The Machine

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General Hux smiled through the Holovid. It was a diagram of a complex machine comprised of a deep, round, electrified chamber. There was a circular platform in the center of the chamber, hovering off the floor by powerful magnets. Affixed to the platform was a large, vertical glowing Kyber crystal partially submerged in a pool of liquid. Two circular revolving bars surrounded the platform. Smaller, glowing kyber crystals were attached to the inside of the bars. The diagram illustrated how extendable walkways connected to the platform for easy access.

The machine was labeled FORCE DESTINY.

The general closed the Holovid, handed it to an officer and nodded, dismissing him. "The pieces have fallen into place perfectly."

"What pieces, General?" The vocoder of Kylo's helmet hissed and spat as he spoke, but he held his head high as the Supreme Leader should. Kylo waited for Hux's smile to fade, as it usually did when he entered the bridge, but it only grew wider. The general's eyes resembled a predator's, and Kylo was only familiar with them looking more like prey. Kylo's pace slowed as he sensed he was walking into an ambush. His eyes narrowed. He had the impulse to choke Hux, to regain control over him again, but he was too curious about what he was going to reveal.

"Force Destiny, of course...Supreme Leader," he chuckled. Kylo was grateful for the emotionless expression the mask provided as he searched the general's expression for the meaning behind his words.

"Force Destiny?" He managed an unconvincing chuckle. "This better not be your next Starkiller base, Hux. Its design flaws were too extensive; I will not risk creating another one." Kylo had wanted nothing to do with the first one. He would never allow Hux to create another. The control he had felt over the situation was fading. The dread started to crawl under his skin, as the Force clawed at his intuition. Something was coming. Something big. The general had a different air about him. He did not seem as careful to choose his words. His fear of a physical reaction was missing from his relaxed demeanor.

Hux smiled. His words were derisive and mocking. "Are you telling me that the mighty Kylo Ren, Snoke's very own apprentice, was not made aware of Force Destiny?"

"Should I have been?"

Hux stared at his gloves, adjusting them with casual inconsequence although his words were anything but. "I suppose not; it's just the detailed plan put in place to be carried out at the event of his untimely death."

The what?

He hadn't realized he had said the two words aloud until Hux's eyes flashed up to his visor. His General began laughing, but Kylo couldn't find it in him to be angry as his mind reeled. Snoke's plan. Snoke had a plan. Of course, he had a plan. Why didn't I see it before? "This is just too good," Hux continued in a fit of laughter. "You're telling me you have no knowledge of the most powerful machine the Dark Side has ever created."

His patience was wearing thin. The general continued to laugh at him, and Kylo couldn't allow him that advantage. "Do I have to pry it out of you? I don't think either of us wants me inside your mind."

His threat had the intended effect. Hux's face pinched in disgust. "This machine manipulates the Force and individuals like yourself and Snoke who are sensitive to it. It can take life... and restore it." He eyed Kylo, waiting for him to make the connection, waiting for fear or panic to tighten or shudder through him. Kylo hid behind his mask, but, internally, he was terrified.

No. It's impossible.

"Certainly, you've studied it in all of your extensive training sessions," Hux continued. "Why wouldn't you; Snoke had first-hand knowledge of the machine, after all. But surely you know better than anyone that Snoke lived before. How did you think he was reincarnated last time?"

Kylo was thankful for the mask. "Snoke was... reincarnated before," he said, more to himself than his subordinate, attempting to wrap his mind around something straight out of a nightmare. He briefly considered whether he was suffering hallucinations from sleep deprivation. His spiraling thoughts were drawn back to focus when Hux spoke again.

"He was betrayed by his own apprentice."

He could barely conceal the shuddering fear in his voice. "What did you say?"

"That was why he had to be reincarnated before – he was betrayed by his own apprentice. You were his apprentice for all those years, surely he told you that your own grandfather once knelt before him as you did?" Hux paused, watching him for a reaction. The implication of his words shuddered down Kylo's spine. He knew Hux noticed. "Or did he have reasons not to trust you, Ren?" The general stressed every word as if he was giving one of his inciting, demagogue speeches.

If Vader knelt before him, then he was... Sidious.

It was impossible, yet his intuition screamed that it was true. Kylo could not find his voice to answer. The general's smile was wide and malicious, his eyes wild with excitement. The gravity in the room felt heavy, crushing the breath from Kylo's chest. His stomach churned. In an instant, everything had changed. Whatever the consequences, he decided in that moment that he could not allow them to succeed in building that machine. He cleared his throat. "When will construction begin?"

"It already has," the general replied clandestinely. "The machine will be mobile. It should be constructed in time for the repairs to be finished on the Supremacy...."

"The Supremacy is salvageable?"

"Yes, thankfully the anarchists did not damage any vital components with their little stunt. Kuat-Entralla maintains that the severed starboard wing will be a labor-intensive but relatively uncomplicated, fix." Kylo hated surprises. He was the Supreme Leader. How had he not known any of this? Once the general realized Kylo would remain in agitated silence, he continued. "Once the Finalizer docks on the finished Supremacy, Force Destiny will be transferred to its permanent location. Perhaps the throne room?"

"Any other news you care to share?" Kylo managed to rasp.

"That is all," the general grinned derisively. "For now."

"Carry on, then," he replied as flatly as the hurricane of emotions raging inside him would allow. "And contact Bazine Netal. Inform her to send for the Knights of Ren."

If I'm going to do this, I'll need all the help I can get.

He turned and walked slowly yet deliberately off the bridge, refusing to make eye contact with any of the officers.

"It was an ingenious plan if you think about it, Ren," Hux called after him, "Even you should know that darkness can not be destroyed. And when you're at the top, everyone else wants your power. There's only one place to go. Someone is bound to betray you eventually."

Kylo swallowed his fear as reality crashed through him. He manipulated the Force to remain upright as Hux continued shouting after him. "Soon, Force Destiny will be finished, and Snoke will return to lead the First Order to domination over the entire galaxy!"

When Kylo was out of sight, Hux turned around to contemplate the vast expanse of space through the large viewports of the bridge. "Who are the Knights of Ren?" he wondered aloud. "Did Snoke have an army of Force users he kept secret? A week ago, this news would have been unnerving, but that was before my little discovery. This will be easier than anticipated. Snoke's secret weapons will play into my hand perfectly."

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