the table to be dealt another card. "I'll be better if you help me."

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