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Rey felt an energy rippling underneath her skin. It wasn't the after-effects of the Force lightning; she remembered how that felt. No, this was different. She was different. Something had happened to her inside Force Destiny, and she didn't understand what. Had it taken something from her? She tested her Force powers by nudging the droid back and forth, but he was too distracted to notice.

Blue watched Ben closely as they moved down the corridors. Rey knew Blue's concern matched her own. Ben was distracted with whatever plan he was contemplating in his head, so she stared at his face, analyzing every detail, every twitch of expression. He wasn't telling her something. She did know he was in need of a med bay. He was growing weaker. Delaying medical care could leave lasting damage. What if the Force never returned?

The side of his face was slowly being consumed by the poison of darkness, but his eyes had never looked less...conflicted. He was facing the task of bringing down the entire First Order, without any help from the Force. She could still feel his anger—his darkness—radiating through the bond, but no conflict. The last time she had felt him so calm and sure—so resolute—was when she was on her knees before him in the throne room.

He's here. He's really here. And this isn't the conflicted Ben I knew. This is the true Ben Solo. He still has darkness, he still has his past, but he is no longer tearing himself apart. He is following his heart and doing what he knows is right. It's just him and what he wants...not the manipulations and desires of others. He's finally just being Ben. And I love him more for it. Not only did he come for me, but he is helping the Resistance take down the First Order. He's changed. He's the man I knew he could be.

The problem was, that didn't ease her fear. Something deep inside her, something knowing, screamed to render him unconscious and drag him back to the Falcon. But something else was begging her to wait, have patience, have hope. Everything would be okay as long as she never lost hope. Ben was doing everything she had ever hoped for; he would end the war. Still, she felt the impending weight of their destiny upon them. She didn't fear for him. He was strong, powerful, and smart. He'd had dangerous wounds before and fought through it; he had survived much worse. She believed he could save the galaxy without the Force.

So why do I feel like time is running out? What is he not telling me?

Ben caught her staring at him and frowned until she reached up and swept his hair from his face. There was a shadow of a smile that flashed across his lips. He looked so different in the clothes he had found. Save for his memories, she had never seen him in any color other than black. The deep, blood-red looked good on him. If he had found the clothes on the Falcon, she knew who they must have belonged to. The sleeves were rolled up, and the top buttons were left undone due to their size difference. The black vest reminded her of Han, but it fit him well.

Her thoughts were interrupted by his strong hand on her arm, halting her progress. Blue whirred at him in confusion. He didn't speak for a moment, pacing erratically. He stopped abruptly and pinned her with his stare. "Rey, I have to tell you something that I should have told you before; but if I don't tell you now, I might never get the chance to tell you." They had stopped in front of a large viewport, ships blasting by in the immense firefight outside. But his eyes never left hers. Stars and bright orange fireballs reflected in them as he stared at her, chewing his words anxiously.


She could imagine it, him telling her the news that weighed on his mind. Was she losing him again? Would she be forced to leave on the Falcon without him for the last time? His hand gently cupped her cheek.

"Rey..." There was a warning in the Force, and she sensed that members of the enemy were near. She grabbed Ben by the arm, pulling him into a nearby room. Blue skidded into the room just as the first two troopers rounded the corner.

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