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Caedus threw Rey forward into the snow. "Go to him," he commanded. She stood hesitantly and walked toward Kylo, swallowing the uncertainty brought forth by Jaina's words. What if she woke him and he wanted Jaina instead? She grasped on tightly to the hope flickering through her dark thoughts. Why would he save you if none of it was real? You know him, in the bond, better than anyone. Her eyes were fixed on her bondmate, though she was aware of every Knight's movement over her shoulder. As she knelt beside him, a familiar energy caressed her senses. Ben. The comfort of his presence in the Force stole her breath away. I am so selfish. She found relief in sensing his awakening, knowing the suffering it would cause.

As his energy grew stronger, she could feel his pain radiate through the bond. "Ben?" Her body shook in anticipation, hoping that he wouldn't wake for his own sake, but yearning to hear his voice again. She could feel his heart beating rapidly and erratically, the vile poison had already corrupted his system and seized control. He gasped again, and his chest arched as it dug its toxic claws in deeper. Rey could feel it burn as if it was invading her own lungs.


Maybe the dose will be so strong that it will take your mind far, far away from this nightmare.

His energy was uneven as she felt him reach out into the Force, fighting against the black prison that provided him with just enough awareness for him to recognize his captivity in its deadly grasp. His eyes fluttered open.

"Rey?" He winced in pain as she collapsed upon his chest at the sound of his voice. His body was shaking underneath her. She was uncertain if it was because of the cold or the toxic substances coursing through his veins, until she heard him sob, "I never thought I'd see you again." The pain in his voice broke her heart, knowing what they had done to him, but hearing it again left her with a sole determination; she would save him. She didn't care to consider if it was a purely selfish endeavor, she wouldn't give up on him.

You can survive this. You have to. We'll get you help.

"Me, too," she said, sitting up to tenderly brush his hair from his face with her shackled hands, smiling through her tears. He was in agony, but his eyes were brimming with something warm and gentle. There was so much she needed to tell him, but all she could think when staring into those eyes was, I love you. The rest of the galaxy faded away as the comfort of the bond surrounded them. For a fleeting moment in time between breaths, everything was perfect again. Then she was suddenly and violently ripped from his arms.


"That's enough of that," Caedus growled, "It's time for Kylo Ren to pay for his crimes against the First Order. You decide, Jedi... a quick, relatively painless death by the lightsaber he wielded to commit his treasonous crimes...or a slow death of extensive suffering worthy of the severity of betraying his title and everything we stand for."

"No!" She knew struggling was useless, even with the Force she was drastically outnumbered, but she couldn't allow them to take him from her. If she died fighting to save him, then so be it. She loved him and he wouldn't have been there if it weren't for her. Channeling her anger, she barreled into the Knight. Caedus was knocked onto his back, his lightsaber sliding away through the icy snow. Rey scrambled for it, her fingers wrapping around its hilt when a boot stomped down on her hand. The lightsaber snapped up to Jaina's hand, who stared down at her with a wicked smile.

"Fine. I'll let him choose," Caedus said, his voice emotionless behind the modulator, but she knew he was irritated by the clench of his fists. "Dorsk. Shut her up." Another pair of boots came into view and she was pulled into a kneeling position against her will. She was overcome with the same paralysis she had felt that day on Takodana. She tried to resist it, but her connection to the Force was too weak against his power.

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