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"Supreme Leader."

Kylo looked down at himself, clad only in training trousers and his arm guards, the straps crossing across his bare chest. He considered permanently disabling the Master Comms with his lightsaber, a more palatable option than answering it in his unprepared state. He had asked his general to update him on the success of his raid on Barkhesh, however. This was likely the report he—as the Supreme Leader—would be waiting for, and if he wanted to maintain appearances, then he knew it was a call he should answer. He should, despite confidently knowing how unsuccessful it would be.

The Supreme Leader had received an anonymous message early that morning announcing that "the transport has unloaded cargo successfully." He had no doubt it was from Maz, as she had promised. That was the deal, after all. On the cargo freighter outside Taris, he had provided the coordinates for the base on Dantooine. A few days later, he had received an encrypted message questioning his intention for providing those coordinates. His response had been simple; you know why. After a few more responses, it had been settled. No one would know who had given Maz those coordinates, but if she got Rey there safely, the First Order would never find that base. He had ensured it with a simple deletion in the archives. As far as the First Order was concerned, Dantooine had been destroyed by the Empire. He'd had confirmation of Maz's message that they had landed safely at the base when the Force connected him with Rey and her friend earlier.

He had been fresh out of a shower, and not just a sonic shower like most of the personnel had access to, but a real shower with water. Not that it mattered; he would have been exposed either way. The women didn't seem to be as uncomfortable as he was. The first time Rey had seen him without his full regalia, sans tunic after training, she had challenged him, so he had challenged her back. The second time they both had been so overwhelmed with grief that he hadn't considered it.

But this time he could only stand vulnerable before her, barely focused enough to consider that her friend could have posed a threat if she wished. Perhaps he was in a good mood, or perhaps he trusted her. He would have to trust one of her friends if he found a way to leave the First Order. He hadn't seen a way he could defect without leaving her or her friends at risk, but if they were safe on a planet unknown to the First Order... It was a chance. Obviously, he would have to lead the Order away from their base, but they would still have their bond. It was an unrealistic dream, but that was more than it had ever been before. Nothing could happen, of course, until he destroyed Force Destiny. Kylo could feel it in the Force; his destiny was fast approaching. Whatever was going to happen would happen soon, and he would ensure that Rey and the Resistance survived the war...even if it meant bringing down the First Order himself.

"Supreme Leader!" Hux barked again. Kylo pulled on a sleeveless undershirt and stormed into the other room to answer the comm.

"General?" Hux's visage appeared in hologram, and Kylo attempted to ignore how under-dressed he felt as water droplets dampened the collar of his undershirt. He was thankful Hux was not in the room with him, because he had a strict glove and mask policy around the man. In his current attire—or lack thereof—he felt positively exposed. If Hux noticed his lack of attire, he wasn't brave enough to say anything.

Kylo hardened his face into a blank expression. "I presume the assault was a resounding success? Do you have the girl?"

"The base was destroyed and abandoned," Hux sneered, teeth bared. Kylo feared the general was already growing suspicious of his contradictory intentions regarding the Resistance. "My troops are combing the jungle now."

Kylo chose a condescending demeanor to regain control. "Have you searched the temple?"

"What... you said nothing of a temple!" The remainder of the general's tirade was a series of spluttered curses and growls, focused on his men as he redirected their focus.

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